HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 015!l!Ui .• j ,~- Introduced by councilllan Braun BY AUTHORITY ORDillAllCB llO. 15, SBRIBS OP 1965 M ORDDIMCB AU'ftlORIZI&G AllD RATIPYIRG, TBB BXBCU'l'IOll BY THB MAYOR OF THE CITY •.. OP DGLBllOOO OP All AGRBBMDIT BBTWBD 'l'HB CITY OP mGLBllOOD AND BBLL PLUMBING AND . BBATIBG CO. AllD DISPBRSIRG WITH TBB RBCBSSITY POR CC»IPBTITIVB BIDS THEREFOR, PURSUANT . TO '1118 PROVISIOllS OP ARTICLB X, SBCTIOR 116 OP TBB CllARTBR OP TBB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. :!. BB IT ORDAillBD BY TBB CITY COUIJCIL OF TBB CITY OP BltGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. 'fhe Mayor and City Clerk-Treawrer are hereby authorized to nego- tiate With Bell Pl\lllbing and Heating Co. for a contract to have the said Bell Plumbing and Beating co. inatall and conatruct within that buildin9 camaonly known as the "new City Ba11• a new boiler and related facilitiea, at a price not to exceed eleven thoaaand one hundred eighty-aix dollar• ($11,186.00), without the necessity of receiv- in9 cc:mpetitive bid• therefor. SfCtion 2. 'fhe previoua action• of the Mayor and the City Clerk-Treasurer in so negotiating with Bell Plumbing and Beating Co., without receiving canpetitive bids, are hereby fully confirmed and ratified, and the contract heretofore presented to City council i• hereby accepted in all particular•. Section 3. Council dean• it expedient and proper to diapense with the require- .. nt for ca11p9titive bid• in this case for the following reaaons: A. That the aforesaid •new City ea11• i• preaently in the process of being extenaively remodeled, purauant to a contract, executed after receipt of cc:mpetitive bid• therefor. B. 'fhat the •new City ea11• i• preaently under leaae by the City of Bnglewood, which requires monthly lease payment• to be made to the owner thereof. c. 'fhat the preaent location in which the City'• offices are being •aintained ha• been •old by the City and the City muat pay to the new owner thereof monthly payment• during each month of it• continued occupancy. D. 'fhat, a• a reault thereof, any delay in the City's receiving poaaeaaion of the •new City Hall• will reault in increaaed expenditures by the City for continued poaaesaion of the location of its present offices. B. 'that the extent of the necesaary repair• to the heating system of the •n.w city ea11• waa not, and could not have been, definitely ascertained at the ti.lie that the contract for the remodeling of aaid building was let. P. 'fhat Bell Plumbin9 and Beating Co. ha• been employed, as a sub- contractor, by the firm which hold• the contract for the remodeling of said building, by reason of which said Bell Plumbing and Beating co. is extensively faailiar with said building and it• heating requiranenta, and would not need to expend any additional fund• in moving into said location for its work under the contract. G. 'fhat the City'• architect and hi• consultant have advised Council that they have aolicited informal oral bide fran varioua sources and that the amount to be paid by the City to Bell Plumbing and Beating Co., in their opinion, caapares favorably with the charges which other firms would make for the same •~ice•. e. 'that, considering the time factor involved, there is no disadvantage to the City in diapenain9 with competitive bidding and that there could be conaiderable advantage in dispensing with this requirement. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 16th day of August, A.D., 1965, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado thi• 7th day of September A.D., 1965, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Berald and Enterprise. /£~ A'ft'BST1 ,-~ Mayor Pro Tem I I, Ray Chase, City Clerk-Treasurer, City of Bn9lewood, Co&nty of Arapahoe, State I! of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and for99oing ordinance was introduced I re..S, pa••ed mid ordered jtublillhed a• a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterprise at •'. a regular -•ting of the City council held on th• 16th day of Au9ust, A.D., 1965, and ·1 1 that at leaat 7 days after the above publication aa a bill the above ordinance was .,_ approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal newapaper by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, at a regular ... ting held on the 7th day of September, A.D., 1965, a• Ordinance Ro. 15, Serie• of 1965 of aaid City. ~llB8'1'1