HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 003I I I Br AUlllORift ORDillAllCB S>. 3, SDIU OP 1964 All mDillNICS VnovJm ft8 WllOLB COST OP BB DIPRO~ II.QB I• MD POR •a-vim-DlaBICT m. 13, D .. CD'Y OP mlLD'OOD, COLO&..-'DOJ UPROVIm MD CCllWDK- lm .. utcanc•s~ ow um con''° DCB LOI' OR fttAC'r OP LUii) D SAID DISftIC'fr a•m•zm A ..... o• MID COft WDft DCB LOI' OR fttAC'r or LUii) I• .. DISftIC'f 1 ..... 18191 tllS ...... JOa .. COLLSCTIO?I MID PUllm' or SUD ASSB8mft81 MID D• <SHIPP All --~. I DD8, tber• baa been eot1plianc• with all the proviaiona of law relatin9 to t:be aoaftnction of pavintJ illprov•enta in Pavin9 Di•trict llo. 13 in the City of ... lMJODi, COlor..SO, created pur•uant to Ordinance llo. 13, &eri•• of 1963, finally ~ and approved on th• 18th day of Karch, 19631 and w••MS, the time for filing with th• City Clerk of the City of Bngl-..ood --lainta or objection• to th• proceeding• of th• City council ha• elap•ed1 and 1 'MM&, all auch written ca11plaint• or objection• to th• proceeding• of the Ci~ ODaacll ware r...S by th• City Clerk and all per.on• .UiDCJ oral complaint• or objectiOIUI ware beard I and 4•.DS, th• City coaacil deterained that all of th• proceeding• and a•••••-nt• u orqiully deteraiaed by a re.olution adopted by th• City council on th• 20th day of aaaary, 1964, ware confirlled1 and 1 D.W, from the •tat••nt made and filed with th• City council, it appear• that tM wt.Dl• co•t of Aid illprov-nta i• the •ua of $327,596.78, of which a110unt the City of ...,19'1Goi will pay '84,801.19, leaving $242,791.59 to be ••••••ed againat th• real property in Aid Di•trict, aaid awnt including coat• of inapection, collection and otber incidental• and al80 including intereat •• allowed by law: and 1 IMDS, frca Aid •tat•ent it al.o appear• that th• City council ha• apportioned a abar• of th• Aid wbol• co•t to each lot or tract of land in ••id Di•trict, in acaordltw with th• benefit• to be derived by ••id property and in th• proportiou ..S a-u ..,,erally ••t forth in a aemolution adopted by th• City council on the 2~ day of Jaawy, 1964, and in a public notice, pabli•hed in '!be Bn9lwood Herald a.I materpriM oa January 23, 30, Pebruary 6, a.t 13, 1964, which ae.olution and lloUce are by refer•ce --'• a part llereof 1 -rr GmaDID -BIS CD'Y COUllCIL OP .. Clft or m-...ooD, COLOJtADCh a.ation 1. ftat the wbol• coat and apportio ... nt of the •-· •• ••t forth ill Aid .. 80latt.D and .. tice i• hereby approved and confirmed, and ••id apportion- -t i• 1-reby declared to be in accordance with th• bmefita which th• property in Mid Diatrict will receive by rea.on of th• con•truction of Aid illprov-nta, and a 8bare of Aid co•t i8 hereby ••••••ed to and apon eacb lot or tract of land within tbe Dietrlct ia th• proportiou and a.ouata ••t forth in ••id ae•lution and Jrotice. aection 2. ftat Aid •••••-nt• · ._11 be due and payable at the office of tbe City 'Jlrea8arer, within thirty day• after th• final publication of thi• Ordinance, wi~t dmendr provided that all auch •••••-t• -y, at the election of th• owner, be paid in in8tal1-ta, with intereat •• hereinafter provided. Pailar• to pay th• .._le UM•m•nt within Aid period of thirty day• 8hall be concluaively conaidered a.I laeld an election • the part of all per-int•r••ted, whether under di.ability or etMEwiM, to pay in •ach inatall..at•. In caH of auch election to pay in in- 8tal.J-•t•, tba a•H•m•nta •ball be payable at th• off ice of th• coanty 'l'r•••ar•r of ar...