HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 023I I Introduced aa a Bill by Councilaan Lone. BY AOTllORI'fY ORDillAllCB BO. 23, SBRIBS OP 1968 All ORDD'NIC.B Mmn•Im CBAP1'BR 12 OP '1'BB llU9ICIPAL CODB OF 'ftlB crrr OP PPJ'nooD AllD RBQUIRillG '1'BB RBllOVAL OP 1IDDB AllD RUBBISH .... PRIVAft PIOPBRl'Y WI'tilill '1'llB CI'l'Y, AU'tllORIZim '1'BB CITY '1'0 RB- IMJVB 'ftlB SAllB IP OBBU OR OCCUPAlll'S OP '1'BB AP.....,.BD PROPBR'l'Y PAIL OR WU88 'JO DO 80 AllD AU'i'llORIZDIG '1'llB ASSBSlllaT OP COSTS AllD BX- .. 888 BY 'ftlB cnr D IUCB llllTA9CBI. l!ction 1. 1123.8, 23.9 and 1123.11, through and includ- ing 123.15 are her9by repealed. ~tion 2, Chapter 12 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl.uood ~hereby ... ncted by the addition thereto of 123.8 through and including 123.19 vhich ahall read aa follow•• •23.8 D!finitiona. Por purpo-• of 1123.t through 123.19, the following words aball •ean, and include, the followings (1) -...s• •hall .. an weeda, graaa, bruah, or other rank or noxioua v999tation vhich ia in exceaa of eight (8) inches in height, and ahall apecifically includes Bindweed (Con- volwlua), Leafy Sprute (Buphorbia eaula), Canada Thistle (CirciUll Arvan-), Ruaaian Knapweed (Centaurea Pieri•), Perennial lowt:hiatle (Sonchua Arvenae), Puncture Vine (Tribulua terreatria), Silverleaf povertyweed (Pranaeria diacolor), llou-ar poverty weed (Iva Axillaria), Fanweed (!'hlaapi Arvenae), Muatarda (Braaaiea), Purple-flowered groundcherry (Quincula lobata), Ruaaian Thiatle (Salaola Peatifer), Pirweed (Kochia Schoparia), Redroot Pigweed (Allaranthua Retroflexua), Sandbur (Cenchrua Tribuloides), Hairy Stickveed (Lappula Occidentalia), Buffalobura (Sol- anUll reatvatU11), Ce on Ragweed (Allbroaia elatiov), Cockle- burr (Zanthiua COllllUrie), C~n Sunflower (Belianthus Centicularia), Dandelion (Leontodore Tavaxacum), or other plant or of fending vegetation vbich ia regarded as a coamon nuiaance. 'l'hi• liat ia not intended to be exclu•ive, but rather i• intended to be indicative of thoae type• of plan~s which are conaidered noxioua and a detriment to the public health, and aafety, but ahall not include flower gardens, plot• of ahrubbery, vegatable garden• and amall grain plots (wheat, barley, oat• and rye). (2) •Jtubbiah• ia all non-putreacible waate, both combusti- ble and non-cCllbuatible, and include•, without limitation, aabea, cana, paper, wrapping•, cigarette•, cardboard, yard clipping•, leave•, branchea, wood, waate building materials, glaaa, bedding, crockery, abandoned or unuaeable household furniahing• and abandoned or unu•eable automotive or other mechanical part• or objecta. (3) •e>wner• •hall include the record owner, whether person, firm or corporation, any agent or repre•entative of the recorded owner, and any occupant of the premises. 123.9 Apelicability. 'lh• proviaion• of 1123.8 through and including 23.19 shall apply to all realty within the boundarie• of the City of Bnglewood and an owner of realty within the City, a• herein defined, •hall be conaidered to own or to occupy fran the center of any alley abutting any parcel of realty to the edge of the travelled portion of any roadway or atr-t abutting the ••e. 123.10 CUtti99 and Removing Weeda. Bvery owner of realty, a• hereinabove defined, ahall cut, or cauae to cut, all weed growing thereon and •hall re1DOve, or cause the r..oval of, the a .. e to aaae •ite authorised for the di•po•al of rubbiah. 123.11 !otice to Relllove Wee4a At such tia•• a• the City Manager determine• that it may be neceaaary, the Director of Pinance shall cauae to be publiahed in a newapaper of general circulation in the City, a notice which shall be aubatantially in the following forms 164 0 TO ALL OllllBR8 I AID> OCCUPAll'l'S OP LAlll> Wl'l'llD '1'BB CI'l'Y OP mGLBMOa> Pailure to caaply with thia notice on or before the date aentioned •hall make the part~~· reaponaible peraonally liable for the coat• of cutting, deatroying, and ranov- iDCJ the .... , plu• fifteen per cent (15") incidental coat, tn• per cent (l°") penalty and intereat, which coat•, penaltiea, and intereat may be r~overed in a peraonal action again•t •uch partiea, or aay be levied and collected againat •aid land in the •-• -nn•r a• other tax•• are levied and collected. Parti•• failing to coaply with thi• notice may be .ubject to a fine not exceeding 'l'hree Hundred Dollars ($300) or to impriaonaent not exceeding ninety (90) days, or to both auch fine and iapri80Dllent. 'fhi• notice i• given in caapliance with 123.11 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood. Director of Plnance of the City of Bnglewood. 123.12 Removal and Di•po•al of Rub'biah. Bvery owner of realty, a• hereinabove defined, •hall -remove, or cauae the r..aval of, all accumulation• or article• of rubbish fraa auch realty and, pending auch r..oval, ahall palce the aame in a auitable container kept for that purpo••· Upon auch removal, the .... •hall be taken to aa11e aite autho~ized for the disposal of rubbiah.t 123.13 A•h or Rubbi•h B1uler• Licen•!d· It ahall be unlawful for any peraon to engage in the business of removiDCJ or hauling aahea or rubbi•h over the atreet• or alleys of the City without firat obtaining from the Director of Finance a li- cenae therefor. Bach auch licen•e •hall be i••ued upon the payment of a licen•• fee of $5.00. Such licen••• •hall be i••ued for a calendar year and •hall not be tranaferable. 