HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 037:I I I Introduced a• a Bill by COuncilllan Dhority. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB RO. 37, SDDS OP 1968 All ORDDIABCB AMaDIBG SBC'l'IOB 8.&-;5 OP '1'BB MUllICIPAL CODB OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBllOm, RllLA'l'DIG '1'0 UQUJmlll'1'S POR WA'l'BR llB'l'BRS, 'l'C> PROVIDB POR A SDIGLB CllUGB POR 11A'l'BR SBRVICB RBllDBRBD 'l'llROUGR A COllBDIAUOR OP llBTBRS POR OBB PROPBR'l'Y OR BB'l'BRPRISB Al1D POR ALL PUBLIC SCllOOLS. BB IT ORDADBD BY TBB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OP TBB CI'l'Y OP DGLDOOD, COLORADO, that Section 8.6-5 of th• Municipal Code of the City of Bn9lewood be ... nded to read •• follow•• •section 8.6-5 Meter Requir .. ent•. (a) Owner• of property with connection• for residential u .. havin9 tap• one inch in di ... ter or largerr or for commercial u•e of any kind r99ardl••• of •i•• of tap• or ••rvice1 or for re•idential use on pread••• with 8Willlain9 pool•, wading pools, or other containers, whether pr ... nently inatalled or not, with a capacity of 2,000 9allon• or more, which are filled from City aupply, will be required to in•tall water .. tera. The rates for metered service shall be fixed by remolution of the City Council, provided, however, that one bill, for all water uaed, composed of the ... of minimum charcJ•• for each meter uaed and a single quantative chaZ'C)e for all water uaed, aay be i••ued in the following ca•••: (i) Where water aervice i• taken throu9h a caabination of aetera, or throu9h meter• on two or more service pipes, if water aerviced throu9h each of auch meters and service pipe• •hall be delivered and uaed on the aame property holding in the proaecution of one 9eneral purpose, or a •iDCJle enterpri•e on an int99rated holding of land, undivided by public atreeta, road• or alley•1 and (ii) Por all public school•, even through the meters may be aituated on aeparate propertiea. (b) In any caae, when the water cammiasioner deems it to be to the beat intere•t• of the City and water cona1D1era, he may re- quire any acheduled flat rate uaer to take hi• water throuqh a aeter at the rate• ••t by the City Council and in effect at that tiae. Whenever a meter i• to be u•ed it •hall be supplied by the water departaent at the coat of the uaer. All meters installed auat be the amae aize a• the •ize of the aervice pipe, except where pread••• have been vacated by a cla•• of business or other pr--1••• that required a l&r9er aervice pipe to supply the demand and are re-occupied by a buaine•• or other uae that requires a ... 11er amount of water, when the aize of the meter may be re- duced accordift4Jly. 'fhe aervice pipe -y be one aize larger be- yond the meter. All conaUlller'• water meter• one inch or smaller in aize •hall be aerviced and maintained by the water department, and the coat thereof paid by the City, except that in the case of aaliciou• dmaa9ea, the coat of the repair •hall be paid for by the owner of the meter. Should the coat of the repair of a .. ter exceed 5°" of the co•t of a n• .. ter, the owner of the aeter •hall have the choice of either payin9 the total coat of repair or payin9 for the co•t of a n• aeter. '.l'he repair or replac ... nt of all meter• over one inch in aize shall be paid for by the owner of the meter. All .. ter• •hall be aet or re-set in a proper waterti9ht and frost-proof pit within the limits of a public atreet or alley, or in•id• a buildin9 located on the property to be aerved, but in every ca•• the meter muat be located a (i) So a• to allow free and non-hazardou• access for reading, relDOVal, inapection and replac .. ent. (il) 1ftlen located inaid• a buildin9, the meter shall be ••t 80 that the entire •upply ,of water to the premises will be controlled by it at all tiaea, and •hall have valve• on both •idea of the aeter. (iii) When the rule• and regulation• of the water department require .. teriDCJ and 11e>re than one ••rvice line i• in use on a schedule of flat rate ba•i•, each •uch service must either be .. tared or cut off at the aain concurrently with the aeter inatallation, at th• cuatcaer'• expense." Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on the 21 day of OCtober, 1968. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24 day of OCtober, 1968. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 4 day of Bovem'ber, 1968. 7 Publiued a• Ordinance llo. 37, Serie• of 1968 on the __ .... ~----day of Bov811ber, 1968. Atteats I, Stephen A. Lyon do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq i• a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on the 4 day of Bovember, 1968, and publiahed a• Ordinance Bo. 37, Serie• of 1968. Atteats e-~