HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 02022 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Fullerton BY AU'l'BOIUTY ORDillAllCB BO. 20, SBRIBS OP 1966 All ORDillAllCB APPROPRU'l'IIJG SUMS POR ALL MUBICIPAL PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF B8QLBWOOD, COLORADO, DI TBB PISCAL YBAR BBGDlllDIG JAIJUARY 1, 1967, ARD ENDING D .·e.4 • 1. ~-31, 1967, C098'1'I'l'U'l'DIG 11BA'l' IS 'l'BRllBD '1'BB Am1UAL APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 'BIB PISCAL DAR 1967. BB I'l' 01 . • I I I I . BY !'BB CITY COUllCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP DGLBWOOD, COLORADO: t;;tion 11 !'hat there be and there i• hereby appropriated from the revenue derivlii fraa taxation in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, from the collection of licen.. f .. a and frca all other aourcea of revenue during the year beginning January 1, 1967, and ending December 31, 1967, the mnount• hereinafter set forth for the abject• and purpoaea apecified and aet oppoaite theeeto, specifically as follows, to-vita Legialation and Counael Judici~ llanag-nt Pinanc:e and Record Public Work• Pire Protection Police Protection Building Inapection Parka and Recreation Planning and 'l'raf f ic Library 'l'Otal General Fund GBllBRAL PUllD PUBLIC IMPROVBMBl1'1' PUl1D conatruction, reconatruction, inatallations and c::ontingencie• source of Supply Power and Puaping Purification 'l'ran..U.aaion and Diatribution cuatcmer Account and Collection• Ad-iniatrative and General Debt Service Capital Plant and Bquip119nt 'l'Otal Water Fund 'l'reat:llent Sanitary Syat- CUate11er Account and Collection• Ad-iniatrative and General Debt Service Capital Plant and Bquipment 'l'Otal Sewer Pund WA'l'BR PUBD SBWBR PUBD PARJt IMPROVBllBl1'1' PUllD Acquiaition, developaent, conatruction, installation, relocation expenaea, related expenaea and contingenciea1 $ 67,623.00 13,l.93.00 12/214.jOO 82,057.00 357,144.00 282, 723. 00 397,304.00 159,877.00 115,683.00 105,484.00 103,851.00 $1,727,163.00 $ 226,000.00 $ 15,972.00 94,774.00 68,555.00 118,792.00 38,088.00 95,950.00 274,648.00 66,955.00 $ 773,734.00 $ 78,457.00 15,948.00 6,161.00 36,974.00 69,425.00 41,000.00 $ 247,965.00 $ 407,514.00 fec:tion 2. 'l'hat all 110nie• in the hand• of the City Clerk-Treasurer or to ca1•nto hla hand• for the fiacal year of 1967 aay be applied on the outstanding claill8 now due or to beccae due in the •aid fiacal year of 1967. Sf:~n 3. 'l'hat all unappropriated JDOnie• that aay come into the hands of the City C e -'l'reaaurer during the year 1967 aay be ao diatributed among the respec- tive fund• herein a• the City Council aay deem beat under such control as is pre- 8Cribed by law. Section 4. That during or at the close of the fiscal year of 1967, any surplus llODey In any of the reapective fund•, after all claiaa for 1967 against the same have been paid .. y be diatributed to any other fund or fund• in the discretion of the City Council. I I I ' I Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, at a regular meeting on the 3rd day of October, 1 966, and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterprise. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 17th day of October, 1966, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~~//µ__ .,,.. '"""'" llayor ---------- A'ft'BST1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced, read, paaaed on firat reading and ordered publiahed as a bill in the Bnglewood S.rald and Bnterpri .. at a regular .. eting of the City council held on the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1966, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication as a bill the above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered published in said legal newapaper by the City Council at a regular aeetin9 held on the 17th day of October, A.D. 1966, a• Ordinance Ro. 20, Serie• of 1966, of aaid City. A'l"l'BST1 ~r:a-wf~ as r ,,..