HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 0031·14
Introduced a• a Bill by councilaan Pullerton
ORDDIAllCB .:>. 3, SBRIBS OP 1968
OP lmGLlnlOOD llY AIJDIBG 'l'llBRB'1'0 A IDlf CBAPnR 23A, 1111ICB RBLA'l'BS
LVl'Alft'l r PROVIDBS IOR '1'BB APPLICA'nOB, Am118Il'l'D'l'IOB AllD m-
1K>m, 001m'1'Y OP ARAPAllOB, S'l'ATB OP COLORADO, aa followas
seciion 1. The llunicipal Code of the City of Bnglewood,
COlorado, 18 ereby -nded by the addition thereto of a new
chapter 23A which ahall read aa follow••
Chapter 23A
Air lollution Co4•
•23A.l J;:Ji•lative Pindinga, Purpo•• of Ordinance and
De lDlilona.
2SA.l-l L!gi•l~ive Pindinaa. 'lb• City Council finds
that the reaaon le contro~and regulation of activities
which are cau•ill9 or .. Y cau.. pollution or contamination
of th• air i• required for th• protection and preaerva-
tion of public health, aafety and welfare.
23A.1-2 Stft ... gt~f Purpo••;ftf Intent. '!he City
council dee area t purpoaelntmt of thi• ordinance
i• to iapoae auch reatrictiona and r9CJ11altion• on the
..U.aaion of pollutant•, contlllinan~a and other material•
into the llllbient air a• well aaaure that the ambient
air in the City of Bn9l.wood will be reaaonably pure
and fr•• frcm 8110ke, contlllinanta or ayner9i•tic a41enta
injuriou• to hwa, plant or animal life, or property,
or the conduct of buain•••, and to enforce the laws
of th• State of COlorado, and a41enciea thereof, within
the corporate liait• of the City of Bn9lewood.
23A.l-3 Title. 'l'hi• Chapter of the Municipal Code
ahall be kDOWli and aay be cited aa the Air Pol:l:u&ion
Code, or the Air Pollution COd• of the City of Bll9le-
~, COlorado. ··
23A.1-4 Genera1;19finitio9· Por the purpo•e• of this
Chapter word• ualn the pural •hall include the aingu-
lar and word• uaed in the aingular •hall include the
plural. Word• of the aaaculin• 9ender •hall include
the f..U.nin• and neuter, and vice veraa, wben nece•-
aary to effectuate the proviaion of thi• Chapter.
23A.l-5 S~ific Definition•. UDl••• the context
clearly in~atea a different meanin9, the following
word• and phraaea, when uaed in thi• Chapter 23A, shall
be conatrued to bear th• followin9 -anin9a1
Air Cleani:f Device. Any aethod, proce•• or
8CiUliaent !Ch remove•, reduce•, or render•
le•• noxioua air contaminant• diacharged into
the atmoaphere.
Air Cont~nant. A duat, fuae, 9aa, mi•t, amoke,
vapor, (~er than water vapor alone), pollen,
or any cambination thereof.
Air Contamination Source. Any .Gurce whataoever
at, fraa, or by reaaon of which there i• .U.tted
or diacharged into th• atlloapbere any air con-
Air contllliplftt or Baiaaion. 'fhe diacharge into
the atmoaPiiere of one or aore air contaminants
which contribute to a condition of air pollution.
Air Pollution. 'lb• preaence in th• atlm>•phere
of one or aore air contllllinanta in quantitie•,
of characteriatica, and of a duration throu9h-
out the City of Bn9l.wood or throuCJhout auch
area• of the City of Bft9lewood aa ahall be
affected thereby, which are injurioua to h1DDan,
plant, or anillal life or to property, or which
unreaaonably interfere with the caafortable en-
jo)'llent thereof.
Allbiept Air. '1'he aurrounding or out•ide air.
19Hd. 'fhe Air Pollution Variance Board of the
County of Arapahoe of the State of Colorado.
