HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 009BY AUTHORITY
ORDDIAllCB .:>. 9, SBRIBS OP 1965
DI8'1'JUC'I' 80. 15 ...,. MD Paovmmo POR '1'BB PADIBlllT OP &Am 8011DS Al1D '1'HE INTBREST
1111BRBAS, Paving Di•trict Ro. 15, in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, has been
duly created by Ordinance Bo. 5, Seri•• 1965, of aaid City, finally adopted and
approved on the 15th day of llarch, 19651 and
1lllBRBA8, Rotice to Contracto.r• to aubmi t bid• for the conatruction of the .
illprov ... nt• in aaid Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and the contract for such
conatruction ha• b-n duly awarded to Peter Kiewit and Sona' Campany, of Littleton,
color.So1 and
1111BRBAS, Rotice of .the •ale of approximately $255,000 of the bonds of said
Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and $255,000 of auch bonds have been awarded to
Coughlin and Cc:mpany, et al, of Denver, Colorador and
111BRBAS, it i• now neceaaary to provide for the iaauance of said bonds and
th• fora and payaent thereof 1
Section 1. By virtue of and in purauance of the laws of the State of Colorado,
the Charter and Ordinance Ro. 8, Seri•• 1959, of aaid City, bonds of Paving District
Jlo. 15 in •aid City ahall be iaaued for the purpoae of paying for local improvements
conatructed in •aid Paving Diatrict. Said bond• •hall be dated as of July 1, 1965,
and 8hall con•i•t of 255 bond• in th• denCllination of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 255,
incluaive. Said bond• •hall be payable to bearer and •hall be absolutely due and
payable on JUly 1, 1976, 1aubject to call and prior payment in direct numerical order
at par and accrued intereat on any intereat payment date upon thirty days' notice
publiahed in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae.
Said bond• ahall be aigned with the facaimile aignature of the Mayor, attested
and counteraigned by the manual aignature of the City Clerk and Treasurer, and sealed
with a fac:aillile of the aeal of aaid City, and ahall be payable out of monies col-
lected fraa a•••• ... nt• to be levied for the iaprovementa constructed in said District
and fraa fund• hereinafter -ntioned. Should any officer whose signature or facsimile
signature appear• on aaid bond• or the coupon• thereto attached cease to be such
officer before delivery of th• bond• to the purchaaer, auch signature or facsimile
aignatur• ahall neverthele•• be valid and aufficient for all purposes.
Said bond• •hall bear intereat payable aani-annually on the lat day of January
and the lat day of July each year a• evidenced by two aet• of coupons to be attached
to aaid bond•, auch coupon• to be aigned with the facaimile signature of the City
Clerk and Treaaurer. Said intereat coupon• •hall be deaignated "A" and "B", respec-
tively. Coupon• ahall be attached to bond• numbered in the following schedule show-
ing intereat rate• and the number of •a• coupon• to be attached to each of said bonds:
Bond IO•·
Prem Date
To Maturity
1966 -2.70%
1967 -2.90%
1968 -3.0°"
1969 -3.10%
1970 -3.15%
1971 -3.20%
1972 -3.25%
"B" coupons
p~ to
Aug.1,1965, Jan.1,1966 2.10%
Section 2. Said bond• and the coupon• to be attached thereto shall be in sub-
atantially the following fora1
80. _______ _
'ltl• City of Snc)levood, ln the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, for value
received, ac:knowledcJe• lt•lt indebted and hereby prcmiaea to pay to the bearer hereof
th• principal ama of
in lawful 110ney of th• united State• of America, on the lat day of July, 1976, subject
to call and payment, however, on any intereat payment date, with interest thereon -as
evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated •A• at the rate of per centum
( ") per ann\111 fraa date until payment, payable semi-annually on the 1st day
of January and the lat day of J*ly each year, and additional interest as evidenced by
I .. ,~
I :
intere•t coupon• de•ignated •a• for the period from , 1965, to
-------------' 19 , inclusive, payable on , 19 , in the mount of $ and on , l9 , in the •ount of $
all 8uch principal and intere•t being payable at the Pir•t Rational Bank of----En_g_l_ewoo ___ d,
in Snglewood, COlorado, on pre•entation and .urrender of the attached coupons and this
Bond •• they •everally beccme due or are called for payment.
