HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 006120 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Fullerton. BY AU'l'BORI'l'Y ORDIDllCB BO. 6, SBRIBS OP 1968 All ODDIAllCZ MD1DIBG '1'llB llUJIICIPAL CODB OP '1'BB CITY OP ..U.lllOOD, COLORADO, BY ADDIBG '1'BBRB'1'0 A ll1nr SBC'l'IOR 18.14 maGISMDG AllD AV'dlORIZDG tllB .. ICZPAL JUJ>GB '1'0 ISSUB SBARCB DRRAll'fS !O llmllCIPAL OPPICIALS POR SUCH IBSPBC'l'IOR AS · MUST BB llADB !O DSUD CDIPLIAllC.B Wl'l'B ALL LA118 OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP mGLDOOD AllD PUSC818Im '1'118 ftAID>NU>S POR 'IBB ISSUAllCB OP 'l'BB WARRUT, '1'BB CGllU!I OP !'BB WAIUl.\11'1', MID 'IBB MlmR OP BXBCU'l'IOB OP SUCH 1IARRAlft'. BB IT o..-DIBD BY TBB CITY COUllCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP BmLl'llOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•s ~tion 1. 'lb• nuaiaipal Code of the City of Bnqlewood Colorado, ~bereby .. ended by addinq thereto a new •ection 18.14 which •hall read a• follow•s •118.14 Search •arrant• for In•pection of Premiaes or Property. 118.14-1 Gr,und• for I••u19ce. The Municipal Judge, or 8Ubatitute Municipa Ju&je .. Y l•.u• ••arch warrants for the inapection of •tructure•, pr-1••• or property by a aunicipal official or inapector, upon proper application therefor. Such March warrant aay be i••ued under thi• •ection for the inspec- tion and exmaination of any •tructure, premi•e•, or property: (a) When it •atiafactorily appear• to the Municipal Judqe, or aubatitute Municipal Judqe, that the appli- cant for the warrant i• required to make the inspection by law, requlation or routine policy of inapection and enforc-ent of th• City of BnglMIOOd,Colorado, and that, for the purpoH of makinq a caaplete in•pection, th• applicant will be required to 90 upon any privately owned pr.U.••• or property, or enter any privately owned •tructure, or, (b) When it •ati•factorily appear• to the Municipal Jud9• or •ub•titute Municipal Judge, that there are rea80nabl• ground• for believing that a violation of the llullicipal Code of the City of Bllglewood has occurred or i• occurring, and that there i• probable cau•• to believe that a ••arch of the privately owned atructure, pr-1••• or property will diacloae .vidence of the .. an• or the fruit• of auch violation•. 118.14-2 Pr3tdur• for I••u:yce. An application for the ia.uance of a Har warranE author sad by the provi•ion• of 118.14-1 shall be accompanied by one or 110r• affidavit• or, -.... in lieu thereof, .worn te•tillony taken by the Judge to whom the application i• aad• which affidavit• or teatimony shall ••t forth the factual ba••• for the ia.uance thereof. If the Judqe, to whCll th• application i• made, i• aati•fied that there exit• 4JrOUnd• for the ia.uance ot a ••arch warrant, he •hall iaaue the .... , which warrant •hall identify the premi••• ot property to be inapected or ••arched. 'l'he warrant shall be directed to any official or inapector authorised by law or r94)Ualtion to make auch inapection or ••arch in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado and .. shall atate the qround• for its i••uance and the n••• of the per-·· aon• who•• af fidavi~• or teatimony have been taken in support thereof. It •hall cc and the official or in•pector to whom it i• directed forthwith to inapect or to ••arch th• atructure, pr-1H• or property for the rea.on •pecif ied and in the caae of a warrant i•ned upon th• ground• atated in •18.14-1 (b), to Hi .. any evidence discovered in the cour•• of the ••arch. 118.14-3 l!QDic• of Warrant. 'l'h• official or inapector •akinq th• in•pection' er the warrant •hall give to the owner or occupant of the •tructure, premi•e• or property inapected, a copy of the ••arclh warrant, providing auch peraon i• available at th• pr..t••• at the till• of inapection or ••arch. ~: I I ' I li I I 118.14-4 BxceDtiop•. Rothin9 .in thi• section shall be con•trued to require the~••uance of a warrant for emergency inapection•, or in any other ca•• where warrant• are not presently required by law." S=ion 2. If any article, •ection, 8Ub•ection, sentence, clau••, ora .. of thi• Ordinance i• for any reason held to be unconatitutional, ill99al, void or for any rea•on unenforce- llble, such deciaion shall not affect the validi~y of the remaining portion of thi• Ordinance. 'l'h• City council of the City of BnglMIOOd, COlorado, hereby declare• that it would have phrased tbi• Ordinance and each article, section, •ub•ection, sentence, clause, or pbra .. hereof, the .... , irr••pective of the fact that any one or 110re article•, •ectjon•, •ub•ection•; aentence•, clauses, or pbra .. • be declared uncon•titation, ill99al, void or for any reason unenforceable. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading by the City coancil of th• City of Bn9lewood, Colorado at its regular -.tiD9 on the 5th day of February, A.D., 1968, and ordered .published in the SnCJlMIOOd Herald and Bnterpri••· Pa••ed on Pinal ReadiDCJ by the City Council, of the City of Bd9lewood, COlorado on th• 19th day of February, 1968, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bn9lewood Herald and Bnter- pri•• • ,f;L . Mayor ~'.#~ ~ Atteat1 -, .,