HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 02124: Introduced a• a Bill by Councilaan Rice BY AUTllORITY ORDDIAllCB RO. 21, SBRIBS OP 1966 All 08DDNICB PIXDIG '1'llB 'l'AX LBVY D llILLS UPOll BACH DOLLAR OP THE ASSESSED VALUA.,JO. OP ALL 'l'ADBLB PlmPBRl'Y 11I'l'llD '1'llB Cift' OP BRGLBMOOD, COLORADO, FOR THE DAil 1967. •sm&, it ia th• duty of th• City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, under th• Charter of aaid City and Statute• of the State of Colorado, to make the annual levy for City pm'po••• for the year 1966, due and payable in 1967; and WHIP.BAS, it ia nec:eaaary for an additional apecial levy to maintain the Firemen's Penaion PUnd at a r-80nmble levelr and wac•.BAS, it i• nec•••ary for an additional apecial levy to pay interest on water bond• iaaued aa general obli9ation of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado; and WBBIBAS, the City Council haa duly conaidered the eatimated valuation of all of the tax.bl• property within the City and the need• of the City for each of said leviea, and baa detenained that the levie• a• hereinafter aet forth are prQPer and wt .. , .. , 'l'llBRBPOU, • I'l' ORDAillBD BY '1'llB CITY COUllCIL OP TBB CITY OP BRGLEWOOD, COLORAD01 .ion 1. !'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1966, due and p; le aa required by Statute• in the year 1967, a tax of 13.587 mills on the dollar for th• General Pund of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. l!ction 2. '!hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1966, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year 1967, a tax of .503 of a mill on the dollar for the Piraaen'• Penaion Pund of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. Section 3. !'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1966, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year 1967, a tax of .198 of a mill on the dollar for the Water Pund of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, for retirement of bond• and intereat thereon. ltc:ti09 4. '!hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1966, due and payable a• requirld by-the Statute• in the year 1967, a tax of 1.013 of a mill on the dollar for the Public Iaprov-nt Pund. muon 5. !'bat each and every levy h•r•inabove •et forth •hall be levied upon eachlar of the aa .. aaed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate liaita of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, and the aaid levie• •hall be certified a• by law required. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, at a regular meeting on the 3rd day of October, 1966, and ordered publiahed a• a bill in the Bn9lewood Herald and Bnterprise. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, tbia 17th day of October, 1966, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~-~ · -FMa~r Aiimft'1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance -introduced, read, paaaed on firat reading and ordered published· as a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1966, and that at leaat 7 days after above publication a• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered published in said legal DM1apaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of October, A.D. 1966, aa Ordinance Bo. 21, Serie• of 1966, of said City. A'l"l'BST1 1 - , L"