'fhi• Bond i• iaaued for the purpoae of paying the coat• of atreet and avenue
illprov .. enta in Paving Diatrict Ro. 15, in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, by virtue
of and in full conforaity with the Lawe of the State of Colorado, the Charter of said
City and an ordinance of •aid City duly adopted, approved, publiahed and made a law
of •aid City prior to the iaauance hereof.
'!hi• Bond i• payable out of the proc-da of •..-cial aaaeamnents to be levied
upon real ••tate aituate in the City of Englewood, Colorado, in Paving District No.
15, mpecially benefited by aaid iaprovementa, auch aaaeamnents •o to be levied, with
.ccrued intereat, will be lien• on •aid real eatate in the reapective amounts to be
apportioned thereto and aaaeaaed by an ordinance of aaid City, and, if necessary,
fraa the Surplua and Deficiency Fund heretofore created purauant to the Charter of
•aid city.
'l'h• Charter of aaid City providea1 •1fhenever a public improvement district has
paid and cancelled four-fifth• of it• bond• out•tanding, and for any reason the re-
maining a••ea ... nt• are not paid in time to take up the final bonds of the district
and intere•t due thereon, and there i• not aufficient money in said special surplus
and deficiency fund, then the City ahall pay aaid bonds when due and interest due
thereon and rei.Jlburae itaelf by collecting the unpaid aaaeaaments due said district."
It i• hereby certified and recited that the total iaaue of bonds of said City
for •aid Diatrict, including thi• Bond, doe• not exc~ the •ount authorized by
lavr that every requir81Deftt of law relating to the creation of aaid P.ving District
llo. 15, the aaking of •aid local iaprov-ent• and the isauance of this Bond has been
fully caaplied with by the proper officer• of •aid City, and that all conditions re-
quired to exiat and thing• required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of
thi• Bond to render the •-lawful and valid, have happened, been properly done and
perfonled, and did exiat in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by
Por the payment of thi• Bond and the intereat thereon, the City pledges all of
it• lawful corporate power•.
XII '1'BS'l'DIORY WBBRBOP, the City of Englewood has cauaed this Bond to be signed
with the facaimile aignature of it• Mayor, atteated and countersiqned by the manual
aignature of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, aealed with a facaimile of the corporate
••al of •aid City, and the intereat coupon• hereto attached to be signed with the
fac•iaile aignature of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, •• of the lat day of J~ly, 1965.
( S B A L )
IDo Bot aiqn)
Clty Clerk an~ Treaaurer
llo. A.._ ___ _
Bo. a._ ___ _
(Facaiaile Siqnature)
(Form of Coupon)
$ ___ _
$ ___ _
on the l•t day of J~ttfp,'• 19 , the City of Bnglewood, in the county of
Arapahoe and State of Colorado, willpay to the bearer
__________________ DOLLARS
________________ DOLLARS
in 1~ money of the united State• of America, at the Pirat National Bank of
Bnglewood, in BnCJlewood, Colorado, being interest then due on its local improvement
band i .. ued for the conatruction of local iaprovement• in Paving Diatrict No. 15,
Bngl.uood, Colorado, provided the Bond to which this coupon ia attached shall not
have been theretofore called for payment or paid. At•ached to Bond dated July 1, 1965,
"°··-------------(Pacaimile Signature)
City Clerk and Treasurer
Section 3. 'fhe proc-da of •aid bond• shall be applied only to pay the coats and
expen .. • of conatruction and improvement• in said District and all other coats and
expen .. • incident thereto. In the event that all of the proc-ds of said bond• are
not required to pay •uch coats and expenaea, any remaining amount shall be paid into
the mpecial aaaeamnent fund for the purpoae of calling in and paying the principal of
and intereat on •aid bond•.