-. CDaaty, COi.do, in ten (10) equal maal inatal1-ta of principal, th• fir8t of whicb inatal1-t• of principal •hall be due and payable on or before th• l•t day of Atlga•t, 1964, and, the r-iader of ••id in•tallmenta •hall be due and payable nac:e••ively on or before th• lat day of Karch, in each year thereafter, •til pid in fall. with inter••t in all caH• on the unpaid principal at th• rate of •ix per centum <•> per annua, payable each year at th• ti•• of paying inatal- l••ta of principal. ••ilar• to pay any in•tall-nt, whether of principal or in- tereat, when due, •hall cau•• th• whole of th• unpaid principal to become due and payable t aiiately, and th• wbol• amount of th• unpaid principal and accrued in- ter••t aball ther-fter draw int•r••t at th• rate of one per centua (l") per -nth, or fraction of a llODth, until th• date of tax •ale, •• by law provided, but any tiae prior to the date of the Ale, any owner -Y pay th• a110unt of all unpaid inatallaenta with iater••t at one per c•tua per llODth, or fraction of a -nth, upon all delinqa-t iMtall-aata, and all penalti•• accrued, and aball thereupon be reatored to th• right tber~ to pay in in8ta11-nt• in the •-•nner •• if default had not been auf- fered. !be owner of aay property not in default •• to any in•tallaent or payment -Y, at aay time, pay the whole of th• anpaid principal with accrued intereat to the date of tbe Mllct ••-••t inatallaent pa~t date. Payment• •Y be -d• to th• City -.reaRrer at aay time within thirty day• after th• final publication of thi• Ordinance. a.I aa allowance of five per centum (5") will be -d• on all payment• made daring auch period, bat not tbereafter. I ediately after th• expiration of Aid thirty day period, Aid --=•nta aball be certified to th• coanty 'freaaarer of Arapahoe county, COlorado, for collection, •• provided by law. 8ection 3. !bat if any one or more ••ction• of part• of thi• Ordinance •hall be ad:ltlllted amforceabl• or invalid, aach judgment •hall not affect, impair or invalidate t:be rmet.aiag provi•iw of thi• Ordinance, it beiDCJ tba intention that th• variou BWWUiona hereof are .,,..able. $\(:853 .. ~ . . . "' . -<fiil . •• • 8ectioa 4. By rea-of tb• fact tbat bond• of •aid Paving Di•trict llo. 13 are .., oaUtandincJ and iater••t thereon will 8bortly becolle due and payable, fund• aa•t be ante anilabl• at the earli••t po••ibl• date for payment of •uch int•r••t, and for tbe t ediate preaervation of th• public pzoperty, h-lth, peace and ••f•ty, it ia Ms'eby declared tbat an ~ency exi•t• and tbat thi• Ordi-c• mall take •f fect mu• lU fiaal paa ..... 8ectl• 5. till• Ordi-ce, after it• final pa•A9e, 8ball be recorded in the Clq Ordiaaace 8aek kept for tbat purpo••· •hall be authenticated by th• •ignatar•• of tbe •yor and Clq Clerk, and •hall be pabli•hed in the lln9lMIOOCS Herald and aa~prlM, a we~ of 9eneral circulation publi8bed in Aid City, within •even day• after it• final pa•A9•• and •ball be and r ... in irrepealabl• until th• ••••••--u Mreby ..Se 8hall be paid in full. &ectioa 6. A pablic bearin9 on th• Ord1-ce will be held at th• City Ball in ... 1.-.1, Colorado, on llonday, tb• 16tb day of llarcb, 1964, at tb• hour of 8100 •'clock•·•·• and llotice of •uch Bearin9 i• hereby authorised to be given by publica- tion once in the s.gl...aod Herald and Bnterpri••· in it• i••u• of March 5, 1964. Dl&ODUCD AllD aMD tBIS 2nd day of Mar~, 1964. ftP'.LY ADOPID AllD APPROVBD 'lbia 16th day of March, 1964. Mayor AllWWW1 I, •· o. -mmg, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bn9leiwood, county of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify tbat th• above and for.,oiDCJ ordinance waa latrodaced, read, pa•aed and ordered publi•hed •• a bill in th• Ba9lewood Herald ..S aat.erpriM at a revuJ.ar ... ting of th• City council held on the 2nd day of llarcb, A.D. 1964, at tbe -seetin9 a public hearing on the above ordinance waa Mt to be held prior to tb• final conaideration of th• •-• and notice publi8hed !Dr Aid bearincJ, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill th• bearin9 wa• held and th• above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publi•hed la Aid 199al newapaper by th• City council at a r9911lar •••ting held on the 16th day of llarch, A.D. 1964, •• Ordinance llo. 3, Seri•• of 1964, of ••id City. Ali~•