HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 026• I Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Parkinaon ORDIDllCB a>. 26, SBRIBS OP 1968 BY AU'l'llORITY A BILL POR All ORDDIAllCB AMBllDillG CllAPl'BR 22 OP THE llUllICIPAL CCl>B OP '1'BB CI'fY OP BllGLBtlOOD (ALSO JQIOWB AS THE •CXJllPRKHBUIVB .. lai ·• ' • .. n .. C:fti n ·~--.... 1 •) 'fO AU'l'BOAID 'l'BB Cift COUllCIL, AP'l'BR COllSIDBRA'IIOR BY THB CITY PLU8DG AllD ZOllDIG COlllISSIOB MID AP'l'BR PUBLIC BBARillG BBPORB CI'l'Y C!OUlk!IL, 'ft> AI.tDlf '1'BB COBS'IRUC'1'IOB OP BUILDillGS MID O'l'BBR DIPROVlllBn'8 'fO A BBIC81'1' GRBA'l'BR '1'BAll '1'BB BBIGll'l'S AU'l'BORIDD BY SAID ORDDIAllCB IR 'rll>SB ZOllB DIS'IRIC'1'S l8)IB AS R-3-A, R-3-B, B-1 AllDB-2, MD OP A GRBA'l'BR GROSS PLOOR ARBA '1'BAR Aot'llORIZBD IR 'ftl>SB zcaB DIS'IRIC'l'S DOD AS I-1 MID !-2, AllD BftABLISBim CRI'l'BRIA AllD STAllDARDS POR SUCH AC'l'IORS. BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CITY CDUllCIL OP TBB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, aa followaa ~ti~ 1. 122.4-10 d (2) and 22.4-11 d (2) of the Municipal• o the City of Bnglewood are hereby repealed. followaa Section 2. 122.5-7 a i• hereby amended to read as •a. Height and Groaa Floor Area Limitations. (1) A principal permitted building or structure, or a building or atructure permitted by Conditional u .. , .. y exceed the height limination for the parti- cular ZOne Diatrict in which •aid building or struc- ture i• located if, for each additonal foot of height, an additional foot of aide yard ia provided in addition to each minimum aide yard required. (2) Church apriea, belfriea, cupola• and dcmes, not for human occupancy, roof aigna, parapet walls or cornice• for ornament (without windows) may exceed the height limitation, provided that the parapet wall• or cornice• do not exceed the heiqht liaitation by more than five (5) feet. (3) Bulkhead•, elevator penthouaea, observation tower•, tran .. iaaion tower•, chimney•, ventilators and 8110ke atacka, akylighta, derrick•, conveyors, water tower and tanks, fire towers, hose tower•, cooling tower•, grain elevators, or other .•tructur•• where the manufacturing process requires a greater height, aay exceed the height limitation, provided that auch atructure• above the height limita- tion apeaified in thia 'Chapter •hall not be allowed for the parpoae of providing additional floor space, and, provided further, that they are ·aet back one (1) foot frma all lot line• for each additional foot in height. (4) '1'he height of any building or atructure to be conatructed in the R-3-A,,R-3-B, B-1 and B-2 Zone Diatricta, or the groaa floor area of any building or atructure in the I-1 and I-2 Zone Districts, .. Y be increaaed beyond the maximum apecif ied in this Chapter by resolution of City Council, subject to the following condition•1 · (a) Any applicant for permisaion to construct a building or atructure in exce•• of the limitations ••t forth in Chapter 22 in any of the above Zone Diatrict• •hall file an application therefor with th• Planning and zoning COllllliaaion, which Coaaission ahall conaider the aame and ahall make a report and recaMRendation upon the matter to City Council, In auch conaideration, the •aid COllllliaaion shall not be required to hold a public hearing or to give public notice of auch application or consideration. (b) Upon receipt of the report and recamnendation from the CClllldaaion, City Council ahall schedule a public hearing upon auch application and shall give public notice thereof in the manner required by 122 • 8 hereof, (c) In conaidering th• application, both the Ccmaiaaion and Council •hall be guided by the following criteria1 (i) 'fh• effect of the increaaed height or floor area on adjacent property including the effect on light, air and ventilation. (ii) 'the availability and auitability of proviate off-atr .. t parking. . (iii) ifh• location of the atructure with reference to fire, health and aafety factor•, (iv) Such other factor• a• may effect the public health, aafety and welfare. (d) Ro application ahall b• approved until written evidence ha• been recieved fraa th• City Pire Depart- aent and Department of Public work• that the preliminary plan• for th• propoaed building or iaprovaaent include adequate feature• for fir• protection and public aafety. (•) All expen•• occaaioned by the application shall be paid by the applicant,including andy necessary econoaic feaaibility atudiea or other planning sur- vey• de.-.d neceaaary either by the Caamaiaaion or by City council, which atudie• or aurveya will be furniahed by applicant upon requeat. Section 3. City council of the City of Bnglewood hereby find• and declare• that an -ergency exi•t•, by reason of which finding and declaration, the proviaiona of th• ordinance ahall becale effective iaaediately upon it• final paaaage. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on f irat r•ajing, unan~~~~Y approved by a quorwn preaent on the 1¢ day of ~· 1968. l'UDli•hed a1 1968. Aft'BST1 .,./ Kayor