HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 027I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Lone. ORDIDllCB m. 27, SBRIBS OP 1968 All OIDDIAllCB RBPBALIBG ORDDWICB RO. 14, SBRIBS OF 1968, AllD ORDDINICB 90. 17, SBRIBS OP 1968, AtJ'l'BORIZIBG AID> DIRBC'l'- IBO nm llA10R AllD CI'l'Y CI.BRIC '1'0 ACCBPl' '1'BB CC8VBYAllCB OP 'l'BAT RBAL'1'Y DBSCRIBBD IR ORDDIAllCB RO. 5, SBRIBS OP 1968, SUBJBC'l' '1'0 CBR'l'AD DCmlBaMICBS AS ARB MOU PULLY DBSCRIBBD 'l'BBRBDl, AllD DllCLUDQ All ......:Y. -aw, the City of Bnglewood did, pur•uant to the provi•ion• of People'• Ordinance llo.3, Serie• of 1964, enter into a LeaH and Option AcJr•-ent, dated Bovaaber 24, 1964, by rea80ft of the provi•ion• of which the City of Bnglewood wa• granted th• riCJ)lt to purcha•• the real property and im- prov ... nt• de8Cribed therein,and 1111BRBA8, •aid Lea•• and Option Agreement wa• amended by an in•triment dated Decmber 1, 1966, and recorded in Book 1719 at page• 372-376 of the public record• of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of Arapahoe, and W&•i'.mAS, pur•uant to the provi•ion• of Ordinance llo. 5, Serie• of 1968, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorised to give notice to the pre•ent owner• of the real ••tat• de8Cribed in •aid ordinance of the exerci•• of the City'• option to purcha•• •aid realty, and 1111BRBAS, by virtue of the provi•ion• of Ordinance llo. 14, Seri•• of 1968, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Engl.wood were authorized to enter into an agre•ent with that non-profit corporation known a• Englewood, Colorado Municipal Building Authority to provide for the conveyance of •aid realty by the City to •aid non-profit corporation and the execution of a lea•• between •aid City and non-profit corporation, and WllBRBAS, by virture of th• provi•ion• of Ordinance Bo. 17, Seri•• of 1968, there wa• appropriated the •um of $985,000 for the purcha•• of •aid realty, which appropriation provided that th• fund• for the payment of •aid purcha•• price were to be derived .olely from fund• to be received by the City of Bngl.wood from •aid non-profit corporation, and 1111BRBAS, th• pr•••nt owner• of •aid realty have refu•ed to accept •aid purcha•e price to be paid out of the llOfti•• to be received by the City fran •aid non-profit corporation, and, WllBRBAS, th• pre•ent owner• have offered to convey to the City •aid realty and iaprov-ent• µpon the term• and condition• hereinafter ••t forth, 9C>W, 'l'BBRJU'ORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY 'ftlB CITY COtDJCIL OP nm Cift OP nrGLINOOD,a• follow•a Section 1. Ordinance Ro. 14, Serie• of 1968 and Ordinance Ro. 17, Serie• of 1968 are hereby repealed. lection 2. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of BnglMfOOd are hereby authorized and directed to accept a conveyance of that realty de8Cribed in Ordinance Ro. 5, Series of 1968, and to cau•• to have paid to the pre•ent owner• thereof the purchaH price therefor, a• determined by the pro- vi•iona of th• hereinabove de8Cribed lea•e and option agreement, upon the following tena• and condition•• A. 'fh• total purcha•e price for •aid realty and iaprove111eDt• •hall b• $978,361.68. B. 'fh• purchaH price will be paid by the City in the following llaftftera 1. 'l'h• City will take title to •aid property and 111prov ... nt•, aubject to a Pir•t Deed of 'fn•t for th• benefit of ti. Rorthern Tru•t Company, a• tru•t .. • for the Kar• Retir ... nt Tru•t, and will reciev• therefor a credit upon the purcha•• price in th• mount of $868,546.99. 2. 'l'h• City will take title to the •aid realty and iaprov-nt• aubject to a Second Deed of Tru•t and •hall receive credit againat the purcha•• price therefor in the amount of $50,000, the prcmiaaory note aecured by a Second Deed of TrU•t call• for no interest until Jmuary 1, 1968, draw• intereat upon the principal balance at the rate of 6 1/2" per annua thereafter and i• fully due and payable on Karch 31, 1969. 3. 'lb• balance of the parch••• price, being $59,814.69, will be paid in caah at the time of cloaing. c. 'file conveyance to the City •hall be by General Warranty Deed, aubject only to the two encumbrances hereinabove en\Derated, the exception• aet forth in 124 of the hereinabove deacribed Leaae and Option Agre .. ent and that .eaa ... nt conveyed to the City of Bnglewood by that inatruaent dated December 1, 1966 and recorded in Book 1718 at page• 425-428 of the public record• of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of Arapahoe. D. The cloaing of title ahall take place on or before Auguat 10, 1968 and will be effective •• of Auguat 1, 1968 • • Etion 3. Rothing herein shall be construed to authorise ~ Mayor or City Clerk to execute or accept any inatrwaent which would have the effect of obligating the City of Bngl.wood to •ake any payment upon any pre-exiating .mt, the payamt of which i• HCured by any Deed of Trust or other enCUllbrance, th• only authoriiy herein being granted being the authority to accept the conveyanae subject to such enCUllbranc••· Section 4. 'fh• K-.:>r and City Clerk are hereby authorised ana directed to execute all neceaaary documents to accaapliah the purpo••• of thi• ordinance and to ef f eot th• cloaing of title and the conveyance to the City of Englewood of th• realty herein referred to. Section S, Since it i• neceaaary to cloae the title to the realty andiaprovementa hereinabove described and to accept a conveyance thereof prior to Auguat 10, 1968, Council hereby declare• that an .. ergency exi•t• necessitating the illllediate paaaage of thi• ordinance for the preservation of thepublic ·health, aafety and welfare, by reason of which t hi• ordinance ~11 beccme effective 1-ediately upon its final pa••M•· Introduced, read in full, .pa••ed on fi:,.,•q reading, unanbloualy approved by a quona pr•••nt on the " day of ~« ''t' I 1968. Read '?'/title and paaaed on final reading on the la day of ''P'"Al: , 1968. ~li.I)led •• an Or~anc• Ro. \\~ , Series of 1968 on the fr/ day of~, • Jl~ /Kap>r A'ft'Bfts Ii,·. t, :