HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 034I I I Introduced aa a Bill by councilaan Parkinaon. BY AU'l'S>RI'l'Y ORDillAllCB llO. 34, SBRIBS OP 1968 Alf ORDillAllCB M'BMDillG SBC'l'IOll 6.4 OP '1'BB JIURICIPAL CODE OP TBB crrY OP B&GLBMOOD '1'0 BSTABLISB IllCRDSBD SALARIBS POR THE CLASSIPIBD llBllBBRS OP TBB POLICB DDAM'm'l' BY '1'BB RB-CLASSIFICATION OP SAm lllPLOYBB8 WI'l'BIB TBB BXIS'l'IllG SALARY MID 1fAGB SCHEDULE ARD CRBATillG A 8Y8nll POR '1'BB RAllJallG OP PA'lWJLND ACCORDING TO PERIODS OP SBRVICB, PURSUAll'l' '1'0 '1'BB PmJVI8I09S OP SllC'l'IOllS 45 ARD 46 OP ARTICLE VI OP '1'BB C11AR'1'BR OP '1'BB Cift' OP mGLBllOCI>. 118BRBAS Section 46, Article VI, of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood provide• that, upon receipt by Council of a petition requeating the enactment of a propoaed ordinance signed by qualified elector• equal in nUllber to ten (10) per cent of the preceding gubernatorial vote in the City, the City Council shall either pa•• •aid ordinance without alteration• within thirty (30) days after the aaid petition ia filed, aubject to the referendum, or ref er the que•tion of the enactment of •uch a proposed ordinance to a vote of the qualified elector• of the city, and WBBRBAS there ha• heretofore been filed with the City Council of the City of Bnglewood a petition reque•tinq the enactment of an ordinance, the provision• of which are hereinafter set forth, which petition ha• been examined by City Council, which has deter- mined that the .... i• in aub•tantial ccapliance with the require- ••nta therefor ••t forth in aaid City Charter, and 1lllBRBAS city council ha•, and doe• hereby, determine that it would be in the beat intere•t of the City of Bnqlewood to enact •aid ordinance without alteration•, rather than referring the same to a vote of the qualified elector• of the city, ll01f, 'l'BBRBPORB, BB I'l' ORDADIBD BY TBB CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF '1'llB CI'l'Y OP B&GLBMOOD, COLORADO that Section 6.4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood i• hereby .. ended by the addition of a new •ub•ection 6.4-5 to read a• follow•• ~ •section 6.4-5 Re-cla••ification of Meatbers of the Police Department. (a~ Bffective on and after December 1, 1968, the classified po•itiona of the Police Department are hereby reclassified within the salary and wage schedule aet forth in Section 6.3 of this Chapter aa follow•• Rank Patrolman, 4th cla•• Patrolman, 3rd cla•• Patrolman, 2nd cla•• Patrolman, lat cla•• Detective Sergeant Lieutenant Captain A••i•tant Chief Grade and Progression 21 A 21 D 21 F 22 p 24 p 25 p 26 p 27 p 29 p (b) 'the rank of each Patrolman pre•ently employed in the Department •• well •• the rank of each Patrolman who in the future may join the Departaent •hall henceforth be determined •olely by hi• period of •ervice in the Department a• followaa Period of Service o to 12 month• 12 to 24 month• 24 to 36 month• 36 month• or more Rank Patrolman, 4th class Patrolman, 3rd class Patrolman, 2nd class Patrolman, lat class 'l'he rank of the remaining .. ployee• of the department will continue to be determined •• ••t forth elsewhere in these ordinance•.• Introduced, read in full and paaaed on first reading on the 7th day of OCtober, 1968. <Jc Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the j!J_ day of ~.qJwil I 1968 • Introduced, read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 2l•t day of OCtober, 1968. t'J!Publi•hed ••Ordinance Ro. 34, Serie• of 1968 on the .si1.!:l._ day of µqJ, w J , 1968. ~ /i:. •yor AT'l'BST1 I Stephen A. Lyon do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a t1'Ue, accurate and caaplete copy of Ordinance No. 34, Serie• of 1968 pa••ed on final reading on the 2l•t day of October, 1968 and publiahed a• Ordinance Bo. 34, Sa&ie• of 1968. ~ surer