HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 013144 Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Lone. BY AO'tllOaI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB m. 13, DUBS OP 1968 All ORDIRllllB MDDillG TllB llUllICIPAL CC8B OP 'ftlE CITY OF BBGLBllOOD, COLORADO, BY ADDillG 'l'BBRB'1'0 A BBW SBC'l'IOB 16.6 IMPOSDlG A BUBDIBSS AllD OCCUPA'l'IOB 'l'AX OR CBR'l'AIB U'l'ILI'l'Y BUSIDSSBS AND OCCUPA'l'ICBS COllDUCTBD WI'l'BIB 'l'BB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBllOOD, COLORADOr PROVD>IBG 1'0R '1'BB COLLBC'l'IOB OP SAID 'l'AXr MID PRBSCRIBIRG PDAL- TIBS RBLA'l'IRG '1'0 SAID 'l'AX. BB IT ORDADIBD BY '!BB CI'l'Y CDUllCIL OP TllB CI'l'Y OP BBGLBllOOD, COLORADO, a• follOW81 Section 1. '!he City Council find•, determine• and declare• that, con•iderin9 the nature of utility buaine•••• and occupation• and the relation thereof to the municipal welfare, a• well •• the relation thereof to the expenditure• required of th• City, the cla••ification of •aid bu•in••• and occupations a• ••parate bu•in••••• and occupation• i• rea80Dable, proper, uniform and non-dimcriainatory and that th• ..ount of tax imposed by thi• Ordinance i• rea80Dable, proper, non-demcriminatory and nec•••ary for the ju•t and proper di•tribution of expenditures required to be -d• by the City with re•peat to •uch bu•ineasea and occupation•. Por th•H reaaon•, the Municipal Code of the City of M9lewood, COlorado, i• hereby •ended by adding thereto a nMf Section 16.6 which 8hall read a• follow•a 116.6 Utility Bu•in••• and Ocqgpation Tax. 116.6-1 .,~ m· 'l'her• i• hereby levied on and again•t all utility u.nu ... and occupation•, except a• herein- after excluded, -1ntaining faciliti•• or carrying on functions and operation•, or both, within the City of Bnglewood, a tax on the bu•in••• and occupation of inatalling, .. intaining and operating •uch utility within the City of Inglewood, and of •upplying the Hrvic•• and product• thereof to th• inhllhitanta of th• City of Inglewood. 'lh• amount of tax levied hereby •hall be equal to thrH (3) per cent of total gro•• revenue• derived by 8\lch bu•in••••• fre11 cu•ta11er• thereof within the limit• of th• City of Bnglewood, provided, however, that, in the ca•• of telephone utiliti••, the •aid tax shall be equal to three (3%) of the total gro•• r.venuea derived a• a re8Ult of providing local exchange telephone ••rvic•• to cuatoaer• within the corporate liait• of the City of IDCJlM«>Od. 116.6-2 lffective late. 'l'h• tu levied by thi• sec- tion 8hall co enc• onth• .1 ectiv• date hereof, and •hall be due and payable on the fiftHnth day of the 110nth• of January, April, July and October of each year for th• period of three calendar month• next precediDCJ the aaid dat••· 116.6-3 Utility Buain••• and QccuDttion Defined. 'fhe ten •utility bu•in••• and occupation" ilhen uaed in this •ection 8hall encaapa•• tho•• utilitie• defined a• "public utiliti••• by the law• of the State of Colorado, but •hall not •ena and shall not include utiliti•• owned by the City of Bngle- wod. 116.6-4 Bxclu•i,n•. 'l'he provi•ion• of this section •hall not apply to any utl It~ bu•in••• or occupation maintain- iDCJ faciliti•• or carrying on function• and operation• within the corporate liait• of the City of Bnglewood under a franchise granted by the City of IDCJlewood, the tema of which said franchise provide that the f ranchi•• fee or tax papllhle in connection therewith shall be in lieu of all other fee• and taxe• which -Y froa time to time be impo•ed by the City of Bnglewood upon the conduct or operation of a bu•in••• or occupation within the corporate liait• of the City of ~lewood. 