HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Ordinance No. 001~ ... ~
·~ • •
Introduced aa a Bill by council.IDan Allen
BY AU'l'llORift .
ORDillAllCB 80. 1, SDIB8 OP 1965
.. I'1' ORDAillBD BY 'lllB CI'l'Y COUllCIL or '1'BB Cift or mcJLBllOOD, COLORAD01
Section 1. Section 13.l throUCJh 13.12-6 of th• Municipal Code of the City
of BngleWOOd, Colorado i• hereby repealed and a DMf Section 13.l through 13.12-3
relative to Building Regulation•, ahall read aa followa1
CBAP'1'D 13
(croaa reference• to Charterr Board of Adjuatllent and Appeal• Section 59: City
Manager Section 52).
PAR'l' I. Building Code
Section 13.l
Section 13.2
Section 13.3
Section 13.4
Section 13.5
Section 13.6
Section 13.7
Section 13.8
Section 13.8-1
Section 13.8-2
Section 13.8-3
Section 13.9
Section 13.10
Section 13.11
Section 13.11-1
Sect6on 13.11-2
Section 13.11-3
Section 13.11-4
Section 13.11-5
Section 13.11-6
Section 13.11-7
Section 13.11-8
Section 13.12
Section 13.12-2
Section 13.12-3
Purpoae of the Building COde
Severability and Tranaition of Building Code
Scope of Building Code
General Power• and Duti•• of the Building Inspection
Departments Chief Building Inapector
Unaafe Buildir4a or Structure•
Unaafe Utility
Abatement and Botice of Unaafe Buildings, Structures
or Utilitiea
Application to Bxiating Building•, Structures or
Alternate llethoda, Material• and Equipment
Prohibition• and Violation•
Permit Required
Perait Peea
Certificate Occupancy
Change of Occupancy
Licenaing of Contractor•
cooperation of City Official•
13.1 Title. Thi• aection of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood
i• cited aa and referred to a• •The Building Code• of the "Building Code of the
City of Bnglewood.•
1ftlere the term •Department• i• uaed in thi• Building Code, this shall mean
the •auilding Inapection Department.• Where the term •Building Official" or
•CbJ.ef Building Inapector• i• uaed in thi• Building Code, this shall mean the
Chief Building Inapector or hi• authorized repreaentative. Where the term
•city• i• uaed in thi• Building Code, thi• ahall .. an the City of Englewood.
13.2 Purpo•• Of Th• Building Code. Thia Building Code is enacted to pre-
••rv• and prcllOt• the public health, aafety and welfare of the inhabitants of
the City of Bnglewood and of the public .-nerally, by r9CJ11liti*'19 and aon~zel
ling the uae, conatruction and quality of .. terial•r location and maintenance
of building•, atructurea and utilitiea within the City and certain equipment
apecifically regulated herein.
13.3 Severabilitx and 'l'ranaition of Building Code. If for any reason any
one or 110re aectlona, .. ntencea, ciauaea or part• of the Building Code are
held invalid, auch judCJ119Dt ahall not effect, iapair or invalidate the remain-
ing proviaiona of thia Building Code but •hall be confined in its operation
to the apecific,aectiona, aentencea, clauae• or part• of thi• building code
held invalid and the invalidity of any section, aentence, clause or part of
thia building code or in any one or JDOre inatance• •hall not effect or preju-
dice in any way the validity of thi• building code in any other instance.
All offen••• c:e itted and all liabiliti•• incurred prior to the effective
date of thia building code ahall be treated aa though all prior applicable
ordinance• and 111endllent• thereto were in full force and effect for the pur-
po .. of auataining any proper auit, action or proaecta~ion with respect to
auch offen .. a and liabilitiea. I
13.4 &cop! of Building COde. '1'he Building COde •hall extend to and govern
the follOWlnga
(a) Conatruction, addition, alteration, repair, demolition, removal,
llOVing, occupancy and aaintenance of any building, atructure or utility here-
after erected. 'l'hi• •hall alao cover the excavation of auch building• or
(b) Alteration, addition, repair, d8110lition, r8110val, moving, change of
occ:apaney and aaintenance of any exiating building, atructure, or utility·
heretofore erected.
13.5 Otg19i11tion.
(a) Cretion of Building Inamtion Demmentr Rief Building Inapector.
!'here •hall and la hereby eatibilied, wl n the c ty of Bnglewood, a
Building Inapection Department.
'fhi• departllent •hall be adainiatered by a Chief Building Inspector ap-
pointed by the City Manager and whoae power• and dutiea are hereinafter defined,
!'he Chief Building Inapector •hall be a profeaaional engineer registered by
the State of Colorado, an architect licensed by the State of Colorado or
auperintendent of conatruction of not l••• than 5 year• experience, or a com-
parable and auitable ccmbination of education and experience.
(b) Aythoriaation fgd Identification. '1'h• Chief Building Inspector shall
authorise or appolDt var ou• lndlvldUal• to carry out auch duties and exer-
ciH auc:h po119ra a• .. y be delegated to hia by thi• Building Code.
Bach employee of thi• Department ahall be provided by the City with an
identification card bearing a picture of the .. ployee and information required
by the Chief Building Inspector. Such identification card shall also bear
the authority of thi• Section. Such card ahall be carried upon the person
identified, and •hall be uaed when neceaaary to identify auch person properly
while perforaing hi• official duties.
1 Pow9r• and Dutie• of the Buildina In•
CQ1•6 IQ1•ur t"·m~r. Th1• Depmrtllent, adainiaterea 1>y tne lnapector, ii aater and enforce thi• Building Code and all
n9Dee• and code• which .. y hereafter be aaaigned to the Department for enforce-
11ent and adminiatration. There are hereby veated in the Department the duties
of enforcing and adminiatering thi• Building Code and the power necessary for
•uch enforc:••nt.
lie ahall with the approval of the City Manager appoint auch inspectors,
aaaiatant:• and other employH• aa ahall be authorized fran time to time.
lie ahall maintain record• in the Building Departaent of applications for
penaita, penait• iaaued, certificate• of occupancy, inapection• and investi-
gation•, application• for licenaea, licen••• iaaued, f••• collected and other
infoEmation that .. y be required. Be •hall •ak• 110nthly report• to the City
11an1MJ9r concerning the activiti•• of the departllent, report• concerning
violation• of the code and auch other report• aa aay be required. Be shall
keep fully infonled regarding and diligently inveatigate new materials and llOd•• of ccnatruction and prcmulgat• rule• aetting forth the conditions under
which the .... aay be uaed, auch rule• having the .... force a• provided
•la.where in thi• Code.
