HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 006318 Introduced aa a Bill by councilman Pullerton BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y' ORDillAllCB BO. 6, SBRIBS OP 1965 All ORDillAllCB AUTBORIZDG '1'llB COllVBYAllCB BY QUIT CLAIM DBBD PROM THE CITY OF BllGH"OOD, A llUllICIPAL CORPORATIOB OP '1'llB STATB OP COLORADO, '1'0 'l'HB DBPAR'l'MBR'l' 0. BIGIDIAYS, ftAft OP COLORADO, OP CBR'l'AIB LAl1DS LOCATBD IR ARAPAHOE AND DOUGLAS comrIBS, PUR8UAll'1' TO '1'llB PROVISIOBS OP THAT CBRTAIB COll'l'RAC'l' BRTBRBD INTO OCIOBBR 20, 1964 urwm SAID Cift AID> SAID DBPAR'l'llBl1'1' OP HIGHWAYS POR THE RB- LOCA!'IOB OP PARTS OP S'l'ATB BIGIBfAY •31 LOCATBD IR ARAPAllDB MID DOUGLAS COtDl'l'IBS, EICll WOULD BB DUllDA'l'BD BY 1fA'l'BR DJ llCLBLLAR RBSBRVOIR, ALSO RBPBRRBD 'l'O IN um cmt'llAC'f AS BllGH"OOD DAii. BB U OltDADIBD BY '1'llB CI'l'Y' COUBCIL OP 'l'HB CITY OP Bl1GLBWOOD, COLORADO: l!ction 1. 'l'he Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado are hereby authorised to convey by Quit Claim Deed certain land• owned by the City of Bnglewood, a Municipal COrpolltion of the State of Colorado, to the Department of Bighwaya of the State of Colorado, pursuant to the terma of that certain con- tract bebMen the partiea dated October 20, 1964 relating to the re-location of parta of State Bi9hvay •31 in Arapahoe and Dou9laa Countiea7 a&i:d properties deacribed aa followaa •A tract or parcel of land containing 2.815 acrea, more or leas, in the s.B.1/4 of Section 32, T. ss., R. 68 w., of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Arapahoe county, Colorado, aaid tract or parcel beiDCJ 110re particularly deacribed aa followas BeC)inning at a point on the eaat line of Section 32, T. 5 s., R. 68 w., from which point the aoutheaat corner ~ aaid Section 3;>., bears s oo• 50' w. a diatance of .63 .. 4 feet:: ·. ...L 1. '!hence alon9 the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2940.0 feet a diatance of lSl.8 feet (the chord of this arc bears N. 86• 18' w., a diatance of lSl.8 feet) 2. '!'hence• 99• 06' Jo• w., a diatance of 202.6 feet: 3. !'hence 8. 99• 46' 30• w., a diatance of 1296.7 feet to the west property line: 4. '!'hence s. oo• so• w., along the weat property line a distance of 75.0 f-t, to th• aouth line of aaid Section 321 5. Thence s. 99• 46' 30• B., alon9 the aouth line of Section 32 a diatance of 16S0.9 feet to the aoutheaat corner of aaid Section 32: 6. !'hence• oo• so• B., along the eaat line of aaid Section 32, a diatance of 63.4 feet, more or leaa, to the point of beginning. ft• above deacribed parcel contain• 2.81S acrea, more or less, of which 1.137 acrea, are in the right of way of the preaent road. A tract or ~eel of land containing 0.33S acrea, more or leas, in th• 8"" of 8"" of Section 33, T. 5 s., R. 68W., of the SiKth Princi- pal Meridian, in Arapahoe County, Colorado, aaid tract or parcel being 110re particularly deacribed aa followas BeC)innin9 at a point on the weat line of Section 33, T. 5 s., R. 68 w., fram which point the aouthweat corner of aaid Section 33, bear• s. oo• so· •• , a diatance of 63.4 feet7 1. Thence S oo• 50' W., along the weat line of Section 33, a distance of 63.4 f .. t, to the aouthweat corner thereof: 2. !'hence S 99• S2' 30• B., along the aouth line of Section 33, a diatance of 397.4 f_t, 3. '!'hence B. 11• 02' w., a diatance of 70.6 feet: 4. 'fhenc• alODCJ th• arc of a curve to the left, havin9 a radius of 2940.0 feet, a diatance of 33.4' to the weat line of Section 33 (the chord of thia arc bear••· a1• 3S' 30• w., a diatance of 331.2 f-t) 110re or leaa, to th• point of beginning. 