HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 0181 - , I Introduced a• a Bill by councilaan ParJd.naon. BY AU'l'llORITY ORDDIAllCB RO. 18, SBRIBS or 1968 All OIU>DIAllCB VACA'IDIG All ALI.BY LOCAt'BD WITBDl TBB SOUTHEAST QUAR'IBR OP SBC'IIQB 33, 'lOllllSBIP 4 S00'1'11, RAllGB 68 DST OP TBB 6th P.M. I C!OUifil OP ARAPABOB, CITY OF BRGLBWOOD, S'l'A'1'B or COLORADO, Alm RBSBR- vim All DSDM>I 'tlllbtBD .,. SmR, GAS I 1fA'1'BR AllD SIMILAR Pll'llLDtBS I APruat'D....cBS MID Ol'ILI'l'IBI I MID IOR BLBC'l'RIC I '1'BLBPllCBB Alm SIMILAR LDIBS, APPUR1'D~ AllD Ol'ILI'l'la. w••lt.BAS, the Planning and zoning Ccmai••ion of the City of Bngl....ood ha• heretofore r~1 rended that th• alley hereinafter deacril>ed be vacatedr and, WBlllSAS, •aid alley no longer ..rv•• any uaeful purpoae md th• vacation of •aid alley wtllo no~r.lMfte anf"~e•l•fu adfHBttlt Mall ... evwitbout an ••tabliahed public road connecting the aaid realty with anouther eatmbliahed pablic road, and WllBIUIA8, the alley hereinafter deacribed i• located entire- ly within the City of BngltNOOd, COlorado, and do•• not conatitute a boundary line between the City of Bngl.wood and any County or ,other micipaltyr Section 1. that the hereinafter deacribed alley located in th• City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado be and the •-i• hereby vacateds An alley running •orth and South and lying Weat of south Jaaon Str .. t and llorth of Weat a-pden Avenue, which i• a tract of land in the Southeaat Quarter of Section 33, 'foWnahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat of the lt:h P.11., Arapahoe county, colorado, more particularly deacribed a• beginning at a point 907 f .. t weat and 193 f .. t north of the aouth- eaat corner of •aid Section 33r thence weat and parallel to th• 80Uth line of •aid Section 33 a diatance of 16 feet: th.ace aouth 0•04• eaat to the north line of Weat B•pden Avenue1 thence eaat along a&id north line 16 feet1 thence north 0•04• veat to the point of beginning. Section 2. '1'here i• hereby reaerved frm aaid vacation an -••nt in, through, over, aero•• and under the afore- aaid realty for •ewer, gaa, water and aimilar pipeline•, appurtenance• and utilitiea, and for electric, telephone and aiJailar line•, appurtenance• and utilitiea. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on llay 6, 1968. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on llay 9·;· 1968. Paaaed on final reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood at a regular ... ting of City Council of the City of Bngle- ..ood on the 20th day of llay, 1968 and ordered pibliahed in full in the Bngl.uood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~~Ht;Je.£,vdc ., yor AftBSTa