General file record• in the Building Department •hall be open for public
inapection, but .. y not be r..,ved fran the Building Department. Specific
inveatigation record• on individual ca••• and licenae applications are not
open to the public except by direction of the City Manager or order from the
(a) Ay~itx to Inapect. '1'he Chief Building Inapector ahall have the
authority to~pect, cauH to be inapected for coapliance to this Building
COde, all building•, atructure• or utilitiea.
(b) In;t•tiqattef ~ 'yS!Y•· Incidental to any of theae duties and
potMra, but thoutt~on~ .... , the Department ahall conduct investi-
gation• and aurveya to determine oaapliance or non-ccapliance with the provi-
aion• of thi• Building Code and •hall inveatigate or cauae to be investigated
all accident• pertaining to building•, atructurea or utilitiea for the pur-
poae of aacertaining whether the requir...nta of thia Building Code have been
(c) Right of Bntry. Incidental to auchinapectiona, investigations and
aurveya, an authorized repreaentative of the Chief Building Inspector may
enter into and upon and cauae any land, building, atructure or utility to be
inapected and ex .. ined. A failure or refuaal to per11it auch entry and inspec-
tion, after iaauance by the Chief Building Inapector of an order therefore
ahall conatitute a violation of thi• Building Code. Additionally, the right
to entry and inapection ~ay be enforced by application to and proper orders
frca a court of proper juriadiction.
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(d) stpirdera. Wherever any work ia being performed contrary to the
proviaiona o la Building Code, the Chief Building Inapector may order the
1'0rk •topped by notice in writing aerved on any peraon engaged in auch work
•d/or cauaing auch work to be performed. 'l'he order ahall be given to the
,......r or licenaee or their agenta.
It •hall be unlawful for any peraon to proceed with auch work until the
corrective t10rk required to be performed by auch notice ia ccmplied with,
within the time apecified.
13.7 ValuaJion. 'l'he determination of value or valuation under any of
the provlalona o thia Building Code or any of the aeveral code• or ordi-
nanc• enforced and adlliniatered by thia Departllent ahall be made or cauaed
to be -d• by the Chief Building Inapec:tor and ahall be the reproduction coat
DMI without depreciation and without regard to any lo•• occaaioned fran fire
or other cau•••· 'fh• valuation of the atructure and each of the utilities,
aa defined el..where in the Municipal Code, ahall be aade independently.
13.8 p•afe ~ilding• or Structurea. An unaafe building or structure
ia one Wlilc conat~utea a lire hazard, a hazard to life, hellth' property or
public welfare by reaaon of uae, conatruction, quality of materials and in-
adequate maintenance or dilapidation or abandonaent. However, without
lillitation of th• foregoing, any building or atructure in which any one or
110re of the following condition• exi•t• ahall be de ... d concluaively t~ be an
unaafe building or atructure. •
(a) 'fhoae in which a wall or other ve•tical atructuaal members lists,
lean• or buckle• to auch an extent that a pluab line paaaing through the
center of gravity fall• outaide of the middle third of the baae.
(b) 'l'hoae which, •how d•age or deterioration of the aupporting member
or ••vbera to auch an extent that the aMllber or ••b•r• do not have suffi-
cient atrength, or ahow d•age or deterioration of th• non-aupporting enclosing
or outaid• wall• or covering to auch an extent that they will not resist the
wind preaaure or lateral forcea, all in accordance with the requirements of
eection 23 of the Building Code.
(c) 'l'hoae in which the load• upon the f loora or roof a exceed the maximum
deaign liaita.
(d) thoae for facilitiea for egreaa fail to conform to the requirements
of aectiona 30 and 33 of thi• Building Code.
(•) 'l'hoae which have part• thereof which are ao attached that they may fall
and cau•• injury to the public or property.
(f) Inccapleted building• or atructurea when the permit has been cancelled.
(g) Open pita, open well• and open excavation• of all types when such are
detend.ned to be ha&ardoua by the Chief Building Inapector.
(h) Trench•• or ditchea not properly ahored or cribbed.
13.8-1 Unaafe Utility. An unaafe utility ia one which conatitutes a fire
ha..rd or a hazaret of life, health, property, or the public welfare by reason
of u .. , conatruction, quality of material• and inadequate maintenance or dilipi-
dation. However, without limitation of the foregoing, any utility in which any
one or 110re of the following condition• exiata ahall be deemed conclusively to
be an unaafe utility.
(a) Ga• fired, eil fired or aolid fuel fired appliance•, devices or
apparatua which have any of the following defect••
(1) Broken or cracked heat exchanger•.
(2) Defective or deteriorated venta, venting or flue• which permits
leakage of flue CJ•••• through the walla.
(3) Defective fuel aupply linea.
(4) Inaufficient air aupply for cCllbuation of fuel.
(5) Defective or improperly inatalled and adjuated control and
(6) Bquipment location• which will conatitute a fire or explosion
(7) Defective or improperly inatalled equipment.
(8) Bxceaaive exhauat in boiler, furnace roan• or areas where gas,
liquid or aolid fuel fired equipment ia located.
(9) Trenchea or ditch•• not properly ahored or cribbed.
(b) Blevatora, eacalatora, dumb waiter• and aimilar conveyances or appar-
atua which have any of the following defect••
. I
(1) Boiating, counter-weight or governor rope• with frayed or broken
(2) Operation in hoiatway, including the pit and the penthouse, that
ia being uaed to atore material other than elevator equipnent •
(3) Operation in a hoiatvay, including the pit and penthouse, that is
in danger aa a reault of accuaulationa of duat or other highly
ccmbuatible material on the aechani8m or in the hoiatway.
(4) Brake 118Chani8m not functioning or not functioning properly.
(5) Bot aafety teated in accordance with the requirements of this
Building Code or where required aafety device• have been
(6) Where hoiatvay entrance protection doe• not meet the requirements
of thia Building Code.
(c) Blectrical ayatana, appliancea, device• or apparatua which have any
of the following defecta1
(1) Bare wiring.