1Qi•f Builclina In•n:tor. Chief Building Inapector
or the city of Ing ewOOd, Colorado.
kl.· A fo1:1al••• fluid which occupie• apace and
Wlil"ch can be changed to a liquid or •olid state
only by increa•ing pre••ur• with decreased tem-
perature with increa•ed of controlled preaaure.
Per80n. Any individual, public or private or
qua•ljiublic corporation, partner81dp, association,
firm, tru•t, ••tate, State of Colorado or any
departllent, in•titution or IMJeDCY thereof, any
mmicipal corporation, county, city and county,
or other political aubdivi•ion of the State of
COlorado, or any other legal entity whatsoever
which i• recognized by law as the nbject of
right• and duties.
23A.2 Open Burning.
a. It 8hall be unlawful for any per80n to burn or
perait to be burned on any open premi•e• owned or controlled
by hill or an any public str-t, ~ley, or other land or premises,
any rubbiah, wa•t• paper, wood, or other flr aabl• material,
unl••• a penlit thereofre 8hall fir•t have been obtained from
the Air Polluti~ control Officer of the Tri-county District
Health Departaent and counter•igned by the Chief of the Fire
Department or the Chief Building Inspector of the City of
Bnglewood, or any authorized de•ignee thereof. 'l'he granting or
denying of •uch perait •hall be based upon the location and
praxi•tty of •uch burning to any building or other •tructure,
the potential contribution of such burning to air pollution
in the area when the .... violate• eaai••ion atandard• established
by the 111W8 of the State of Colorado or .regulation• and restrictions
of the Board of county CClllllli••ioner• of Arapahoe county, State
of Colorado.
b. 'fhi• sub•ection shall not apply to:
(1) Burning in the cour•e of any agricultural
operation in the growning of crops aa a gainful
(2) Pires u•ed for non-cC111Dercial cooking of
food for human being• or for instructional or
recreational purposes.
(3) SIDokele•• flare• or •afety fl•~·· for
the cCllbu•tion of waate ga•e•1 or,
(4) Plar•• u•ed to indicate some danger to
the public.
236. 3 ~pen Burning Permit. All open fire•, bonfires and outdoor
traah f re•, When pemltted, •hall be nbject to •uch copditiona
and re•triction• a• the Air Pollution Officer and the Pire Chief
pre8Cribe. llo 8UCh fire •hall be ignited without having first
obtained a penlit fraa the Air Pollution Control Officer of the
'fri-county Di•trict Health Department and countersigned by the
Pire Chief or Chief Building In•peetor of the City of Bnglewood,
or the authorised de•iCJD-thereof.
23A.4 Incinerator.£:rni£:. On and after the fir•t day of
February 1968, It all unlawful for any per80n to burn any
CCllbu•tibl• refu•e in any incinerator within the City except in
an approved multiple-chmaber incinerator or in equipaent found
by the Ari Pollution Control Office of the 'fri-COunt:y Deatrict
Health Departllent. In advance of auch u•e, to be equally effective
for the purpo•e of air pollution control a• an approved multiple-
chaliber incinerator.
a. It shall be unlawful for any per80n to operate
or cau•• to be operated, any incineraU>r in such a
manner a• to create eaai••ion• which violate .. i•aion
•tandard• a• e•tabli•hed by the law• of the State of
Colorado or regualtion• and re•triction• of the Board
of County COnni••ioner• of Arapahoe County, State of
23A.5 Variance•. Any per80n having been denied a permit to
burn either by open burning or by incinerator burning, which
aay be in violation of the provi•ion• of the foregoing •ectiona,
•Y apply to the Air Pollution Variance Board of the County of
Arapahoe, State of Colorado, created by appropriate re•olution
duly adopted by the Board of county CC.-i••ioner• thereof, for
a variance frcm the term• and condition• of thia Chapter1 if a
variance i• obtained frcm •aid Board, then burning •hall be
pezaitted under •uch re•triction• and condition• a• may be im-
po•ed by •aid Board.
