HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 017"44 . Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Rice BY AU'l'RORI'l'Y ORDillARCB llO. 17, DID" OP 1965 All ORDillARCB MD1DDIG ORDillAllCB llO. 21, •m& 1951, RBLATIRG TO THE AU- lfBOUZATIC. Alm I88UARCB OP $500,000 OP RBPUllDDIG WATBR BOllDS, SERIES 1951, OP TBB CITY OP B8QLINOOD, DATii> DBCBllBBR 1, 1951 • . 1111BRBAS, th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado, by Ordinance Bo. 21, Series 1951, finally adopted and approved on or about th• 10th day of December, 1951, has previoualy authorized th• iaauance of $500,000 of bonda, designated as "Refunding Water Bonda, Seri•• 1951•, for the purpoae of refunding and paying valid and outatanding Water Bxtenaion Bonda of aaid City, auch bond• being dated December l, 1951, .. turing in varioua allOUnta in each of the year• 1953 to 1978, inclusive, and bearing intereat at rate• 110re particularly ••t forth in said Ordinance: and 1111BRBAS, the City of Bn9lewood did on or about the 27th day of December, 1951, .. 11 iaaue and deliver $200,000 of aaid bond•, varioualy nUllberedr and WBBRBAS, the City of Bn9lewood did on or about the 8th day of April, 1952, ••11, iaaue and deliver $200,000 of said bonds, variously numbered: and 1111BRBAS, •aid Ordinance Bo. 21, Serie• 1951, provide• that bonds maturing in the year• 1966 and thereafter, are rede .. able at the option of the city at variou• till•• on and after December 1, 1961, in inverse numerical order: and 1111BRBAS, said City ha• refunded or will shortly refund the $217,000 of said bond• which are preaently outatanding by iaauing Refunding Water Bonds, Series 1965, dated Septellber 1, 1965, in accordance with the proviaiona of Chapter 70, Section 3, Session Law• of the State of Colorado, 19641 and llHBRBAS, becauae of the call provision aa set forth in said Ordinance No. 21, Seri•• 1951, and becauae of the fact that it would be to the disadvantage of the purahaaer of the RefundiftCJ Water Bonda, Serie• 1965, dated September 1, 1965, for the r ... inin9 $100,000 of aaid authorization to be iaaued or sold by the City of Bnglewood, and further becauae of the fact that the outstanding bonds being refunded auat be paid and redemned according to the provisions of the Ordinance authorizing auch Refunding Water Bonda, Serie• 1965, which may be impos- aihle if the $100,000 of bonda, dated December 1, 1951, were ever issued or sold, it ia the deaire of the City Council not to iaaue or cause to be sold the $100,000 of bond• which are authorized, but uniaauedr TBBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY TBB CITY COUllCIL OP TllB CITY OP ERGLBWOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. '!'hat Ordinance Bo. 21, Serie• 1951, finally adopted and approved on or about the 10th day of December, 1951, be amended by the addition of Section• Bo. 23 and 24, which sections are a• followa1 •section 23. That in ccnaideration of the purchase of Refunding Water Bonda, Serie• 1965, dated September 1, 1965, in the principal 11110unt of $4,845,000, which bonds were iaaued, in part, for the pur- poae of refunding and paying the outstanding $217,000 of Refunding Water Bonda, Serie• 1951, dated December 1, 1951, the City of Enqlewood, Colorado, ahall not hereafter iaaue or sell the $100,000 of Refundinq Water Bonda, Serie• 1951, numbered 341 to 346, 357 to 371, 382 to 396, 407 to 422, 433, to 448, 459 to 474 and 485 to 500, all numbers incluaive, maturing in the years 1972 to 1978, inclusive, which are authorized but remain unisaued. •section 24. '!'hat the printed bond• in the amount of $100,000, deaiqnated •Refunding Water Bonda, Serie• 1951•, dated December 1, 1951, nUllbered 341 to 346, 357 to 371, 382 to 396, 407 to 422, 433 to 448, 459 to 474 and 485 to 500, all nUllbera inclusive, and all attached intereat coupons, be cancelled and deatroyed, and the City Treaaurer i• hereby inatructed to acccmpliah the provisions of this Section.• Dl'l'RODUCBD thia 7th day of September, 1965. Finally adopted and approved this 20th day of September, 1965. ATTBSTI t Mayor I