HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 004I :I Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Parkinaon BY AUTBORITY ORDillAllCB BO. 4, SBRIBS OP 1968 AB ORDDIAllCB AllBRDillG 117.17-4 (f) OP TBB llURICIPAL CODB OP '1'llB CI'l'Y OP B&GLBllOOD TO RmUIRB ALL PBRSOBS MOVDIG HOUSES OR OiilBk STRUC'IUDS WITllD '1'BB C%'1'Y OP BRGl·mK>OD '1'0 OftAIB A BUILDDG BlllI'f, PUJtSUAll'l' '1'0 '1'llB PIOVISIOllS OP 'l'BB CHAPTER 13 OP '1'llB llUllICIPAL CCJDB OP '1'llB cr.l'Y OP BRGLBllOOD, BBPORB MOVING A11Y SUCH JIDUSB OR STRUCtURB, AID> DBCLARDIG All BllBRGDCY. BB I'f OltMDIBD BY 'ftlB CITY COUllCIL OP TBB CI'l'Y·OF BllQLBllOOD, •• follow•• Secti~n 1. 117.17-4 (f) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl.-H! la hereby -ended to read •• follows: •(f) 'fhe applicant preaent• written proof that he has obtained th• penU.aaion of that governmental agency exercising juriadiction over the propaed aite to which the building is to be llOVed, to place the building upon aaid propoaed aite, whether the aaid propoaed aite i• located within or without the City of Bngl9WOOd. If either the aite froa which the building is being lloved, or the propoaed aite to which the building is to be moved, i• within the City of Bnglewood, the applicant muat obtain all pend.ta required by the proviaion• of Chapter 13 of the llUDicipal COd• of th• City of Bnglewooct.• Secti! 2. In view of the fact that there may be a queation a• toether the preaent ordinance• of the City of Engle wood require any peraon moving a building or atructure within th• City to obtain a building permit, •• required by Chapter 13 of th• Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, where the site to mich th• building or atructure i• to be moved · i• not located within th• City of Bn9lewood, and in view of the fact that regula- tion and inapection of auch building• and aite• are indispenaable to the preaervation of the health, aafety and welfare of the reaident• of the City of Bnglewood, City Council hereby finds and declare• that an -rgency exi•t• and that the imaediate pa••-.r• of thi• ordinance i• neceaaary for the preaervation of the public health, aafety and welfare, by reaaon of which, thi• or- dinance ahall take effect ilmaediately upon it• final paaaage. Introduced, read in full, paaaed on fir•t reading and unaniaoualy approved by a quorum preaent at the regular meeting of City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, hela on the 2nd day of January, A.D., 1968. Pa••ed on final reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood at a regular meeting of City council held on the 15th day of January, A.D., 1968, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae • . ~ Atteata .....