(2) Poor connection•.
(3) overloaded circuit•, feeder• or aervicea.
(4) Bquipment not properly grounded.
(5) Diaconnecting mean• not provided at the appliance.
(6) OVer-fuaed circuit•.
(7) Miauae of cord wiring.
(8) Wiring not properly aupported.
(9) llon-approved wiring expoaed to extr_. heat, moiature, gases or
other harmful vapor• or liquid•.
(10) Trench•• or ditch•• not properly ahored or cribbed.
(d) Boiler• and their appurtenance• which have any of the following defects:
(1) Bxceaaive acaling, corroaionr crack• in aeam, tubes or shell.
(2) Defective valvea, gauge• or cocka.
(3) Defective burnera, piping, ahut-offa or controls.
(4) Grooving or pitting.
(5) Defective venta, venting or fluea which permit• leakage of flue
ga .. a through the walla.
(6) Inadequate air aupply for combuation of fuel.
(7) Defective or improperly inatalled and adjuated controls and
(8) Bazardoua location of equipnent which will conatitute a fire or
exploaion hazard.
(•) Refrigeration equipMtnt which haa any of the following defects:
(1) Inadequate ventilation.
(2) Inadequate venting of preaaure relief valvea.
(3) unauthorized fuel fired equip19nt located in the same room as the
refrigeration equipment.
(4) Illproperly inatalled cooling tower• by reaaon of location,
type, fan, water condition, control• or roof or floor over-load.
(5) Paulty control•.
(f) Plumbing ay•t-• which have any of the following defects:
(1) Where the water doea not meet the atandarda for potability as
required by the Colorado State Department of Public Health and
th• Health Department.
(2) 'l'hoae water ay•t-• aubjected to the hazards of backflow or back
ayphonage, which aight create pollution.
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(3) Where inadequate pipiDCJ doe• not aupply aufficient water.
aection 50 of thi• Building COde)
(4) Where drainage ayat .. • are fouled and depoaiting aolids.
(5) Cl099ed aewera and draina.
(6) Wh ... no aeal trap i• provided or i• inadequate.
(7) Inadequate venting.
(8) LeakiftCJ water, aewage or aewer gaa within a building.
(9) Trench•• or ditch•• not properlv ahored or cribbed.
ll.f=2 Abat'if"t :neu•otice of Unaafe BuildiiJ•• Structure• or Utilities.
After napectlon, the lidlng, atructure or ut lty la determined to be
anaafe it •hall be declared a nuiaance to be abated by re~, replacement or
rtmoval, upon notice by the Chief BuildiDCJ Inapector to the peraon or peraons
having a record intereat therein.
(a) Pn•afe Buildinf Or Structure. In the caae of an unaafe building or
atructure, the dilef aul dlDCJ Inapec:tor may order auch building or atructure
or any building• or atructure• placed in jeopardy by the unaafe building or
atructure, vacated t ediately and the building• or atructurea •hall be posted
in .cc:ordanc• with other proviaiona of thi• Buildin9 COde. Such buildings or
atructure• •hall not be reoccupied until determined aafe by the Chief Building
(b) unaafe Utility. In the caae of an unaafe atility, the Chief Build-
ing Inapector ahail attach or affix a warniDCJ red tag to the unit declared to
be unaafe, Where a utility i• declared to be unaafe, the Chief Building In-
apector ahall order auch utility diaconnected or it• uae diacontinued until
the nuiaance created thereby i• abated. In addition, he may order any build-
ing, atructure or •tility which ia placed in jeopardy by the unsafe utility
to be vacated or diaconnected and theae ahall not be reoccupied or reconnected
until de .. ad aafe by the Chief Building Inapector.
It ahall be unlawful for any peraon, firm or corporation to mark any un-
aafe utility aa herein defined, with any type markiDCJ• or tags declaring such
to be unaafe except a• authorized by the Chief Building Inapector.
(c) !l"!ifCX Demolition. In the event an .. ergency ahould occur wherein
the contin~ atence of a bUilding, structure or utility would constitute
a haaard to life, health or other property, the Chief Building Inapector may
cauae auch building, atructure or utility to be demoliahed, removed or dis-
connected, at a once by any auch mean• a• are available to him. Reco••n of the
coat and expenae of d8110lition and removal •hall be made a• provided for in
thia 8uildin9 Code.
(d) fti!G•rcJ SidOJ'lk B!rricadea. If any building or structure is a
haaard to e or Lib o persona ualDCJ a public walk, the public way shall
be barricaded to prevent public uae. 'the neceaaary nrricades shall be
erected on order frca the Chief Buildinq Inapector, the Pire Department or
the Police Departaent.
(e) Poating of Sift•· When neceaaary to protect life, health and public
welfare, the dilef auli nq Inapector may poat aigna which •hall prohibit
entry into an unaafe buildiDCJ or atructurer provided, however, that with per-
lliaaion of the Chief Building Inapector, it ahall be lawful to enter the
building for the purpoaea of effectiDCJ any required repair•, rehabilitation,
or d..olition. It ahall be unlawful to remove any auch aign without permission
from the Chief BuildinCJ Inapector. It •hall be unlawful to enter, occupy or
inhabit auch unaafe buildin9 or atructure contrary to the terms of this
Baildin9 Code.
(f) Service and Rotice. Service of any notice may be by personal ser-
vice, a• definea by the Colorado Rule• of Civil Procedure, or may be made by
regiatered or certified mail, return receipt requeated, and aervice shall be
d•••d ccmplete upon delivery. In the event the addre•• of a person to be
notified i• unknown or the receipt of a notice which ha• been mailed is re-
turned unaigned, auch notice may be aerved by poatiDCJ the aame on a conspicu-
oua place on the pr.U.•e• upon which the unaafe building i• located, in which
event aervice ahall be deemed complete a• of the .. ent of poating.
(9) Draflition by City. If the owner of any unaafe building, structure
or utility ~ la to carry out the repair•, rehabilitation, or removal required
to be carried out on notice within the tiJDe apecified in auch notice, the
Chief Buildin9 Inapector •hall upon receiving cC11petitive and reaponaible
bid•, cauae the d8110lition and/or removal of auch buildin9, or structure or
utility. a.covery of the coat and expenae of demolition and removal shall be
..Se a• provided for in thi• Building Code.
