HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Ordinance No. 044Introduced a• a Bill by Councilaan Parkinaon. ORDDIAllCB llO. 44, SBRIBS OP 1968 A BILL POR All ORDDIAllCB AM1QIDillG SBCTIOB 6.3, 6.4 Alm 6.7-18 OP '1'BB MUllICIPAL CODB OP '1'BB CITY OP mGLBllOOD '1'0 ESTABLISH AN DrCm8BD SALARY AllD WAGB SCBBDULB 1'0R ALL llUllICIPAL BMPLOYBES I9 '1'BB CLAISIPIBD SDVICB, '1'0 IllCRBASB '1'BB CLAISIPICATIOR OF UllIP0811BD lllll8D8 OP '1'BB PIRB DBPA1l'1'111111'1', '1'0 GRAllT 'l'O UllIPORMED lllll8D8 OP '1'BB PIRB DBPAR'l'llBllT All ADDITIOllAL DAY OPP BACH MONTH AllD TO AU!llORIZB UllIPORMBD MBMBERS OP '1'llB PIRB DBPARTMBRT 'l'O ACCWIULATBD SICK LBAVB IR BXCBSS OP ACCDIULA'l'IORS 'l'HBRBOF PRBSBll'l'LY AU'l'llORIZBD. BB IT ORDADIBD BY TBB CITY COURCIL OP 'l'HB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•• Section 1. Sec. 6.3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood, Colorado ia hereby maended by the addition to the wage achedule aet forth therein, additional grade levels as follows: Grade Level A B c D • F ------ Grade 30 842 884 928 975 1023 1074 Grade 31 884 928 97S 1023 1074 1128 Grade 32 928 975 1023 1074 1128 1184 Grade 33 975 1023 1074 1128 1184 1243 Grade 34 1023 1074 1128 1184 1243 1305 Grade 35 1074 1128 1184 1243 1305 1370 Grade 36 1128 1184 1243 1305 1370 1439 Grade 37 1184 1243 1305 1370 1439 1511 Grade 38 1243 1305 1370 1439 1511 1587 Grade 39 1305 1370 1439 1511 1587 1666 Grade 40 1370 1439 1511 1587 1666 1749 woLection 2. Sec. 6. 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl~, Colorado i• hereby ••nded by the addition of a new aub-aection 6.4-6, to read a• follow•• Rank Pir-en •section 6.4-6 Recla••ification of uniformed members of the Plre Departaent. (a) Effective on and after January 1, 1969, the claaaified position• of uniforaed ID8llber• of the Fire Department be and are hereby reclaaaified within the aalary and wage achedul• ••t forth in 16.3 of thi• Chapter a• followa1 (with following length of aervice with th• Department) 0-12 month• 13-24 month• 25-36 month• 37-48 aontha 49-60 month• 61-over grade and Pr951reaaion 19A 21A 21B 21C 21D 218 . Lieutenant Captain A••i•tant Chief 23P 25P 28P , I I I I I I I I (b) Subject to the proviaion•~of 16.7-31, relating to the hiring of .. ploy••• at other than the entry level, pay increa•e• for unif ozaed aMtber• of the Fire Department claaaified a• fir .. en •hall not be autaaatic, but •hall be treated a• anniveraary increa•e• under the provisions of 16.7-311 provided, however, that no uniformed member of the Pir• Department cla••if ied a• a f ir ... n •hall be entitled to an anniveraary increa•• at the end of his fir•t •ix 110nth• of ••rvice, but •hall receive •uch anniveraary increaae, if at all, in accordance with the 8Chedul• .. t forth in aubaection (a) hereof, anything to the contrary contained within •6.7-31 notwithatanding. SF-ion 3. Sec. 6.7-18(b) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bng ;;oa, Colorado i• hereby ••nded to read a• follow•: • (b) Pire Departaent. unifoEmed mmber• of the Pire Department •hall work an av•racJ• of 67 hour• per week, plu• training a• required. 'l'h• wozk week •hall consist of alternate 24 hour •hift•. Bvery month each uniformed ,..ber of the Pire Departllent •hall receive three shifts off bringing the average of acheduled hour• to 67 hours per week. Other •ploy••• of the Pire Department not performing dutie• a• uniformed •cnber• thereof, such as, clerical, diapatch, etc., •hall work an average of 40 hour• per week and •uch work achedule •hall be determined by the Pire Chief with approval from the City Manager." Sltion 4. Cora encing on January 1, 1969, all uniformed •.-ber• of • Plre Departaent ahall accumulate •ick leave in accordance with th• proviaion• of •6.7-22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglevood1 provided, however, that all •ick leave accrued during th• period between January 1, 1969, and Decmnber 31, 1969, ahall be added to the total •ick leave accumulated prior to Jmaaary 1~1969, even though the addition of the •ick leave accrued during •aid period ahall exceed the llaXillulll •ick leave accumulation authorised by the provi•ion• of 16.7-22 (9). Introduced, read in full and pa•••d on fir•t reading on th• 16 day of December, 1968. Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 19 day of Decmber I 1968 • Read by title, and pa••ed on fi~al reading on the 30 day of Decsnber, 1968. Publi•hed a• Ordinance Ro. 44, Serie• of 1968 on the 9 day of January, 1969. ~ Atteat: I, Stephen A. Lyon do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurat• and ccaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on the 30 day of Decaber, 1968 and published u Ordinance •o. 44, Seri•• of 1968.