HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 029I • I tki(', 3,1 Introduced •• a Bill by Councilaan Pullerton BY AtJ'l'll)RITY ORDillAllCB RO. 29, SBRIBS OP 1965 All ORDDIAllCB RBZCJBIBG THAT PARCBL OP RBALTY WI'l'BDf '1'BB CI'l'Y' OP ENGLB1IOOD, BOURDBD BY 'ftlB CDIBRLillB OP BIGllWAY 70 OB '1'BB ROR'l'B, 'ftlB CBS'l'BRLIBB OP SOtJ'l'B LOGAN S'l'RBB'l' CB 'ftlB BAST, Alm TllB cmt'BRLillB OP LI'l"l'LB DRY CRBBIC PRON ITS DTBRSBC'l'IOH WI'l'B '1'BB CBll'l'BR- LDIB OP 801J'l'll LOGAll STRD'l' OB 'l'BB BA8'1' TO ITS DTBRSBC'l'IOB WI'l'B '1'BB CENTBRLDlB OP HIGH- WAY 70 OR TllB llB8T I PRON B-1 (BUSIDSS) TO B-2 (BUSIDSS) • 1111BRBAS, tbe realty hereinbelow deacribed ha• heretofore been placed in that zon- ing diatrict known aa B-1 (buaineaa) purauant to the proviaions of Ordinance Ho. 26, Serie• of 1963r and llBBRBAS, the owner of aaid realty ha• made application to the Planninq and zoninq CClllliaaion of the City of Bnglewood for a chanqe in •aid zoninq fran B-1 to B-2, which o: taaion, after full and complete compliance with the aforesaid Ordim ce and the Rul•• adopted by aaid Ccmaiaaion purauant thereto, ha• aubmitted ita report and recan- mendation to City Council, wherein aaid Cmllli••ion ha• favorably recanmended the aforeaaid zoninq changer and llllBRBAS, the City council. purauant to prior notice thereof, has held a public hearing upon thi• Ordinance and ha• otherwiae fully and completely ccmplied with all neceaaary requir ... nt• and prerequiaitea for amendinq the aforesaid zoninq ordinance and zoning ••pr and 1111BRBAS, the public neceasity, convenience, qeneral welfare and qood zoninq practice• juatify the •aid ... ndlllent of •aid Ordinance Ho. 26, Series of 1963, as -ndedr _,., 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY 'l'BB CITY COUllCIL OP 'l'BB CITY' OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. 'lhe hereinafter deacribed realty, located within the City of Bngl.wood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, ia hereby rezoned from B-1 (business) to B-2 (buainea8)and Ordinance Bo. 26, Serie• of 1963, a• amended, toqether with the &ODiDCJ .. P appended thereto i• hereby accordingly ... nded1 !hat parcel of realty witld.n the City of Bnqlewood bounded by the centerline of Highway 70 on the Borth, the centerline of South Loqan Street on the Bast, and the centerline of Little Dry Creek from ita interaection with the center- line of south Logan Street to it• interaection with the centerline of .c Highway 70 on the weat Section 2. City Council hereby decides, determine• and declares that the here- inabove chaDCJe in zoninq i• juatified for the public neceaaity, convenience, qeneral welf•• and good zoninq practice•. Introduced, read in full, paased on first readinq, aet for public hearinq before City Council at 8100 o'clock P.11. on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1965, at the City Ball, Bnglewood, Colorado, and ordered publiahed in full, at a reqular meetinq of th• City Council held on &ovember 15, 1965, in the Bnqlewood Herald and Enterprise. Paaaed on Pinal Readinq by the City Council of the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado, thi• 20th day of December, 1965, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnqlewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Mayor AllBS'r1 ~~LLr ,,~ City Clirk~'l'reaaur~ I, Claude D. Malone, Jr., City Clerk-Treaaurer ·of the City of Enqlewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoinq is a true and correct copy of a Bill for an ordinance, introduced, read in full, passed on firat readinq aet for public hearinq before City Council at 8100 o'clock P.M., on the 20th day of Decellber, 1965, at the City Ball, Bnglewood, Colorado, and ordered publiahed in full, at a regular meetinq of the City Council held on November 15, 1965, in the BnCJlewood Herald and Bnterpriae, and that at leaat 7 days after above publica- tion aa a Bill the above Ordinance waa appro..s ; adopted and ordered published in said 199al newapaper by the City Council at a regular meetinq held on the 20th day of Decseber, 1965, a• Ordinance Bo. 29, Series of 1965, of said City. ATl'Bft1 £..~tLL -City Clerk-Treasurer/" "