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(h) ~City'• Lien Por coata. In the event the owner or owners fail to
pay the coat• and expen•e• of demolition or removal, the Chief Building In-
apeetor ahall aerve notice upon the peraon or peraon• having a record of inter-
••t therein, and in the manner provided for in thi• Section, as to the amount
of 8Uch coat• and expen•••· and he will at a time and place •pacified in the
notice, hold a hearing when and where auch peraon• •hall be required to show
cauae why •aid _,unt ahould not be paid or a lien placed against the property.
In the event aaid persona fail to ahow cauae a• provided, said amount
ahall conatitute a lien againat the real property upon which the building or
atructure va• or i• aituate. '!'he Chief Building Inapector •hall thereafter
pay the coat and expenae of demolition and removal from any appropriation
..Se available for that purpoae and •hall certify a atatement thereof to the
City .Clerk who shall aaae•• and charge the ... e againat the property involved
and collect the •-due, together with the intereat at the rate of interest
eatabliahed by law for delinquent real property taxea.
13.8-3 Application to Bxiating Building•, Structure• or Utilities.
(a) General. Bxiating building•, atructurea or utilities to which
addition•, alteration• or repair• are made or required to be made pursuant to
Section• 13.8, 13.8-1 and 13.8-2 of thi• Building Code, •hall be made to
ce11ply with all the requir8118Dt• for new building•, atructures or utilities unl••• otherwiae apecifically provided in thi• Building Code.
(b) Addition•. Alteration• ~ Re•r•1 lxceeding 75 Per cent. Any
exiating bulldlDCJ or atructure WiiC: la~r any reason, added to, altered or
repaired within any 12 month period, in exce•• of 75 per cent of the value
thereof, •hall be .. de to confom with all the requir-ents of this Build-
ing Code. Repair work perfol'JDed to maintain the atructural integrity of the
foundation• shall not be included in the allowable 75 per cent valuation.
'!be deterllination of the Chief Building Inapector •hall be conclusive as to
the per cent of iaprov-ent.
(c) Bxceedin r Cent.
Such addi ona, terat on• or re r• not exc ng 75 per cent of the value
of an exiating building or atructure •hall be made to comply with the require-
11enta of thi• Building COde in the following manners
Bxiating Type I building or atructure •hall comply with all requirements
for a new Type I building or atructure.
Bxiating Type II building or atructure •hall comply with all requirements
for a new Type II building or atructure.
Bxiating Type III building or atructure •hall coaplt with all requirements
for a new Type III building or atructure.
Bxiating Type IV building or structure shall comply with all requirements
for a new Type IV building or atructure.
Bxi•tinCJ Type v building or atructure •hall comply with all requirements
for a nev Type v building or atructure.
'fhe detezaination of claaaification (Type) of buildings or structures
ahall be .. de by the Chief Building Inapector baaed upon the classification
indicated in thi• Building COde.
(d) Utiliti••·•· All utilitie• uaed within or on all buildings or struc-
mrea now exlatlng ahall be .. de to conform to the requirements of this Build-
ing COde when 8Uch alteration• or addition• exceed 75 per cent of the valua-
tion of the exiating utilitiea, except that thi• proviaion shall not apply to
Group I Occupanci••·
(•) UH ef Occu~cv. 'l'he uae or occupancy of any existing building
or atructure •~lCCllp~ith the proviaion• of aection 3 and 5 of this
Building COde.
(f) nintenanc•· All building•, •tructurea, or utilities e~isting and
new, and a part• thereof, •hall be maintained in a aafe condition. All
device•, utiliti•• or aafeguard• which are required by the Building Cade or
which w.re required to have been erected or inatalled purauant to ~ny previous
BaJ.lding Code or ordinance relating to uae, conatruction or quality of mater-
ial• shall be ll&intained in good working order. 'l'he owner ahall be reapon-
aible for the maintenance of buiildinga,o atructueea and utilities.
13.9 Alternate l!thoda, Material• and Bquiment.
(a) ~eral. 'fhe proviaion• of thi• Building Code shall not peevent
the uae oi~ternate .. thola, material• or equipnent which meet .the reasonable
aafe atandard• of atrength, aafety, aanitation, and fire resistance required
to be .. t in any building, atructure, or utility to which this Building Code
appli••· provided that any 8Uch alternate ha• been approved in accordance with
the requir...nt• of thi• Building Code. 'the Chief Building Inspector may
conault with any advisory group adainiatratively created by the city council
in order to obtain a repreaentative opinion of the suitability of new materials,
new .. thod• or new equipnent ao long a• the requirements of the Building ·Code
are aubatantially .. t.
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(b) 'l'he Chief Buildinq
Inapector • a 9 ve approva n wr t ng or any auc a ternate methods,
.. teriala or equiiaent provided the propoaed deaiqn ia aatiaf actory and com-
pliea aubatantially with the proviaiona of the applicable technical portion of
thia Building Code and that the alternate ia, for the purpoae intended, at
leaat the equivalent of that preacribed in thia Building Code.
(c) Chief Building Inapector Authorized to Diaa9rove. In the event an alternate .. terlai, method or equlpaent la aUbillltt for approval and the
Chief Building Inapector find• that it doe• not aubatantially comply with the
proviaiona of thia Buildin9 Code, he ahall deny approval and advise the appli-
cant in writin9. '!he application may appeal the Chief Building Inspector's
deciaion by the procedure• outlined in thia Building Code.
(d) Application and Fee. An application for approval of alternate
-thod, material or equlpnent ahall be filed with the Chief Building Inspector
upon a form to be furniahed by the Chief Buildin9 Inapector and including all
the information required. Such application ahall be accompanied by a fee
of twenty-five dollar• ($25.00) payable to the City of Bnqlewood and shall
be paid in the office of the Department.
(e) 'l'eata. When a conatruction material or aaaellbly, fixture, device,
utility or other article different from that provided for in this Building
COde ia propoaed for uae, plana, apecificationa, detail•, teat data, samples
and literature ahall be furniahed to the Chief Buildin9 Inapector for exam-
In order that claima for auch alternate material, method or equipment
.. y be aubatantiated, the Chief Buildin9 Inapector may require teats to be
llade at the expenae of the applicant by an approved aqency. Test methods shall
be aa aet forth by the Standard• which are part of this Building Code for the
-thod, .. terial or equipaent in queation. If there are no appropriate test
.. thoda or atandarda aet forth by thia Building Code, the Chief Buildinq In-
apector with the aaaiatant of an adviaory group ahall determine acceptable
teat procedurea.