'lb• above deacribed parcel contain• 0.33S acrea, more or leas, of which 0.223 acrea are in the ri9ht of way of the preaent road. A tract or parcel of land containing 16.86S acre•, more or leas, in the B's of Section 4, T. 6 S., R 68 w., of the Sixth Principal Meri- dian, in Douglaa County, Colorado, aaid tract or parcel being more particularly deacribed aa followas I ' . i ' I I I ' . :I· I I ··.1 Beginning at a point on the weat line of Section 4, T. 6 s., R. 68 w., frcm which point the northwest corner of Section 4 bears North, a diatance of 76.8 feet: 1. '!'hence S e9• 07' B., a diatance of 43.9 feet: 2. '!'hence along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 2790.0 feet, a diatance of 45e.s feet (the chord of this arc bears s. e9• 04' B., a diatance of 45e.o feet) 3. Thence S 77• 01' B., a diatance of 197.4 feet. 4. Thence s. 76• 21' 30• B., a diatance of 1254.4 feet: 5. Thence along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of seos.o feet, a diatance of 825.7 feet (the chord of thi• arc bears S. eo 0 26' B., a diatance of 825.0 feet) 6. Thence s. 84° 30' 30• B., a distance of 16.3 feet to the northerly right of way of the Highline Canal. 7. Thence S. e9° 32' B., along the said northerly right of way a diatance of 244.3 feet: e. Thence s. 12• 30' B., continuing along the said northerly right of way a diatance of 102.e feet: 9. Thence S. 84° 30' 30• B., a distance of 378.7 feet: 10. '!'hence along the northwest property line N. 32 ° 51 I 4 5 II E. I a cliatance of 97.e feet: 11. 1'bence s. 57° 08' is• B., a distance of 72.9 feet: 12. Thence s. eo• 04' 30• B. I a distance of 284.3 feet: 13. '!'hence South a diatance of 31.5 feet: 14. Thence s. 84° 30' 30• B. I a diatance of 75.5 feet: 15. '!'hence S. es• 11' B., a distance of 202.6 feet: 16. 'fhence alon9 the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 2940.0 feet, a distance of 1048.0 feet, to the westerly right of way of the Hi9hline Canal, (the chord of this arc bears N. 83° 17' B., a distance of 1042.5 feet) 17. Thence&. 45° 20' 30• w., along the said weaterly right of way a di•tance of 171.9 feet: le. Thence, along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 2790.0 feet, a distance of 912.7 feet (the chord of this arc bears s. 84° 07' w., a diatance of 90e.7 feet:) 19. '!'hence •• es• 10' •• , a diatance of 197.3 feet: 20. Thence&. 84° 30' 30• w., a diatance of 1210.5 feet: 21. '!'hence alon9 the arc of a curve to the ri9ht having a radius of 5655.0 feet, a diatance of 710.S feet (the chord of this arc bears N. eo• 54' 30• •• , a distance of 710.1 feet): 22. '!'hence &. 67° 44' 30• •• , a distance of 94.9 feet: 23. '!'hence&. 76° 21' Jo• 1f. I a distance of 504.9 feet: 24. '!'hence &. 94• 53' 30• w., a distance of 101.1 feet: 25. Thence &. 76° 21' 30• ••I a distance of 649.S feet: 26. '!hence&. 77° 02' 1f., a distance of 132.0 feet to the north line of Section 41 27. '!'hence&. e9° 52' 30• w., alon9 the north line of said Section 4, a diatance of 397.4 feet to the aouthweat corner of Section 33, T 5 S., R. 6e W. 1 28. Thence&. 89° 46' 30• w., alon9 the north line of Section 4, a distance of 200.2 feet, to the northwest corner thereof: 29. 'lhence South, alon9 the west line of Section 4, a distance of 76.8 feet, 110re or le••, to the point of beqinning. 'l'he above deacribed parcel contain• 16.e65 acres, more or less, of which 0.445 acres are in the right of way of the present road." :~i~319 . . I::.:~320 .. . . Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• lat day of llarch, 1965, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnt!rpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 15th day of March, A.D., 1965, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Mayor A'ft'B8T1 ~"u c ty c er I, Ray Cbaae, City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was intro- duced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the Bn~lewood Herald and lnt1!-2fiH at a regular meeting of the City Council held one lat day of March, A.D.~965, and that at leaat 7 daya after above publication a• a bill the above ordinance vaa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in said legal newspaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of March, A.D., 1965, aa Ordinance Bo. 6, Serie• of 1965, of aaid City. AftBST1 .... :.!( \;. ' ' ,, "·,\