HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 021.I
Introduced aa a Bill by councilaan Lay
OllDDIA9CZ 90. 21, &BUBS OP 1968
All OllD~ Mamxm 16. 7-31 (•) and (f) OP TBB MZllICIPAL
CQDB OP .,... cm OP .......oao, AU'ftlOUZDG '1'llB BOARD OP CARBBR SER-
VICB c:a1au1m•• 'l'O CDmB All BllPLOYBB. s AlllUVDSARY DATB, AllD
D~Im All matalWCY •
.. l'l' OllDADmD BY 'fllB CD'Y dXllCXL OP '1'BB CITY OF BlfGLEWCOD,
•• followa1
Section 1. 16.7-31 (•) and (f) of the Municipal Code of
the City of 11Dgl...oo4 are hereby •mded to read a• follows:
(•) !Paiveraarx patf•· 'l'h• date upon which an employee
ia el;cjlble Eo rec• ve an anniveraary increaae is known
aa the anniveraary date. '!he anniveraary date •hall be
th• f irat day of the 110nth following aucceaaful
ccmpletion of th• probationary period. If the aaployee
ha• already received an anniveraary increaae, the anniver-
aary date will be the f irat day of the month neareat the
date of hi• laat anniveraary increa••· 'l'h• anniveraary date
for an -ploy-who beccaea permanent on the f irat working
day of any llOftth ahall be conaidered aa the firat calend11r
day of th• llOllth even though the f irat working day and the
firat calendar day are not the .....
(f) ~·• in &nniveraar~Date. An employee's anniver-
aary ate viii be changed en:
(1) '1'he -ployee i• on leave without pay. The
previoua anniveraary date •hall be adjusted one
month for each twenty-two working days of leave
without pay in any twelve month period.
(2) ifh• -ployee terminate• hi• employment and
later i• re--ployed. 'l'he new anniveraary date
ahall be determined by hi• .. pl011119nt date.
(3) An .. ployee i• denied an anniveraary increase
becau.. of poor work performance or diaciplinary
action. When it ia determined that the employee
.. rita an increaae, the date of the increaae will
deteDline the new anniveraary date.
(4) ifhe Board, in attempting to resolve individual
inequitie• which may exist in an employee's wages,
reaulting frcm a change in the claaaification system,
detezain•• that it i• equitable to inatitute such a
change in an anniveraary date in which event the
new anniveraary date •hall be a• aet by the board.
llo -ploy .. '• anniveraary date will be changed by reason
of prollOtion, tranafer, d8110tion, or adjustment of ccnpenaation
achedulea, except to th• extent provided in (4) above. Likewise,
except to the extent that otherprovisions of thia Chapter 6 or the
Municipal COd• provide for it, no anniversary date change shall
reault from 1-v•• of abaence with pay, annual leaves or sick leaves."
Section 3. Council having discovered that there may exist
certain wage inequitie• which ahould be corrected a• aoon as possible,
it ia hereby declared that an -•rqency exiata neceaaitating the
paaaage of thi• ordinance for the t rz ediate preaervation of the
public health, aafety and welfare, by reaaon of which this ordinance
aball take effect illllediately upon it• final paaaage.
Introduced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading, unanimous-
ly approved by aquorua preaent on May 20, 1968.
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/ --~Mayor