13.10 Prohibition• and Violation•.
(a) Prohibition•. It ahall be unlawful for any·•peraon, firm or cor-
poration to do or cauM to be done, or perform or cauae to be performed any
.ct contrary to or in violation of any of the proviaiona of this Building Code,
any other code, ordinance, rule or regulation promulgated thereunder which
ia enforced and adlliniatered by the Department.
(1) Alternate llethoda, Material• and Bquipnent. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any peraon, firm or corporation to uae any method, aater-
ial or equipDent aa an alternate to the methods, materials or
equipment permitted by thia Building Code without first having
obtained approval in the manner provided.
(2) Licenain9. It •hall be unlawful to excavate, erect, construct,
enlarge, remodel, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert
or demoliah any buildin9, atructure or utility in the City with-
out firat ob.taining a license, a permit, or a certificate in
accordance with the proviaiona of thia Building Code.
(3) Licenaee and Certificate Bolder Reaponaiblity.
unlawful for any licenaee or certificate holder
violation of the reaponaibilitiea aa enumerated
thia Building Code.
It shall be
to camnit any
elsewhere in
(4) Drawing• and Specification•. It ahall be unlawful to make appli-
caption for a permit without firat having aubmitted drawinqs and
apecificationa aa required by proviaiona of this Building Code.
(5) Peraita. It ahall be unlawful to excavate, erect, construction,
enlar9e, remodel, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert
or de1DOliah any building or atructure or utility without first
having obtained a permit aa required by proviaioas=of this
Building Code.
(6) Certificate of Occupancy. It ahall be unlawful for any person,
firm, or corporation to occupy any building or structure without
f irat having obtained a Certificate of Occupancy as required by
the proviaiona of thia Building Code. 'l'he Chief Building In-
apector may iaaue a conditional Certificate of Occupancy.
(7) unaafe Buildin9a. It •hall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
CO&'peration to maintain or permit to be maintained, any building,
atructure or utility when auch building, atructure or utility
ia unsafe in accordance with the provision• of this Building Code.
'ftleae requirmaenta shall apply to building•, structures or
utilities, new existing, under conatruction or being demolished.
(8) Wrecking. It ahall be unlawful to aell or to advertiae for sale
uaed buildin9 material at the site of wrecking operations.
I •
(9) Burning of va•te aaterial. It •hall be unlawful for any con-
tractor to burn paper, refu•e, waate, or other materials at the
aite of any wrecking or building operation, without first havinq
obtained the required perait from the Pire Department.
(10) Bxcavation and Pill Material•. It ahall be unlawful for any
peraon, firm, or corporation to allow excavations to be left open
or fill .. teriala to be piled on aite for a period in excess of
60 daya. '1'he Ch•ef Building Inapector may extend this period
if nec•••ary due to unuaual condition•.
(b) Vitlationa.
(1) B•tabli•hed. Whenever, by the proviaiona of this Building Code,
the pedlormance of any act i• prohibited or wherever any regula-
tion, dillenaion or liaitation is impoaed on the erection, alter-
ation, .. intenance or occupancy of any buildinq, structure or
utility, a failure to comply with the proviaions of this Building
Code ahall conatitute a violation. Bvery day on which a viola-
tion exi•t• •hall conatitute a aeparate violation and a separate
(2) Penaltiea. Por fine• and penaltie• not provided in this Build-
ing Code refer to Chapter 27, Municipal Code, City of Enqlewood.
'1'h• auapenaion or revocation of any licenae, certificate, permit
or other privilege• conferred by the City ahall not be regarded
a• a penalty for the purpo••• of this Building Code.
(3) R••di••· In the event any building, atructure or utility is
erected, conatructed, reconatructed, altered, repaired, converted,
demoliahed, moved, or maintainedr of any building, structure,
excavation, or utility i• uaed in violation of this Buildinq
Code, the City or any proper peraon may inatitute any appropriate
action or proceeding• to prevent auch unlawful erection, con-
atruction, reconatruction, alteration, repair, conversion,
.. intenance or occupancyr to reatrain, correct or abate such
violation or to prevent the occupancy of this building, struc-
ture or land. 'l'he impoaition of any penalty hereunder shall not
preclude the City or any proper peraon from inatitutinq any
appropriate action or proceeding to require compliance with
the proviaion• of thi• Building Code and with administrative
order• and determination made hereunder.
13.11 'ftfn!f.'Yired. llo job •hall be •tarted until the required per-
ait ha• L .. n~ Application for permit• ahall be nulde in writinq on
·!>lank• provided for that purpoae and •hall deacribe the operation, readily
identifying and definitely locatinq the aite, ahowing uae and occupancy of
all part• of the building, auch other reaaonable information as may be re-
quired, be acccmpanied by two copie• of pban• drawn to not le•• than 1/811
acale, apecification• and lot plan •hawing location and uae of every exist-
ing building, except that permit• for building• of aemi-public nature, or
for any building exceeding two atorie• in height or with •· :ttear span exceed-
ing 24 ft. •hall require complete aervice• of an architect licensed in the
State of COlorado, or licenaed regiatered engineer, licenaed in the State of
13.11-1 furv•x. A aurvey eatabliahing the location of boundaries and
the dralnage o the property upon which the operation i• to be executed shall
be furniahed.
13.11-2 Penaita. A permit ahall be iaaued when application, plans and
apeciflcatlona, together with auch engineerinq data and aurveys as may be
required have been checked and found to conform. Minor operations may be
approved without requiring COlllplete plan•. Upon payment of the required fee
a perait •hall be iaaued, and both aeta of plan• and •pacifications shall be
enctDraed in writing or atllllped •Approved,• one aet retained by the Building
Deparblent a• a public record and one aet returned to the applicant to be
kept at the aite until the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. Plans
for public building• ahall r .. ain on file 6n the Buildinq Department. Plans
for reaidencea and ainor building• •hall reaain on file in the Buildinq De-
partaent for one year after ccapletion of the job then they may be destroyed.
Bo perait •hall be iaaued to any contractor not licensed in accordance
vith Section 13.12.
13.11-3 Permit Peea.