123.14 llotice to R!1!9ve Rubbiah. Whenever accumulation• of rubbiah upon any realty within the City i• diacovered, which have not been r..oved and diapoaed of in accordance with 123.12, the Director of Public Work•, or hi• deaign .. ahall cau•• to have po•ted upon •uch realty a placard con- taining a notice in •ub•tantially the following forms TO '1'BB 01lllBR8 AID> OCCUPAll'l'S OP TRIS PROPBR'l'Y Botice i• hereby given that there exi•t upon this property accumulation• or article• of rubbi•h which have not been r..aved and di•po•ed of in accordance with the provisions of 123.12 of the llanicipal COde of the City of Bnglewood. Botice i• further given that, unl••• the aame are removed and diapoaed of within ten (10) day• fram (date of poatinq of notice), the City of Bnglewood may cauae the •mne to be r..oved and di•po•ed of, in which event the owner• and occupant• of thi• realty •hall be liable for all coats, expenae• and penalties ~herefor a• aet forth in Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood. City of Bn9lewood By ______________ _ I I I I 11 123.15 railur• to Ccllplx with llOtic••· In th• event that any owner of realty fail• or nilects to caaply with any notice given purauant to the proviaion• of 23.11 or 123.14, within the time apecified in auch notice, the City Manager is hereby authorised to cau•• the cutting, r..oving and di•po•ing of any weed• or the r..oving or diapoaing of any rubbiah to which auch notice 1aad reference and all coat• incurred by the City therefor, including an adlliniatrative coat of 15% of the direct aoata, •hall be charged again•t all auch realty and all owner• thereof in accordance with the proviaion• of 123.16 through 123.18. 123.16 llOtice of Co•t•. When any coat• are incurred by the City in cauaing the removal or diapoaal of any weed• or rubbiah frc:a a property, the City Manager ahall cau•• a atat ... nt to be prepared by the Director of rinance allowing th• whole co•t of cutting, r..oving and disposing of w.ed• or th• r..oving and diapoaing of any rubbiah, plua fifteen per cent 7 (15") adlliniatrative coat• and auch •t•t-ent ahall be aailed to the property owner with inatruction• that •aid atatement will be paid in full tlu• fift .. n per cent (15%) incidental coat• within thirty (30) day• of •aid -iling date. 123.17 ..... !ll!gt. If, after thirty (30) day• frca •uch -11ing date, the full mount of auch atat-.st i• not paid, th• City Manager •hall inform City council of auch fact and the council ahall, thereupon, enact! an ordinance ••••••iDCJ the whole llllOUftt of auah •tat .. tn, plua an addi- tional 1°" of auah mount, again•t the lot:• or tmact• of realty to *ich auch •t•t-ent ahall appertain. Upon final pa••a«J• of such ordinance, a copy thereof •hall be aent to each per•on having a record intereat in any realty upon which an a•••• ... nt i• •ad• and the Dir- .:tor of rinanc• 8ball certify •uch a•••• .. •nt to the County Treasurer who ahall collect auah a•••• .. •nt• in the .... manner a• ad valorem tax•• are collected. 123.18 A• .. • .. •nt• a Lien. All ••••• ... nt• made pur•uant to the provi•ion• of 123.17 ahall conatitute, frcm the date of effectiven••• of the aaaea- aing ordinance, a perpertual lien in the aeveral amount• a••e••ed againat each lot or tract of land, and ahall have priortiy over all lien• excepting general tax lien• and prior •pecial a••••mnenta. •o delay•, aiatakea, error• or irregulariti•• in any act or proceeding authorised herein shall prejudice or invalidate any final a••eaament: but he •--Y be r~ied by aubaequent ••nding act• or proceedings, •• the ca .. aay require. When so r•edied, the •-•hall take ef feet •• of the date of the original act or proceeding. 123.19 Other a .. •di••· (a) llOtwith•tanding the provi•ion• of 1123.16 through and incla4ing 123.18, providing for the a•••• ... nt of real property from which weed• or rubbiah have been r9llOVed or di•po•ed of, the City ahall have th• additional right to collect frOll any OWner of realty, through inatitution of an action at law or in equity or by reamn of the proviaion• of •aid aectiona. (b) !'he violation of any proviaion of 123.10 or 123.12 •hall be d••ed to be a violation of any proviaion of 123.10 or 123.12 shall be d•••d to be a violation of a municipal ordinance and 8ball 811bject auch violator to the penalti•• pre•cribed by Chapter 27 of the Municipal COd• of th• City of BDgl.wood." Section 3. If any article, •ection, •ub•ection, sentence, clau .. , or jhia.. of thi• Ordinance i• for any reason held to be unconatitational, illegal, void, or for any reason unenforceable, •uch deciaion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of thi• Ordinance. 'fhe council of the City of Bngl.wood hereby de- clare• that it would have phra•ed thia Ordinance and each article, aection, aubaection, ••ntence, clau•• or phra .. l:aereof the ••e, irreapective of the fact that any one or aore article•, •actions, 811baectiona, •entence•, clau•e• and phra•e• be declared uncona~ita­ tional, illegal, void,·or for any reason unenforceable. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 17th day of June, 1968. Pabli8hed H Ordinuc• Ro. 23~== day of June, 1968. ~ /~yor A'ITBST1