HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 038II •• Introduced a• a Bill by councilaan Lone. ORDDIAllCB BO. 38, SDIBS OP 1968 All ORDIDllCB PIXDIG '1'BB TAX LSVY D llUeLS UPOll BACH DOLLAR OP '1'BB ASSBSSBD VALUA'l'IOB OP ALL 'IAXABLB PROPBR'l'Y WITHIN '1'BB CI'l'Y OP B8GLBllO<I>, COLORADO, POR '1'BB YBAR 1969. 1111BRBAS, it ia .the duty of th• City council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, under the Charter of aaid City and Statute• of the State of Colorado, to make the annual levy for City purpoaea for the year 1968 due and payable in 19691 and 1111BRBAS, it ia neceaaary for an additional apecial levy to .. intain th• Pir8188D'• Penaion Pund at a reaaonable level1 and, 1111BRBAS, the City COuncil haa duly conaidered the estimated valuation of all of the taxable property within the City and the need• of th• City for each of aaid leviea, and ha• determined that the levi•• aa hereinafter ••t forth are proper and wiae1 BOif, 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT OltDADmD BY 'IBB CITY OOUBCIL OF 'IBB Cift OP BRGLBIK>CJD, COLORADO •• followm1 Section 1. That there be and there ia hereby levied for the year 1968, due and payable •• required by the Statutes in the year 1969, a tax of 2.977 lailla on the dollar for the General Pund of the City of Bnglewood, colorado. Section 2. That there be and there ia hereby levied for the year 1968, due and payable •• required by the Statutes in the year 1969, a tax of .503 of a 11111 on the dollar for the Pir ... n•a Penaion Pund of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado. Section 3. That there be and there ia hereby levied for the year 1968 due and payable in the year 1969, a tax of 1.500 of a mill on the dollar for the Public Iaprovmaent Fund. Section 4. '!'hat there be and there ia hereby levied for the year 1968, due and payable •• required by the Statutes in the year 1969, a tax of .005 of a mill on the dollar for the Water Pund for the purpoae of payment of bonded indebtedness and intereat thereon. Section s. '!hat each and every levy hereinabove set forth ahall be levied upon each dollar of the aaaeaaed valuation of all taxable property within the corporat• limit• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and the aaid leviea ahall be certified aa by law required. IftRQDUCBD, AllD PASSBD on firat reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, at it• apecial meeting on the 14th day of OCtober, 1968, and ordered publiahed as a Bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Read by title and paaaed on final readi119 on the 4 day of Bovelllber, 1968. Publiahed a• Ordinance Ro. 38, Serie• of 1968 on the day of Rowmber, 19V1~~ / llayor J Atteats I, Stephen A. Lyon do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ia a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on th• 4 day of Bov8111ber, 1968, and published aa Ordinance Bo. 38, Seri•• of 1968.