Reaidential -Bew Buildinga ••••••••••••••••••• $.03 per sq. ft. broken on
50 aq. ft. multiples.
a .. octeling ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $4.00 per $1,000 valuation.
Cc arcial ••••••••••••••••••••• $3.00 per $1,000 valuation or portion thereof
to first 25 thouaand.
$2.50 per thouaand next $25,000
$2.00 per thouaand next $50,000
$1.50 per thouaand next $100,000
$1.00 per thouaand next $200,000
.. •If il!J1.
' .
lloYing or Wrecking ••••••••••••••••• $4.00 for each 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Before Moving Inapection ••••••••••••••••••••• $4.00 plus 10¢ per mile, round
trip mileage.
All other operation• controlled by thia code ••• $4.00 for each 1,000 of valuation.
Additional Pee• at Time of Conatructions
aaa .. ent, le•• than 850 aq. ft ••••••••••••••••••• $3.00
aa-nt, over 850 aq. ft •••••••••••••••••••••••• $4.00
Piniahed aa-ent ••••••••••• Added to floor area.
ar .. seway •••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••••• $1. oo
Carport • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ 3 • 00
Garage, iaaued with Building Permit •••••••••••••• $4.00
lliacellaneoua Peraitas
Pencea, retaining walla, heating and air conditioning plants, roofing,
antenna tower• and reaidential remodeling.
$4.00 per 1,000
$3.00 per $ 500
$2.00 per $ 200
$1.00 per $ 100
Signa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $5.00 for each $1,000 or fraction
in value.
Rehanging Only ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $3.00
PlUllbing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $3.00 first fixture.
Por each additional fixture $ .so
Bot water heater• or garbage diapoaala$1.50 for each unless with
other fixtures.
Blectrical Peraita -refer to Section 13.23-13 of the Municipal Code.
I~ of work for which a permit i• required under this Building Code
which are cc: meed before a perait ia aecured, may be a•••••ed fees for
peraita in twice the mount• pre.cribed in the achedule herein.
A plan checking fee shall acccapany plan• and specifications at the time
th9y are aulaitted to the Chief Building Inapector when he requires plan
checking aervice becauae of unuaual deaign, height, area or mixed occupancies.
Said plan checking fee ahall be equal to one-half the building permit fee.
'lhi• f-i• not refundable.
!'he City of Bnglewood, School Diatricta, Arapahoe County, The State of
colorado, and the united State• of America ahall be exmnpt from the paying
of any f-for any perait.
llinor operation• not affecting atructure and not coating more than $60.00
for -t•riala and labor, when approved, may be executed without a permit.
13.lt-4 InaMCtiona. Inapectiona ahall be made upon 24 hours notifica-
tion not nclualii9 weekend• or holldaya. The follatng inspections may be
Footing• -after trench•• are excavated and before any footings are built.
Foundation• -after all foundation• are built and forms, if any, are
Pr.aiDCJ, llechanical, Maaonry -after the foot, all framing, fire blocking,
and ~racing i• in place and all pipes, electric wiring, chimneys, and
vent• are ccapletect.
Lathing -after all lathing and backing ia in place and before any
plaater or atucco i• applied.
Special inapectiona on plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning
and aiacellaneoua rmodelling a• may be required by the Chief Building
Pinal Inapection -after building i• completed and ready for occupancy.
Bo work ahall be done on any part of building and/or atructure beyond
the point indicated in each aucceaaive inapection without written approval.
Special on-the-job inapectiona may be required by the Chief Building In-
apector on Oob• that are progressing at a rapid rate and on maaonry and con-
crete work being carried on during winter weather. 'l'heae inapections may
be -d• by an engin-r or architect or a peraon qualified in the particular
field when approved by the Chief Building Inapector. Reports of inspections
ahall be aulaitted to the Chief Building Inapector.
•• !
I . ' .
13.11-5 certificate of Occur~· A certificate of Occupancy shall
be iaaued, upon ccapletlon of a j ollowing final inapection if it is found
that all licen .. a and permit• are in order, the building ccmplies with the
llwlicipal Code and the uae of the atructure ia permitted uae. A temporary
certificate .. y be iaaued for temporary uae of portions of a building prior
to ccapletion, providing the portion ccmpliea with above requirements. A
requeat fra11 the contractor will be required on form• provided by the Build-
ing Departllent ahowing what part of the building i• to be released for use
under thi• tllllpOrary Certificate of Occupancy. A fee of $4.00 will be charged
for each tlHPOrary certificate.
13.11-6 Cbana• of OccuPMf>j• A change of occupancy shall require the
iaauance of a new Certificate o Occupancy.
13.11-7 wrecking. 'l'he wrecking of a buil-g ·~lll be effected by
low.ring .. terial to the ground upon diaplacement. Wetting to prevent dust
will be required. An approved coverage of all throughfarea, properly marked
and illuainated ahall be provided while the demoliahing i• in progreaa. Im-
..ctiately upon cc:apletion of wrecking, the property and adjacent streets and
alley• ahall be cleared. 'Ille r-ining excavation shall be filled level with
adjoining grade. Approved incOllbuatible material may be uaed to fill auch
excavation•, provided the top 1 ft. of fill i• ef clean earth. 'l'he filling
of auch excavation• ahall not be required if a permit haa been issued for a
nMf building on .... aite and conatruction •tarted within 60 days of comple-
tion of wrecking, provided that such excavation be protected on all aides with
an approved fence not le•• than 42 inch•• high.
13.11-8 !°VI1ifaou Ro building •hall be moved into the City or relocated
within the city t fir•t obtaining a perait. An application shall be
• ...._nleted containing the following informations
(a) Preaent location and address of building.
(b) Floor plan of building -containing the dimensions.
(c) Deacription of the building showing aize, spacing and -pan of floor
joiata1 aize and •pacing of atuda1 ceiling heights of rooms: size
and apacing of roof rafter•1 type of roof and roof covering1 type
of heating plant, wiring and plumbing.
(d) A plot indicating legal description and aize of t.he site7 proposed
location of building(•) and any exiating building(•) on site.
