HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 015I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Lay. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB m. 15, SBRDS OP 1968. All ORDIDllCB NIDIDIRG 16.3 AID> 6.4 OP '1'BB MURICIPAL CODB OP ftlB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBtlOOD TO B8'1'ABLISB M DCRBASBD SALARY MID 1fMIB SC!H•IULB POR ALL JIUllICIPAL BllPLOYD8 D '1'BB CLASSIPIBD SBRVICB, to PROVIDB POR ADDI'l'IOllAL 1fAGB8 IOR BllPLOYBBS IR THE PDI OP uamvI'1'Y OOllPDISA'l'ICB, TO llAD AllY IllCRBASBD COMPBR- IA'fIQB B8Ul4'lm .... "l'BB·JIDOP'l'IOll OP MY PAY PLAll BY CITY COURCIL PRIOR 'fO MAY 1, 1968 ltB'l'ROAC'nVB '1'0 MARCH 1, 1968, ARD DBCLARIRG All mlW.IBEY. WIBRBAS, both the Board of Career Service Commissioners and the City council of the City of Bll9lewood have macte a thor- ough inve•ti9ation into the pre•ent w99e and •alary •ahedule for .. ployee• of the City within the cla••ified •ervice and each ha• concluded that certain •alary adju•taent• are nece••ary therefor, which adju•tment• 8hould be made retroactive to March 1, 1968. .,., 'lllBRBIORB, BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'BB CITY COURCIL OP tBB CI'l'Y CDUlk!IL OP '1'BB CITY OP mGLBllOOD, COLORADO, as follows: Section 1. Sectlon 6.3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl..ood i• hereby amended to read a• follows: Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 •section 6.3 Salary and Wage Schedule. The following tmble i• adopted for u•• ln determining •alaries and wage• for cla••ified .. ployee•, upon an equitable ba•i•, pur•uant to the provi•ion• of Section 6.6-13 of thi• chapter. A $205 215 226 237 249 261 274 288 302 317 333 350 367 386 405 425 447 469 492 517 543 B - $215 226 237 249 261 274 288 302 •317 333 350 367 386 405 . 425 447 469 492 517 543 570 c - $226 237 249 261 274 288 302 317 333 350 367 386 405 425 447 469 492 517 543 570 598 D B -- $237 $249 249 " 261 261 274 288 302 317 333 350 367 386 405 425 447 469 492 517 543 570 598 628 274 288 302 317 333 350 367 386 405 ,25 447 469 492 517 543 570 598 628 660 !: $261 274 288 302 317 333 350 367 386 405 425 447 469 492 517 543 570 598 628 660 693 148 • ~ •a6.4 Salarx and wage Level•. 116.4-1 Salarie• for Claaaified BmDlleea. Pursuant to the proviaion• of 16.6-12, each claaalfled~ ahall be classifded by the Board of Career Service CCllllliaaionera and a pay plan for each claaaif ication, utilizing the 9radea and level• aet forth in 16.3, shall be rec21111ended by the Board to Council purauant to the proviaiona of 16.6-13. •o auch pay plan shall become effective, however, until fonaally adopted by Council by written resolution. 116.4-2 sa191i•• fo~ •on-cta••ified Baploxeea. The llOllthly aalary or wage or • .c non-a aaalllect .. pioyee •hall be eatabliahed by the City Kanac}er and ahall be reflected in proper fora in the annual budqet. In eatabliahiftfJ auch aalaries or wage•, the City Kana9er •hall 9ive conai~eration to the nec e ssary qualification•, dutiea and reaponaibilitie• of each poaitio1'.i for which he eatablished auch a aalary or wage and •hall attempt, insofar aa poaaible, to make auch aalary or wa9e conaiatent with the aalary or wage eatablished for aiailar poaitions within the claaaified aervice. 116.4-3 •othing contained w1tn1n ••v·•-6 v6 •• authorise the payment of any wa9e or aalary which would in expenditure• in exceaa of appropriation• therefor. 116.4-4 Longevity Caapenaation. (a) In addition to the monthly aalariea or wa9e• eatablished purauant to the proviaiona of 116.4-1 and 4-2, each .. ployee of th• City, whether or not he i• in the claasified .. rvice, who qualifiea therefor, •hall receive additional annual eo11penaation in the fora of lon9evity caapenaation, which compensa- tion shall be paid to each eaployee once annually on or about the lat day of December of each year. '1'he 111DOunt of auch compenp aation ahall be baaed upon the number of year• of continuous aenrice with the City and shall be derived fraa the followin9 achedules 'l'Otal Ca11pleted Year• of Continuoua Service 0-4 5-9 10-14 Amount of Caapenaation •on• $120r except for those employees who have not completed aix full year• of continuoua aervice on Declllber lat of any year, which .. ploy!!