HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 036190 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Dhority. BY AOTllORI'l'Y ORDDIABCB llO. 36, SBRIBS OP 1968 Alf ORDillAllCB CDAftim '1'0 '1'1111 crrr MID C01J11•1•r OF DBllVER, STATE OP COIDRADO I A llUllICIPAL CORPORATIOB I ACTDG BY I 'l'BROUGH AllD POR TBB USB OP ITS BOARD OP WA'l'BR CClllISSIOllBRS, A PERMIT TO CORSTRUCT AllD llAill'l'AIB A WATER COBDUIT 'l'llROUGB '1'llB CITY OF BllGLBllOOD, COIDRADO, A MUllICIPAL CORIORATIOB, AllD DBCLARIRG AR BMBRGBllCY. BB IT ORDADBD BY '1'BB CITY COUBCIL OP 'l'BB CITY OF BllGLBllOOD I COLORADO: Section 1. Upon the condition• hereinafter set forth there i• hereby qranted to the City and County of Denver, a municipal corporation of the State of colorado, aometimes here- inafter referred to a• •oenver• for the uae of it• Board of Water Comaiaaioners, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the •aoard,• a permit to conatruct, operate and maintain a 36 inch concrete and ateel water conduit under and aero•• certain here- inafter described roada, atreet• and property in the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado, sometimes hereinafter referred to as •Bnqlewood,• to-wit: Weat Bvan• Avenue: A atrip of land 2 5 ft. in width and 1,976.3 ft., more or l•••, in lenqth aituated in the aw 1/4 of Sec. 28, 'l'OWD•hip 4 South, Ranqe 65 West, of the 6th P.M., County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, more particularly deacribed a• follow•: That part of Weat Bvana Avenue lying within the City limits of Bnglewood from the center line of Weat Bvan• Avenue aoutherly for 25 ft. and from the center line of South Zuni Street eaaterly to the center line of South Raritan Street. Section 2. '!be foregoin9 riqht, pemit and license is granted only upon the following expr••• t•zm• and conditions, to-vita A. All right• hereunder •hall be exercised in such manner as to cauae the leaat poaaible inconvenience to those entitled to make uae of the atreeta or avenues involved, and the leaat poaaible obatruction to travel in and along aiad atreeta or avenue•. To this end, the Board ahall, wherever poaaible, alway• leave open at least one- half of road•, atreet• or avenue• adjacent to a crossing of the excavation• and conatruction work of the Board and •hall take all po••ible precaution• to prevent accidents and injurie• in connection with any of its work along the avenue• and •treat• hereinabove mentioned. In no event, during the proce•• of conatruction and laying of said conduit, or the maintenance thereof, •hall any public or.private •treet, alley or right-of-way be obstructed to travel for a continuou• period of more than four (4) daya. During the conatruction and maintenance of said conduit, there •hall at no time be atored or left on the surface of the atreeta, alley• or other riqhts-of-way of the City of Bnglewood any pipe, materials or equip- ment u•ed in con•truction and .. intenance of said conduit for a period of more than two (2) week• at any one location before puttin9 to u•e. B. Should it beccae neceaaary for the Board, during the excavation for, or the inatallation or maintenance of, the aaid conduit, to diaconnect any hou•e •ervice lines from any lin•• preaently in place in •aid •treets or avenue•, the Board •hall cau•• the a81De to be done in such a manner a• to cauae the leaat poaaible delay and incon- venience to the water uaer• thereof, and the interruptions in water •ervice to any property •hall, in no case, exceed a period of •ix (6) hour•. All disconnection and recon- nection of any auch 1Jater ••rvice line• •hall be done in a good and worlcaanlike manner and all expen•es incurred therein •hall be the aole re•ponaibility of the Board. I I ~ I I I I I c. All excavation and conatruction, inatallation and maintenance work which the Board •hall undertake pursuant to thi• permit •hall be aubject to the inapection by a caapetent and qualified Inapector who •hall represent the City and the Board agree• to ccaply with all reasonable requeat• thereof in th• perfomance of •aid work. All auch work •hall be perfoElled ao aa not to interfere with, or damage any utility line• owned by the City or private utilitiea exiating within auch atr .. t. After each excavation, the atreet •hall be refilledr the upper 8 inch•• of which fill •hall con•i•t of 9ood quality ccapact gravel baae, covered, under which •hall be laid a good quality t .. porary cold mix patch not l••• than 3 inch•• thick. All of the aforeaaid work •hall be fr.. from aettlement ariainq out of any auch excavation and performed within the limit• of the trench excavation. 'fhere •hall be properly diaguiaed concrete encaa ... nt• required at each pipeline croaaing on aanitary aewer line• and water line• ao a• to eliainate foreign preaaure and stresses upon the Bnglewood Sewer and Water inatallations. The foregoing ahall be aubject to the approval of a repre- aentati ve of the Director of Public Work• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. D. Denver and the Board, it• aucceaaora and assigns, •hall at all time• •ave and k .. p harmle•• the said City of Bnglewood and it• City Council and other officers and .. ployeea f ram any and all d1111a9•• that may in any manner ariae from the granting of thi• pemit and the exercise of any right• granted hereunderr provided, however, that the Board, it• aucceaaora and aaaigna, •hall not be so held liable unl••• given full opportunity to defend any •uch claim•. Section 3. Bothing herein •hall be conatrued as granting to Denver or file Board any right• other than the permit herein expreaaly defined and aet forth, nor •hall anything in this ordinance be conatrued aa granting an excluaive privilege to Denver of the Board, it being underatood that the right of Bnglewood to grant the uae of it• roada, atr••t•, avenues, alleys and other public righta-of-way to other• for public ,and private purpo••• i• fully reaerved to Bnglwood conaiatent, however, with the full exerciae of the right• granted by thi• permit. Section 4. A copy of thi• Ordinance, aigned by the Mayor and City Clerk-Treaaurer of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, shall be aufficient evidence of the pemit herein granted. The acceptance of this permit by reaolution by th• Board, a copy of which shall be duly certified to by the Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado ahall be concluaive evidence of the acceptance by the Board of all the terma and condition• of thi• Ordinance, and the Board agrees to perform auch terma and condition•. Section 5. It ia expreaaly underatood and agreed that the granting an4 acceptance of thi• pemit i• and •hall be without pre- judice to any right• or obligation• of the City and county of Denver, Colorado, or it• Board of Water Ccmiaaionera, or the City of Englewood, Colorado, or any inhabitant• thereof. Section 6. In the opinion of the City council of the City of Bngl..ood, Colorado, thi• ordinance i• nec•••ary for the pres- ervation of public property, health, peace or aafety in that the City and county of Denver, Colorado, acting by and through its duly constituted and appointed Board of Water CCllllDiaaioners, is urgently in need of the right-of-way herein granted for the con- atruction of the water conduit herein ••t forth, and this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage. Introduced, read in full, paaaed on fir•t reading, unani- mously approved by a quorum preaent on the 7th day of October, 1968. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 21st day of October, 1968. Publiahed a• Ordinance Ro. 36, Seri•• of 1968 on the ~ day of october, 1968. A'l"l'BST: I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ia a true, accurate and C011Pl•t• copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on the 2lat day of October, 1968, and published a• Ordinance Ro. 36, Serie• of 1968 on the d </ day of October, 1968. A'l"l'BST1 ·I: \