(e) A atat81118Jlt ahowing propoaed addition•, repairs and remodelling. A
cc:apletion bond in the minimum amount of $3,000 or more, amount of
bond to be determined by the Chief Building Inspector, shall be
required before a permit will be iaaued to move or relocate a
building. 'l'he moving of the building muat be done by a properly
licenaed houaemover. After the building i• moved before the
building i• ceoccupied, the plumbing, electrical and mechanical
11Uat be inapected by properly licenaed contractors, for compliance
with their particular code. 'l'hia muat be done prior to final in-
apection by the City and iaauance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
13.12 -Licenaing of jontractora. A contractor i• a person who undertakes
with or for another to per orm any of the opeaation• controlled by this code,
,.,... ••••••••"8•--••••• ••d!t••r-••»adlawdla for any compensation other than
wagea. A peraon who work• by the hour either by himaelf or with one or more
helper• when he uaea other than hand tool• i• a contractor. Any person who
perforaa any of th••• operation• on hia own or other property for the purposes
of •peculation, BlrCBPT Group •I• building• and building• accessory thereto,
intended for hi• own peraonal and permanent occupancy i• a contractor. Perma-
nent occupancy aa herein described i• for a period of one year or more.
l!le proviaiona of thi• aecteon •hall not apply to plumbers, electricians,
or other apecialized trade• for which special licenaea are required1 or to
an owner making ordinury repair• to hi• heme or acceaaory buildings, providing
he doe• the repair work biaaelf. 'l'he required permit must be taken out before
work• atarta.
Prescribed annual fee• •hall be payable on or before the first day of
January. A licenae may be prorated to one-half the prescribed fee providing
it i• not tuen out before July 1. A licenae may not be prorated if the con-
tractor wa• licenaed in the 1-ediate preceding year.
Starting work on any project before t.he required license has been secured
will reault in a 10 per cent licenae fee penalty.
CLASS I. General Contractor•' Licenae, Uftlimited1 The license shall
entitle the holder thereof to contract for the building, construction, altera-
tion or repairing of any type or aize of atructure permitted by this ordinance.
'l'he annual fee ahall be $120.
CLASS II. Gen£el Contractor•' Licenae Limited: 'l'he license shall
entitle the holderreof to contract for tfie building, construction, alter-
ation or repairing of building• in which the total value of all labor and
-teriala entering the work, doe• not exceed $40,000. 'l'he annual license fee
ahall be f40. 00
~·'~oo . .
CLASS III. Jobber Contractor•• Licenae 1 'l'he license shall entitle the
holder thereof to contract for the building or conatruction of minor struc-
ture• auch aa fencea, aheda, private garages, patios, carports, swinaning
pool•, or for the alteration or repair of other holdings or structures, pro-
vided auch work doea not involve, in the opinion of the Chief Building In-
spector, the atructure of the building and provided the total value of the
labor and -teriala of each job ahall not exceed $3,000. The annual license
f-aball be f20.00.
CLASS IV. Sub-Contr19tora• Licenae1 'l'he licenae ahall be iaaued by the
Chief Building Inapec::tor to thoae engaged in contracting for labor or for
labor and .. terial, involving only one trade or group of related trades, such
aa the followings .. aonry, plaater, cement, elevator, roofing, water-proofing,
excavation, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, residing contractors and
aiailar aub-contractora. 'l'he annual licenae fee shall be $20.00.
A cement contractor working on City property muat comply with Section
15.2-1 of the Municipal Code by ob~aining an annual performance bond in the
..aunt of f2,000. .
CLASS v. Special contractor•' Licenae1 The license shall be issued by
the Chief Building Inapec::tor to thoae apec::lalizing in one particular class of
work, auch aa houae moving, ahoring or wrecking. The annual fee shall be
'1'he licenae of wrecking ahall entitle the holder thereof to deal in
aecond-hand building materials. Ro wrecking ahall be done except by a li-
cenaed wrecking contractor, except that a Cla•• I or Claaa II General Con-
tractor .. y wreck minor buildings or portion• of buildings where such wreck-
ing ia a portion of a prOCJram of alteration or remodeling. A general contractor
-y uae exceaa aalvaged material• in other work constructed by him, or
-y diapoae of .... to a licenaed wrecking contractor. Salvaged materials are
not to be aold or offered for aale to the public on wrecking site.
CLASS V%. Drainli:era• Licenae. The licenae ahall entitle the holder
thereof to lay ..,.r 1 ea and to tap to the aewer main, but in no caae per-
fora any plumbing. The fee for auch licenae ahall be $20. 00. Bach applica-
tion for a licenae ahall be accompanied by a auretybbond in the amount of
fl,000 given to indemnify the City againat any damage or liability it may
incur aa a reault of any act or cmdaaion of the licenaee, hi• agent, repre-
aentative or employee.
CLASS VII. S~ial Maintenance Licenae1 The licenae shall be issued
to thoae people a~ailzing in factory or building maintenance work. The
fee for auch licenae ahall be $5.00.
CLASS V%I. Pl\llllber'a Licenae1 Ro peraon ahall en9age in the plumging
buain••• in the city WlfhOut flrat obtaining a license therefor from the
Chief Building Inapectorr and no peraon ao licenaed ahall allow his name to
be uaed by any other person for the purpoae of obtaining a plullbing permit.
Bvery peraon applying for a plumber'• license ahall give satisfactory proof to
the Chief Building Inapector that he ia licenaed aa a master plumber by the
State of COlorado. The annual licenae ahall be $aO.OO. Bach applica-
tion for a licenae ahall be accanpanied by a aurety bond in the amount of
fl,000 given to indemnify the city againat any damage or liability it may
incur aa a reault of any act or omiaaion of the licensee, his agent, repre-
sentative or .. plofee.
CLASS IX. Blectrical Contractora1 Ro peraon ahall engage in the elec-
trical buain••• without firat ob~aining a licenae aa per provisions of
Par~aph 13.23-1, Paragraph 13.23-8 of the Municipal Code. '!he annual fee
for Claaa A Blectrical Licenae ahall be $50.00.
Application for a contractor• licenae accompanied by the proper license
f-ahall be llade to the Chief Building Inapector on a contractors license
application form, which form ahall contain the information hereinafter set
forth. Such for.a muat be completed in full. 'l'heae form• are confidential
and for u .. in determining financial and mechanical qualifications for
licenaing purpo••• only.
(a) '!'he n ... of the peraon, firm, or corporation deairing such license.
(b) !'he reaidence of auch applicant, or of each of the individual
•Giber• of auch firm, or of each of the directing officers of such
corporation and ita principal place of business.
