HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 022I I . I Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Kreilinq BY AU'l'llORITY ORDIRAllCB RO. 22, SBRIBS OP 1965 All ORDDIABCB PIXIBG TBB TAX LBVY IR MILLS UPOB BACH DOLLAR OP 'l'BB ASSESSED VALUATICJ8 OP ALL TAXABLB PROPBRTY WITBDI TBB CITY OP BBGLBllOOD, COLORADO, POR THE YEAR 1965. ••P.BAS, it i• the duty of the City Council of the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado, under tbe Charter of •aid City and Statute• of the State of Colorado, to make the annual levy for City purpo••• for the year 1965, due and payable in 19661 and WH•RBAS, it ia nece••ary for an additional •pecial levy to maintain the Firemen's Penaion Pund at a reaaonabl• level1 and WH•RBAS, it i• nece•aary for an additional •pecial levy to pay interest on water banda iaaued a• a general obligation of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado1 and WHllBAS, tbe City Council ha• duly conaidered the atillated valuation of all of the taxable property within the City and the need• of the City for each of said levies, and baa detenained that the levie• a• hereinafter •et forth are proper and wise: .. , 'lllBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CITY COUllCIL OP 'l'BB CITY OP BRGLBMOa>, COLOaAD01 t;stion 1. 'l'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1965, due and payabeaa required by th• Statute• in the year 1966, a tax of 13.587 mills on the dollar for tbe General PUnd of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. t-=tion 2. that there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1965, due and paya'b• aa required by the Statute• in the year 1166, a tax of.503 of a mill on the dollar for the Pir .. en'• Penaion Fund of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. fection 3. that there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1965, due and payab • aa required by the Statute• in the year 1966, a tax of .198 of a mill on the dollar for tbe Water Bond and Intereat Fund of the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado. ftction 4. that there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1965, due and payab • aa riquired by the:•tatutea in the year 1966, a tax of 1.013 of a mill on the dollar for the Public Iaprov-ent Pund. l~tion 5. '!hat each and every levy hereinabove aet forth ahall be levied upon e.ch ~()lar of the aaaeaaed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate liaita of the City of Bnglawood, Colorado, and the aaid levie• shall be certified as by law required. Introduced and pa••ed on Pir•t Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Color.So, at ita regular meeting on the 4th day of October, 1965, and amended and ordered publiahed in it• final ... nded form at a apecial meeting of the City Council of said City on the Ith day of October, 1965. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City council of the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado, thia 18th day of October, 1965, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnqlewood Herald and BnterpriH. Mayor Aii88T1 I, Ray ChaH, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of color.So, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and paaaed on Pirat Reading by,tthe City Council at it• regular meeting on the 4th day of October, 1965, and -nded and ordered publiahed in it• final •ended form at a special -tiDCJ of the City Council of •aid City on the 8th day of October, 1965, as a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri•e, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication as a bill, the above ordinance waa approved, adopted, and ordered publiahed in •aid legal n..,apaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of October, 1965 a• Ordinance llo. 22, Seri•• of 1965, of aaid City • ~ii&ft1 C ~ cer:+reawrer c~~