• ahall receive an a110unt equal to $10 for each full month of caapleted continuoua .. rvice, after completion of five year• of continuoua service up to Decmber 1. $240r except for thoae employees who have not ccmapleted eleven full years of continuoua aervice on December lat of any year, which employees ahall receive $120, plus an amount equal to •10 for each full month of cc:apleted continuoua service after comple- tion of ten year• of continuous service, up to December 1. ·~· I :I I 15-19 $360r except for tho•e employees who have not ccmpleted sixteen full year• of continuou• service on Decmber l•t of any year, which .. ploy .. •hall receive $240, plus an llllO\lnt equal to $10 for each full month of canpleted continuous service, after caapletion of fifteen years of aontinuou• ••rvice up to December 1. 20 or 110re $480 r except for tho•e employees who have .not ccapleted twenty-one full year• of aontinuoua service on December l•t of any year, which employee mhall receive $360, plus an amount equal to f 10 for each full month of completed continuou• ••rvice, after canpletion of twenty year• of continuous service up to Dec-.ber l•t.r provided, however, that the lODCJevity ce11pen•ation to be paid on or about December 1, 1968, shall be paid only frc11 March 1, 1968, and •uch caapen•ation •hall be pro-rated from that date u•ing monthly incr .. ent• of $10, $20,$30 and $40, respectively. (b) Por purpo••• of determining th• llllOUnt of longevity compen- •ation due any .. ployee, any .. ployee who •hall have actually conanenced his 911ployment with th• Ctiy on the fir•t throUCJh fifteenth days of any month •hall be con•idered a• hav!lng ccw a enced hi• .. ployment on the first day of that llOllth and any .. ployee who •hall have actually ccmmenced his employment with the City on the •ixteenth or •ub•equent day of the month shall be con•idered a• llaving ccmaenced hi• .. ployment on the first day of the suc- ceeding llODth. (3) •o .. ploy .. •hall be entitled to receive any longevity com- pen•ation or any portion thereof when hi• •ployaent with the ci~y is terminated prior to the fir•t day of Dec911ber of any year (except those .-ploy .. • who termrnation• re•ult from their retirement in accordance with 16.6-14), provided,however, that any .. ploy•• who•e employment is terminated becau•• of a reduction in force, or who gives not leas than thirty (30) day• written notice of ·.hi• termination, or who•• termination (not being a di8Charge for cau••) i• due to circU11•tance• beyond his control -y, not more than thirty (30) day• •ub•equent to •uch termination, peti- tion the Board of Career Service Ca..ai••ioner• to authorize the payment to hia of a pro rata portion of the longevity ccapen•ation for that year. 'l'h• Board of Career Service ~cmai••ion•r• 8hall con•ider the circumstances of each .-ploy•• filing •uch petition, 8hall determine whether the payment to •uch .. ploy•• would tend to r9110ve from other .. ployees the incentive · to -1ntain continuou• .. ployaent with the City, and •hall enter its decision either granting, or denyin9, to •uch .. ploy .. the right to receive a pra rata portion of hi• lon9evity ce11pen•ation for that year. All payments of any longevity caapen•ation to much .. ploy .. • •hall be baaed upon the schedule contained in ll6.4-4(a) and •hall be prorated, ba•ed upon the number of months of continuou• ••rviae by the -ploy .. to the date of termination." Stction 3. Any incr•a•• in •alary or wage• for any employee re811ltin9 frCll Elie enactment of thi• ordinance, or a• a result of the adop- tion of a ftMf pay plan on or before llay 1, 1968, •hall be retroactive to llarch 1, 1968, and any much retroactive increa••• •hall be paid to such .. ployee• no later than the fir•t pay period in the month of May, 1968. Section 4. &ecau•e of the illllediat• nece•sity to equitably adju•t th• wag•• and •alari•• of the •ploy••• of the City, it hereby de- clared that an .. ergency exi•t• nec•••itatin9 the ilmnediate passage of this ordinance to pr•••rv• the public health, •afety and welfare, by reason of which thi• ordinance •hall becaae effective illllediately upon its final pa••acJ•· Introdaoed, read in full, pa••ed on fir•t reading at a special ... tiDCJ of City Council on April 8, 1968. Pa•aed on final reading a• an -•rgency ordinance of April 15, 1968. Publi8hed a• Ordinance llo. 15, Seri•• of 1968, on April 18, 1968. ~~~~ AftB8'1'1