(c) '!'he type of licenae deaire.
(d) !'he atreet addreaa from where auch applicant proposes to engage in
buaineaa, and the telephone number thereof and emergency telephone
if available.
(e) '!'he year for which auch licenae ia aought.
(f) A atat ... nt of the applicant'• qualifying experience record, includ-
ing an enumeration of aeveral contract• and jobs performed by the
(g) A financial •tatement, and a •tatement of the applicant's experience
in regard to bonding, including an indication of whether the appli-
cant ha• ever been refuaed a bond and an indication of the largest
bond ever fullni8hed by the applicant. Al•o indication of coverage
under Workllan'• compen•ation.
(h) A cmaplete enumeration of all unpaid lien• and judgments outstanding
againat the applicant.
(i) One or JDOre bank reference• plua three auitable references fran
peraona acquainted with the applicant'• qualifications.
(j) A 8\lllllar)' of the qualifying experience record• of all superviaory
for the particular licen•e sought$
(k) Licen•e• held in other city or cities and years held.
(1) Any other relevant information required by the Chief Building
'!'he licen•e aay be i••ued providing the Chief Building Inspector deter-
aine• frOID the inforaation and references that the applicant is qualified for
the type of licenae aought. Payment of the proper fee must accompany license
Bearing concerning refu•al of a licenae, •u•penaion of a license, revo-
cation of a licenae, or other matter• pertaining thereto ahall be by Board
of Adju•tment and Appeal•.
In the event the applicant ia denied a licen•e he may request
of hi• licenae application by the Board of Adju•tment and Appeals.
'15.00 ahall accaapany thi• reque•t, which amount will be returned
event the Board order• the ia•uance of the licen•e.
a review
A fee of
in the
S.Ch contractor •hall be reaponaible for all work included in his contract,
whether or not execution i• by him or a •ub-contractor, and for all funds or
property received by him for pro•ecution of a •pecific contract for a specific
purpoM. '!'he Chief Building In•pector may and •hall upon the verified can-
plaint in writing of any peraon, require any contractor to appear before the
Board of Adju•taent and Appeal• at their next regular meeting for a hearing
upon 5 day•' notice in writing, mailed ~ hi• la•t known post office address,
and the Board •hall have the power to temporarily •uspend or revoke any
licen-if holder i• found guilty of any of the following:
(a) Abandonment of any contract without legal cause.
(b) Diver•ion of fund• or property received for performance of a spe-
eific contract and their application for any other purpose, or the
failure to u•e auch for the perforaance of •aid contract.
(c) Praudulent departure or di•regard of plan• and/or specifications.
(d) Willful and/or deliberate diaregard and violation of this code.
(e) Pailure to keep records of receipt• and di•bursements of his trans-
action• a• a contractor and to produce amne for examination by
Board when requeated.
(f) Miarepreaentation of a material fact to obtain a license.
(g) '!'he doin9 of any willful, fraudulent act aa a contractor by which
another ia •ubatantially injured.
(h) Fraudulent u•e of licenae to obtain perait• for another.
(i) Careleaan••• or negligence in providing reaaonable safety measures
for protection of workmen and public.
(~) Failure to obtain a perait for any work before starting a job.
If the contractor requeata a apecial meeting, he ahall pay the required
'15.00 before auch -•ting i• acheduled. When a licenae is revoked, no new
penaita ahall be iaaued thi• peraon or fira until the licenaee shall fully
correct the faulty conatruction with the proviaion• of thi• code and until
th• llcenae ia reinatatmd by the Board. 'l'he Board ahall have power to withhold
reinatat-.it of thelicenae for a period not to exceed 6 months. If the
auapenaion ia over 3 JDOntha, the licenaee •hall be required to obtain a new
licenae, which fee cannot be prorated.
13.21-1 C9£:letion of Bxi•t!eJuBuildinga. 'l'he completion of existing
buildlnga aball pei'ID!tted if l l pei'iDlta have been issued and the con-
atruc:tion actually begun within 60 daya after thia code becanes effective.
13.12-2 ~ation of City Official•. 'l'he cooperation of city offi-
cial• ahaii 'LiCU~any aaal•tance aa may be required for the enforcement of
thi• code.
"'~iJOS • . .,.,
lf .12-3 v~ilftiona. 'l'h• iaauance of a perait or approval of plan• and
apeeif cation• • al not penli.t violation of thi• code, and any permit which
pre8Ullea to 9ive authority to violate or cancel an,,-proviaiona of this code
i• unlawful. The i•auanc• of a penait ahall not prevent correction of errors
or perait operation• being carried on when in violation of this code or any
other ordinance of th• City of Bn91900d.
Pend.ta ahall expire and become null and void if work ia not started
within 60 day• from date of iaauance, of if work authorised i• •topped or
abandoned for a period of 60 daya after •tartin9, and the reaumption of such
interrupted work ahall require th• obtainin9 of a new permit for the unfinished
A variance qranted by the Board of Adjuataent and Appeal• ahall becane
null and void if the perait waa not obtained and the work atarted within 6
110Dtha fraa the date of the variance.
•o cwerai9ht, nefJlect, or dereliction on the part of the buildinq in-
apector er any authorised aaaiatant ahall authorize violation of this code.
B.ch day conatitut•• a aeparate offenae.
•a•aed on Pirat Readin9 by the City council of the City of Bnqlewood,
COlorado, thi• 2lat day of Decellber, A.D. 1964, and ordered published in full
in the Inglewood Herald and Bnterpri••·
Paaaed on Pinal Readin9 by the City council of the City of Bnqlewood,
Colorado, thi• 4th day of January, A.D. 1965, and ordered published in full in
the lngl9'f00d Berald and Bnterpriae.
I, Ray Chaae, City Clerk of the City of Bnqlewood, County of Arapahoe,
State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoinq ordinance
waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the Bnglewood
fi!a1d and Bnt•;:t!•• at a r8CJUlar meetinq of the City council held on the
at day of Dec r, A.D., 1964, and '*1\at at leaat 7 days after above pub-
lication aa a bill the above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered
pabliahed a• -.ided in aaid leqal newspaper by the City Council at a reqular
-ting held on the 4th day of January, A.D., 1965, a• Ordinance Ro. 1,
Serie• of 1965 of aaid City.
I ...