116.6-5 Piling Stat•ent and Pav-nt of Tax. For the purpo•e of a8Certaining the amount of tax to be paid as required by thi• ..ction, it •hall be the duty of all utility businesses and occupation• 8'1bject to the provi•ion• of thi• section, and th• pre•ident, •ecretary, trea•urer, manager, officer or agent having general control of the bu•ine•• of auch utility business or occupation within the City of Bn9lewood, to file a statement, under oath, in the office of the Director of Finance within forty-five (45) day• after the end of each calendar quarter descri~ed I I I I I in 116.6-2, ahowin9 the total 9ro•• revenue• received, as pre- 8Cribed in 116.6-1 durin9 •aid quarter, and •aid statement shall be acccapanied by payment ot the City of Bnglewood of the amount of the tax for •aid quarter. Said •tat .. ent and payment shall b9ac:m• delinquent •ixty (60) day• after the end of •aid quarter. 116.6-6 f:tiur• to Payz Penalty. If any utility busi- n••• or occapation ect to the provl•lon• of thi• aection •hall fail to pay the tax iapo•ed hereby, within the time pre- 8Cribed by 116.6-5, a penalty in the amount of ten percent (10%) of th• lllMNftt of tax due ahall be a•••••ed by the City of Englewood againat such utility bu•in••• or occupation, and the aaid tax together with the penalty •••••ament •hall be and is hereby de- clared to be a debt due and owin9 from •uch utility buainess or occupation to th• City of Bn9l.wood and aubject to collection by an action at law brought by the City of Bn9lewood in any court of caapetent jurisdiction for the purpoae of auch collection. 116.6-7 Inapection of Book• and Record•. The City of BncJlevood and it• officer•, aqent• and repr•••ntativea shall have the riC)ht, at any reasonable tiae, to exaaine the book• and record• of the utility bu•in••••• and occupation• which are subject to the proviaion• of thi• aection, and to make copies of th• entri•• or content• thereof. · 116.6-8 It ahall be unlavfu • by th• provi•ion• of 116.6-5 to file a atat .. ent a• therein re- quired, to fail, refu•• or neqlect to file auch atatement within the time and Ila --~ . ..mnaerb.-r•Miill .. ionADf u .. aticqta6f~lliaance ..st.,_ .a..••nbe de.aed to be a violation of a Municipal Ordinance and any person quilty of a violation may, in addition to subject- ing hiaaelf, her••lf or it••lf to auch other penaltities or r~i•• contained in thi• Municipal code, be proaecuted in the Municipal court of th• city of Bnglevood and •hall be subject to tho.a fin•• and other penaltitie• or remedie• contained in thi• llmaiclpal COde, be pro•ecuted in the Municipal Court of the city of Bn9l.wood and •hall be aubject to tho•• fines and other penalti•• a• .. y be iapo•ed for a violation of thi• Code pursuant to the ·provi•ion• of Chapter 27 ·of thi• Code." S~on 2. If any article, •ection, •ub•ection, sentence, clau•e, or ~a .. of thi• Ordinance i• for any reason held to be unconatitutional, illeqal, void, or for any reason unenforce- able, auch deciaion ahall not affect the validity of the remain- ing portion• of thi• Ordinance. '1'h• council of the City of BncJl.wood hereby declare• that it would have phra•ed this or- dinance and each article, •ection, aubaection, sentence, clause or phra•• hereof the •am•, irreapective of the fact that any one or 110r• article•, aection•, aubaectiona, ••ntencea, clauses and phra .. • be declared uncon•titutional, illeqal, void, or for any rea80ft unenforceable. Introduced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading by the city council of the city of Bnglewood, Colorado, and ordered publi•hed a• a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at it• regular aeetin9 on the 4th day of March, A.D, 1968. Amended at the reqular meetin9 of the City Council of th• City of Bn9l.wood on the 18th day of March, A.D., 1968 and ordered publiahed in it• final ... nded form in the Bngle- ~ Herald and Bnterpri••· Pa••ed on final reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado on the lat day of April 1968, and ordered publi•hed a• Ordinance llo. 13, Serie• of 1968 in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri••· .. Vu~~ ATTBS'l'a