23A.6 Bntrance of Pr.UH• •. It •hall be unlawful for any person
to refu•e to adidt any mwher of the Tri-County Di•trict Health
Department, or the Pire Department,· Police Department, or Chief
Building In•pector of the City of Bbglewood, or any authorized
de•ignee thereof, to any property, pr811li••• or place, at rea-
monable tiae• upon pre•entation of identification credentials,
for the purpo•e of determining whether or not there i• a viola-
tion of any of the provi•ion• of thia Chapter. If not admitted,
and order froaa a court of ccmpetent juri8diction may be obtained
for much adllittance. A qualified per•on frcm the pr911li•e invol-
ved aay accompany the authorized officer, provided that •uch
permon i• aade available without unnec•••ary delay mo a• not to
ob•truct the purpo•e of the inve•tigation.
23A.7 unlawful Act•. It •hall be unlawful for any permon in
any •anner to hIDder, delay, re•i•t,prevent or in any way inter-
fere or att81pt to interfere with any official in the performance
of hi• inve•tigation• of •u•pected air pollution violation• or
of any other violati. on• of any of the provi•ion• of thi• Chapter,
or to refuae to permit hia to perform hi• dutie• by refu•ing
mtrance to the pr-1••• under the condition• pre8Cribed herein.
23A.8 Prohibition. It •hall be unlawful for any per•on to
diacharge frcm any mource what•oever, •uch quantiti•• of air
cont.U.nant• or other material• which cau•• or have a tendency
to cauae injury, detriment, nui•ance, or annoyance to the general
public or •hich endanger• the coaafort,repo•e, health, or •afety
of any •uch permon of the general public or to the general .public,
or which cau•e or have a natural tendency to cauae injury or e_. to !main••• or property.
23A.9 Penalty for Violation•. Any violation of any provi•ion
of thi• 2hapter •hill be a ... ed to have been a violation of a
llUDicipal ordinance and any party guilty of a violation may,
in addition to 8'1bjecting hia8elf or her•elf to 8UCh other penalties
or r-edie• contained herein, be pro•ecuted in the municipal court
of the City of Bnglewood and •hall be •abjected to tho•• fines
and other penalti•• a• .. Y be iapo•ed for a violation of tlli•
Code purauant to the provi•ion• of Chapter 27 of thu code.
23A.10 Condition• Rot in violation• of thi• paHer. Any acts
or Olli.aalon• In violation of the provl•lon• o th • Chapter
which are a direct re•ult of up•et condition• in, or breakdown
of any operating equipaent or related air pollution control equip-
.. nt, or a• a direct re•ult of the •hutdown of much equipnent
for acheduled llaintenance, •hall not be d ... ed to be in violation
of thi• eftapter, provided, that the Air Pollution Control Officer
of the Tri-county Di8trict Health Departaent i• notified aa soon
a• reamonably po••ible and followed by written notice to said
Air Pollution Control Officer that nece••ary and rea•onable action
i• being taken to correct the condition• cau•ing said violation
and to prevent auch condition• in the future.
23A.ll Severabiltty. Should any part or portion of this Chapter
be held or declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdic-
tion, much holding or declaration ahall not invalidate or otherwise
affect, the r .. aining part• or portion• her.Of, it being the
expr•••ed legi•lative intent of the City Council that each and
every word, phra•e, clau•e, and pr09i•ion.i• ldl4e~t of~ aad ·
.. parable fraa, each and every other word, phrase, clause, and
proviaion contained herein.
fection 2. 123.10 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood
• hereby expreaaly repealed.
Introduced and paa•ed on fir•t reading by the City Council
of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado and ordered publiahed as a
bill in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpri•e at ita regualr meeting
on the 4th day of December,A.D. 1967.
Pa••ed on final reading by the City Council of the City
of Bnglewood, COlorado thi• 15th day of January, 1968 and ordered
publi•hed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri••·
Atteata ~~~
1, .