HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 022Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Dhority. BY AUTHORITY OltDDIAllCB BO. 22, SBRIBS OP 1968 All ODDIAllCB ABCmDO•UG CBRTAD PUBLIC DIPROVBMBll'.l' PROJECTS CAUBDG '1'118 APP.-UATmm& lf&BRDOR TO LAPSB AllD USIBG SAm PUBDS, iOGILIBBJl 1'1'1'11.,.,. nal Oi&Bk ·SOURCllS, POR 'l'BB PAYMBllT OP DlCRBASBD 8ALARDS AID> 1IMla ft>ll IRmICDAL BllPLOYBB8. &•I.DI on or about the 16th day of October, 1967, the City Council enact .. lledillllc•c .. ~s 2•r aaa60rdidaftee i Ro. 25, Series of 1967. which ordinance• adopted the budget for fiacal year 1968 and appropriated fund• for the expenditure• •et forth therein, and 11B*IBA8 •ince ti. adoption of aaid ordinance•, it ha• becane apparent that certain capital iaprov ... nt• itaaized therein cannot be acccmpliahed and ahould be Uolldoned, ~d WHIRllAS it ha• becc:me neceaaary, aince the adoption of aaid ordinance, to increaae the aalariea of certain aaployeea of the City, which increa••• were not cont .. plated· at the time of the adoption of aaid ordinance•, and WriiRBAS th• above matter• could not have been reaaonably foreMm at the time of the adoption of •aid ordinancea,and 11BIRBA8 the City Manager ha• recolllllended certain tranafers of appropriation• and the adoption of certain further appropriation• md th• Director of Pinance ha• certified that there i• or will be, available aufficient caah on hand to meet aai~ additional appropria- tion•, _,., WllDOU, BB I'l' ORDADIBD BY 'l'BB CITY COUllCIL OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP ..U.lllOOD, COLORADO, aa followas Section 1. 'l'he following project• or portion• thereof aet forth in the 1968 Budget having becaae unfeaaible to accompli•h or the following appropriation• not being required are hereby abondoned 8Dd the appropriation• a• •et forth below •hall imnediately lapse: Pro1tct Rou•• Cannery Reconditioning Paving Di•trict Ro. 17 Weat Urlion Avenue IIDprov .. ent Appropriation $3,875 6,125 22,500 Section 2. '!'here i• hereby appropriated to the following progr .. • and departaent• within the General Fund, the following addi- tional 11110unta, over and above the previoua appropriation• therefor, which additional appropriation• are to be uaed for increaaed aalaries of -ploy-• of •uch progr-• and de~ent• a• heretofor authorized by City Council. Progr• 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 980 1000 1100 Departaent Legi•lation and Couneel Judiciary Manag•ent Finance and Record Public Work• Fire Protection Police Protection Park• & Recreation Planning Library Total AllOunt 449.00 20.00 23;.97.00 6,117.00 4,377.00 20,706.00 18,809.00 428.00 1,459.00 728.00 76,7~00 Section 3. Of the •um hereby appropriated to Program 300, Manag ... nt, the aua of $23,317.00 thereof, •hall be utilized to aug- ment any other General Fund program'• and department'• appropriations md i• to be uaed to pay overtiae, longevity and other maployees' eo11penaation to the extent that any auch program and departmeat has inaufficient appropriation• therefor. Said fund• may be expended in any departllent for •uch purpoae upon written authorization of the City Manager. section 4. 'the fund• to aupport the aforeaaid appropriations are to be erlveC! frca the following 80Urce• and the City Manager and Director of _Pinance are hereby authorized and directed to make all neceaaary·otranafera to reflect the aforeaaid appropriations and tranafera. 11 .. 1 ' ' :1 I SoHc• 1. Public Illprov-ent Pund 2. unappropriated Sale• Tax Revenue 3. Other General Fund unappropriated Surplu• Allount $32,500.00 15,000.00 29,290.00 Intro4uaed, read in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading on May 6,1968. AiiBn'a Publi8hed a• a bill for an ordinance on May 9, 1968. Re..S by title and pa••ed on final reading on June 3, 1968 Publi•hed a• an Ordinance Bo. 22, Serie• of 1968 M ~ ---