HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 026Introc1uced a• a Bill by Councilllan Braun BY AU'l'llORITY OJU>IllAllCB 80. 26, SBRIBS OP 1965 All ORDDABCB RBPllALDIG, Alll> RB-BllAC'l'IRG WI'l'B MBRDMBRTS, SBCTION 6.6-14 OP THE • llmICIPAL CODS OP ftlB CITY OP BRGLDK>OD TO PROVmB POR MUDA'l'ORY RB'l'IRMBRT OP ALL PULL-TJMB, PBlllAllm'I BllPLOYm UllDBR CARBBR SBRVICB AT AGB 65 Alli> PROVIDING 'l'BAT 'IBIS OltDillAllCB 8BCmlB BPPBC'l'IVB 08 JULY 1, 1966. · BB ft OlmADIBD BY 'l'llB CITY COUllCIL OP THB CITY OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO: f!ction 1. Sec:tion 6.6-14 of the Municipal Colle of the City of Englewood is hereby repealed and re-enacted with mnendment• to read as follows: •16.6-14 l!tir!ll!Qt of !!ploveea. (a) Reti-.nt Age. (1) All full-tilDe, permanent .. ployee• of the City whose e11ployment i• governed by the proviaion• of the Career Service Ordinance•, ahall be retired upon reaching the age of sixty-five (65) year•r provided, however, that, upon request therefor from any auch e11ployee, and by reaaon of apecial or unique conditions or apecial qualification•, the City Manager may extend the retire- ment date of any auch employee, fram time to time, providing no aingl• extenaion thereof ahall be longer than one year and: providing further, that no auch extension shall be granted to any e11ployee who ha• reached aeventy (70) years of age. (2) 'lh• effective date of retir ... nt under the provisions of l6.6-14(a) (1) hereof •hall be the la•t day of the first full llODth following the llODth in which auch eaployee reaches the a*e of aixty-five (65) y-r•, or in the caae of any extension of retir...ent age, the date on which the extenaion expires. (3) 'lhe effective reti91ent date of all employees who have reached the age of aixty-five (65) year• on the effective date of thi• ordinance •hall be July 31, 1966. (b) Retin1ent Plana. The Board shall continue to investigate and consider ~ther and other retl~nt program• and plan• and submit the same for considera-~ >-1GD 1 by l ~i1 -.·.d if and when adopted by Council, the Board as directed by Council, ahall ••t up rule• and regulation• covering the administration of auch progr ... and plana.• 'ii"°" 2. 'lh• proviaion• of this Ordinance •hall be, and become effective on the f rat day of July, 1966. Pa•aed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• lat day of lloVember, A.D., 1965, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Berald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 15th day of Rovember A.D., 1965, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Mayor ~1188'fa c d~ t?-/:_._, ~ Cl--Cler~-Treaaurer I, Ray Chaae, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was intc9duaed, read, and paaaed and ordered publiahed a• a bill in the Englewood Berald and BnterpriM at a regular -etinq of the City Council held on the lat day of llo9s-t.r, A.D., 1965, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication as a bill the above Ordinance wu approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in said legal n~r by the City council at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of November, A.D., 1965, a• Ordinance llo. 26, Serie• of 1965, of •aid City. ~t?£__. Cl.~ cren-Treaaurer I