HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 017I 'I I Introduced a• a Bill by Council.Jaan Kreilin9. BY AOTllORI'l'Y ORDIJIAllCB BO. 17, SBRIBS OP 1968 All ORDIIP'9CB APPltOPRIA'l'DG '11111 Sm& OP •ID llUl1DRBD EIGHTY FIVE 'ftiOUMWD DOLLU8 ($985,000) IOR '1'llB .ua;DSB OP 'l'BA'l' RBALTY ARD TBB IMPROVB-mrs TBBDDB PDSa'l'LY DUG U8BD Al '1'1111 Clft BALL OP '1'BB CITY OF BRGLBMCOD AR> DBCLARillG All BllDOBRCY. 1lllBRBA8 the Ci~y of Bn9levood did, on or about the 24th day of lloVtrber, 1964, enter into a lea•• agre ... nt involving certain realty and iaprov-nt•, with C.A. •rogren co. a• 1••80r, and the City as lessee, which lea•• llCJZ' ... ent contained provi•ion• authorising the City to purchase said realty and iaprov-nt• in accordance with the t•nn• thereof, and 1lllBRBA8 th• afore•aid lea.. avre ... nt wa• amended by a further vrittm avr-•nt, dated Decmber 1, 1966, b•tv•n Longmont Company I a Colorado corporation, and Welter A. Koelbel, a• l•••ora, and the City of Bnglewood, a• l•••••, and WHBICAS .ub•equent to the adoption of the annual budget and appropriation ordinance• for the fimcal year 1968, City council of the City of BncJlevood did, by the enactment of Ordinance Ro. 5, Series of 1968, aathori• the llaycr and Director of !'inane• to 9ive notice of the City's exerci•• of the option to purcha.. said rea1ty to the owners and other - person• intere•ted therein and did, by the enactment of Ordinance Ro. 14, Seri•• of 1968, authorise the Mayor and Director of Finance to execute an evre•ent with the Bnglevood, COlorado, llunicipal Building Authority, a Colorado not-for-profit corporation, whereby the said Bnglewood, Colorado, Jlunicipal Buildift9 Authority agreed to provide to the City sufficient funds to parchaM aaid realty and iaprov-ent•, .ubject to the terms of said agree- -nt, and 1IBBRBA8 in accordance with the aforesaid agreement the City now anticipate• receiving the sum of approximately Rine Hundred Eighty Five 'l'houaand Dollar• (f985,000), and 1lllBRBA8 the receipt of the aforesaid •um and the expenditure thereof could not have been rea80nably f or••-n at the time of the adoption of th• budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year 1968 and, a• a consequence thereof, there ha• been no appropriation made authori- sinv the expenditure of find• for the purcha•• of said realty and improve- ment•, and W&BIBAS city council ha• been advi•ed that an additional appro- priation in th• 11110unt of •in• Hundred BiCJhty Pive Thousand Dollars ($985,000) 11U•t aeceaaarily be .. de on or before the 15th day of June, 1968, in order to ce11ply with th• provision• of the variou• agreement• and ordinances here- in above referred to, and WllBllSAS th• City 11anaver ha• rece ended to City council that it appropriate the aua of $985,000 and the City 'l'reaaurer ha• certified that, upon receipt from the Bnglevood, COlorado, Municipal Building Authority of the aua of $985,000 in accordance with the teraa of the said agreement with it, hereinllbllY• de8Cribed, there will be available for appropriation a cash .urplua, in exc••• of all present appropriation•, in an amount not l••• than $985,000. _,., 'ftllDJOIB, BB I'l' OIDADBD BY '1'1111 CI'l'Y OOUllCIL OF THE CITY OP BBGL-noao--, COLCltADO, •• follows Secti2n 1. '!'here i• hereby appropriated for the purpose of acquirinv the title to that realty and iaprov .. ent• described in that lease agr ... ent, and .. endllent thereto, hereinabove referred to, the 8\111 of Bin• Bundred Bighty Pive 'fhousand Dollar• ($985,000). S,1Sti2!L2• Any expenditure pursuant to the terms of this ordinance 8haii,,. llade solely fram the fund• to be received by the City of Bnvlwood from the Bnglewood, Colorado, Municipal Building Authority and no expenditure in exce•• of the sum •o recieved shall be .. de, anythift9 to the contrary contained herein notwithstanding. &.atigg J. ror th• reason• hereinabove ••t forth, City council hereby llnd• and declare• that the illlaediate paasage of this ordinance i• nec•••ary for the preservation of the public'• property and contract rights, and it• health, peace and safety, by reason of which thi• ordinance shall becaae effective immediately upon it• final passage, in accordmc• with th• provision• of Section• 41 and 93 of the City Charter of th• City of Bft9levood, COlorado. Introduced, read. in full, pa••ed on fir•t reading, unanimou•ly approved by a quorum pre•ent on April 12,1968. Introduced, read by title and pa••ed on final reading on May 6, 1968. Publi•hed a• an Ordinance on llay 9, 1968. &k /LYor ~fo>Lvd- Aiiilftt ~ ii' .•.. ~·. 'I ' ' ' I I