; ... ..:~~ ...,,·T~
. ..,.,,
Section 4. Said bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid from special assess-
.. nta to be levied on the real property in said District from the Surplus and Deficiency
Fund of aaid City and fram any other available funds of the City. When there is on
hand a aufficient mDOUnt to pay aix month•' intereat on outstanding bonds GG said
Diatrict, the City ahall call for payment, on the next interest payment date, out-
atandin9 bond• in n\DDerical order with funds available therefor.
Section 5. After the expiration of the period for cash payments of assessments
in full, the City ahall pay each year not leaa than l°" of the total amount of bonds
of aaid Diatrict outatandin9 after the payment of bonds with the proceeds ~ such cash
payment• of aaaea .. enta in full.
Section 6. That in accordance with Section 108 of the Charter of said city,
1ilenever there ia a deficiency in the fund of aaid Improvement District oo meet pay-
ment of outatandin9 bond• and intereat thereon, such deficiency shall be paid out of
the apecial Surplua and Deficiency Fund of said City. Whenever said District has
paid and cancelled four-fifths of the bonds issued therefor and for any reason the
r .. aining aaaea .. enta are not paid in time to take up the final bonds of the District
and intereat due thereon, and there is not sufficient money in said Surplus and
Deficiency Fund, then the City ahall pay said bonds when due and interest due thereon ·
and reillburae itaelf by collecting tlhe unpaid assessments due said District.
Section 7. If it ahall be neceaaary to dadvance money to maintain current pay-
••nta of intereat and equal anhual payment• of the principal amount of the bonds
iaaued for aaid Diatrict, the City Council shall levy annual taxes on the taxable
property within the City not exceedi119 two mills in any one year and shall apply the
proceed• of auch taxea for said purpose. In lieu of such tax levies, the Council
.. Y annually tranafer to such special fund any available money of the City, but in
no event ahall the llllOUnt tranaf erred in any one year exceed the amount which would
reault frcn a tax levied in such year as herein limited. Such tax levies or trans-
fer• of fund• may be made in accordance with and pursuant to Section 109 of the
Charter of aaid City.
Section 8. Should any part or provision of the Charter of the City of Englewood,
COlorado, or thia Ordinance, or any part or provision of an ordinance of the charter
of any other City in the State of Colorado having aubstantially similar terms and
proviaiona aa thoae contained in the Bn9lewood Charter or this Ordinance, ever be
judicially determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not
affect the rellaininq part• and proviaiona of the Englewood Charter or this Ordinance,
the intention beinq that each part and provision of the Charter and this Ordinance
ia aeverable.
All· ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby
Section 9. 'l'hi• Ordinance, after its final passage shall be recorded in a book
kept for.that purpoae1 ahall be authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and
City Cle~kJ ahall be publiahed as provided in the Charter of the City1 and after be-
eaaing effective, ahall be irrepealable until the bonds of said District shall be
paid in tull.
Section 10. A.public hearing on this Ordinance will be held in the Council
ROOll of the City Ball on Monday, the 21st day of June, t965, at the hour of 8:00
~lock P.M., and Rotice of such Hearing is hereby authorized to be given by pub-
lication once in the Bn9lewood Hearld and Enterpriae in its issue of June 10, 1965.
section 11. 'fhia Ordinance ahall take effect thirty days after publication
following final paaaa9e.
l&tkODOCBD AllD RBAD Thia 7th day of June, 1965.
PillALLY ADOP.l'BD ARD APPROVBD This 21st day of June, 1965.
<: £,,..,,.___,~;;>-ee. . . ..-T City Clerk
I, Ray Chaae, City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State
of color.So, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was intro-
duced, re.S, paaaed and ordered publiahed a• a bill in the Englewood Herald and
BnterpriM at a regular ._ting of the City council held on the 7th day of June,
A.D., 1965, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publicationaa• a bill the above
ordinance vaa approved, adopted and ordered published in •aid legal newspaper by
the C~ty council at a regular meeting held on the 2l•t day of June, A.D., 1965,
a• ordinance llo. 9, Serie• of 1965, of •aid City.
<2 .~-L.~
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