HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 032I II I Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Lay. ORDDIAllCB llO. 32, SBRJ:BS OF 1968 All ORDDIAllCB AllBllDIJIG 1116.S-J(a), 16.5-10, 16.5-16(c), 16.5-17 and 16.5-20(b) OP 'l'BB MUllICIPAL CODB OP 'l'BB CITY OF BRGLB1IOOD TO IllCUAIB TllB TAX LBVIBD BY am SBC'l'IOBS PROM on CDT (1¢) ON BACH PULL J)O[J.AR OP BACH RBTAIL SALB OR ACQUISITIOB CHARGE TO 'l'MO CBM!S (2¢) POR BACH PULL DOLLAR 'l'BBRBOP, BSTABLISBIBG A SCHEDULE POR 'l'BB COLl·BCTIC8 OP SUCH TAXBS WBBRB '1'BB SALBS PRJ:CE OR ACQUISITION CllARGB OP AllY TAXABLB ITBM IBCLUDBS A PRAC'l'IOllAL PART OP A PULL DOLLAR, DBCRBASDG TllB VBRDOR'S PD PROM 5" TO 2 1/2" Mm INCREASING ftlB I'fillBRAllT VBIDOR'S PD PROM $20.00 '1'0 $40.00. BB IT ORDADBD BY TllB CITY COUJICIL OP 'l'BB CITY OP ENGLB1IOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•• wO!J°tion l. 116.5-J(a) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl.. la hereby •ended to read a• follow•s •116.5-3 Sal•• Tax LevY (a) There i• hereby imposed upon all aalea of ail It .. • apecified in 116.5~2 within the boundari•• of the City of Bnglewood a tax in accordance for the following achedule1 Allount of Sale $.01 including $.18 $.19 including $.51 $.52 including $1.00 Tax - no tax 1¢ 2¢ On aal•• in •xc••• of $1.00, the tax ahall be 20 on each full dollar of the aalea price, plua the tax shown in the -1»ove achedule for the applicable fractional part of a dollar of each auch sale• price." ..o!19fion 2. 116.5-10 of the Municipal Code of the City of BncJl• • hereby ... nded to read aa followas •ll!nJ-10 Itigerant Vendor•. Any retailer who does not int to be actively engaged in aelling for a period greater than three (3) conaecutive montha, •hall, prior to obtaining aaid licenae, depoait with the Director of Pinance a caah or aurety bond in the amount of Porty Dollar• (f40.00) for the benefit of the City, in such form a• -y be approved by the aaid Director of Finance, which bond ahall be conditioned upon and aecurity for the pa,..nt of the retail aal•• taxea due or to become due. Such retailer• ahall make report• of the amount of taxes collected, ahall pay the .... to the City of Englewood upon auah fora• and at auch tiaea a• the Director of Pinance -y require. A failure to make such report or to pay any tax clue at the tiae apecified •hall cause an i ediate auapenaion of the licenae and the forfeiture of the bond poated.• •f''I J. l16.5-16(c;) _of the Municipal Code of the City of BIMJl9UO--• &~eby wnded to -read a• followas •(c) !'he return •hall be accoaapanied by an amount equal to the ••1•• tax required to be collected by the retailer but which, in no caae, ahall be leas than the amount actually collected, nor l••• than two per cent (2") of the figure derived by aubtracting from the gross taxable aalea, aa reflected on the return, the total sales deacribed in (b) (2), (3), (4) and (5), above, as reflected on the returnr provided, however, the retailer may deduct f ra. the total tax due an amount equal to two and one-half per cent (2 1/2") of the aale• tax required to be collected, which may be retained by the retailer as a f .. for collecting aaid tax." Section 4. 116.5-17 of the Municipal Code of the City of BnglewOOd la hereby •ended to read a• followss •116.5-17 Tax on Storat£, Con•umytion and Use. There i• hereby levied, and ere ahai be collected from every peraon in the City, a tax upon the privilege of atoring, uaing or conauming within the boundaries of the City of Bnglewood, any article• of tangible personal property purchaaed at retail from aourcea outside the corporate liaita of the City of Bnglewood. Such tax •hall be payable to, and ahall be collected by, the Director of Finance in accordance with the following schedule: On Storage or Acquiaition Charge• or coat $.01 including $.18 $.19 including $.51 $.52 including $1.00 Tax - no tax 10 2¢ On atorag• or acquiaition charge• or coata, in excess of one dollar; the tax •hall be 20 on each full dollar of auch atorage or acquiaition charge• or coat, plus the tax ahown in the above achedule for the applicable fractional part of a dollar of each auch charge• or cost." Section 5. ll6.5-20(b) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl...ood la hereby -ended to read a• followas • (b) 8UJ.ldina llaterial• and SUPPli••. Any person, partner- abip or corporation, V1iO ao •• not -intain a permanent place of buain••• within the boundari•• of the City of Bng18WOOCI, and who ahall build, conatruct or improve any building, dwelling or other atructure or improvement to realty whataoever within the City •hall, upon application for a building permit pay a• a depoait for payment of the tax levied by Sec. 16.5-17 an 8110unt equal to two per cent (2") of forty per cmt (4°") of the eatimated coat of the iaprov••nt or wo per cmt (2") of forty per cent (40%) of the total contract price, if there i• a contract for the building, aonatraction or iaprov-..tr provided, however, ~t if the ••tiaated coat of the improvement or the total contract price i• in exc••• of $50,000, the Director of Pinance, in hi• diacretion and upon application to him, •ay authDDize a waiver of aaid depoait and the payment of aaid tax on a 110nthly, quarterly, or other basis, baaed u~ actual purcha•e• of material, aupplie• and equipnent for .which auch tax may be due, aubject to such rules and regulation• a• the aaid Director of Pinance may adopt. In all ca••• where the depoait required by the provisions of thi• aection i• made, if it i• determined, at the time of the ccmpletion of the building, dwelling, or other atructure or iaprov .. ent, from the invoice• and state- ••t• reflecting the purchaae therefor, that the deposit •ad• a• herein required, together with the actual payments to the City of Bnglewood a• a aalea tax, is in excess of the actual tax due therefor, the peraon making said deposit or paying aaid tax .. Y make application to the Director of Pinance for refund of any amount paid in excess of the actual tax•• due, in which event it •hall be the duty of the peraon making auch application to furniah all neceaaary bill• and invoice• evidencing over payment of the tax, and, if the •aid Director of Pinance is aatisf ied that there ha• been auch over payment, he shall refund auch over payment to the taxpayer." Introduced, read in full and paaaed on first reading on the 16th day of September, 1968. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 19th day of September, 1968. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 27th day of September, 1968. Publiahed a• Ordinance Bo. 32, Series of 1968 on the 30th day of September, 1968. / ~~ Attests I, Stephen A. Lyon do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of Ordinance No. 32, Seri .. of 1968, published on the 30th day of September, 1968. Attests