HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 008-
BY AU'l'llORift
WBBRBAS, Paving Diatrict No. 14, in the City of Bnglawood, Colorado, has been
duly created by Ordinance No. 4, Serie• 1964, of aaid City, finally adopted and
approved on the 16th day of March, 1964: and
WBBRBAS, Notice to Contractor• to aubmit bid• for the conatruction of the
illprov .. enta in aaid Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and the contract for such
conatruction baa been duly awarded to Peter Kiewit SOna' Company, of Denver: and
1111BRBAS, Notice of the Sale of approximately $300,000 of the bonds of said
Diatrict baa been ~ published and $250.000 of auch bond• have been awarded to
J. K. Mullen Invea~pany. et al, of Denver1 and
WBBRBAS, it ia now neceaaary to provide for the issuance of said bonds and
th• form and payment thereof:
Section 1. By virtue of and in purauance of the laws of the State of
COlorado, the Charter and Ordinance No. 8, Series 1959, of Laid City. bonds of
Paving Diatrict lfo. 14 in aaid City ahall be iaaued for the purpose of paying
for local improvement• constructed in said Paving District. Said bonds shall be
dated aa of June l. 1964. and ahall consist of 250 bonds in the denomination of
$1,000 each, number • to 250, incluaive. Said bonds shall be payable to bearer
and aball be ab80lutely due and payable on June 1. 19'5, subject to call and prior
payment in direct numerical order at par and accrued interest at any time after
the date thereof upon thirty daya' notice published in the Englewood Herald and
&aid bonda ahall be aigned with the facsimile signature of the Mayor, attes-
ted and count•r•igned by the .. nual signature of the City Clerk and Treasurer,
and ... led with a facaimile of the seal of said City, and shall be payable out
of 110niea collected from aaaeaamenta to be levied for the improvements constructed
in aaid Diatrict and from fund• hereinafter mentioned. Should any officer whose
aignature or facsimile aignature appear• on said bonds or the coupons thereto
attached ceaae to be auch officer before delivery of the bonds to the purchaser,
auch aignature or facaimile signature shall nevertheless be valid and auf f icient
for all purpo•••·
&aid bonda ahall bear interest payable aemi-annually on the lat day of June
and th• lat day of Decellber each year •• evidenced by two sets of coupons to be
attached to aaid bonda, such coupons to be signed with the facsimile signature
of the City Clerk and Treasurer. Said interest coupons shall be designated •A"
and •a•, reapectively. Coupons shall be attached to bonds numbered in the follow-
ing ahcedul• ahowing interest rates and the number of "B" coupons to be attached
to each of said bond•: ' .· ·.~.
"A" Coupons Prom Date "B" Coupons
Bond Boa. Amount To Matyrity Prom To
1 -75 $ 75,000 2 5/8" 7/1/64 12/1/64
76 -115 40,000 2 7/~ 12/1/64 6/1/64
$ 2.00
116 -150 35,000 3 "
151 -180 30,000 3 1/8%
181 -205 25.000 3 1/8"
206 -230 25.000 3 1/4%
231 -250 20,000 3 1/4"
Section 2. Said bonds and the coupon• to be attached thereto shall be in
aubatantially the following form:
'ftle City of Englewood, in the county of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, for
value received. acknowledges itself indebted and hereby promises to pay to the
bearer hereof the principal sum of
in lawful money of the United states of America, on the lat day of June, 1975,
8Ubject to call and payment, however, at any time prior thereto, with interest
thereon •• evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated •A" at the rate of
per centum ( ~) per annum from date until payment,
_pa __ y_ab...,1-.--... ---1--.-nn--u_a_l~ly on the lat day of June and the lat day of December each
year, and additional intereat •• evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated •a"
for th• period of July 1, 1964, to June 1, 1965, incluaive, payable on December 1,
1964, in the amount of $10.00 and on June 1. 1965, in the amount of $2.00, all
auch principal and intereat being payable at the Pirat Rational Bank of Englewood,
in Sngl8WOOd, Colorado, on preaeaution and aurrender of the attached coupons
and thia Bond •• they aeverally become due or are called for payment.
!'bi• Bond i• iaaued for the purpoaa of paying the coats of atreet, avenue,
and alley iaprov ... nt• in Paving Diatrict &o. 14, in the City of Englewood,
Colorado, by virtue of and in full conformity with the laws of the State of
COiorado, the Charter of aaid City and an ordinance of aaid city duly adopted,
approved, publiahed and made a law of aaid City prior to the iaauance hereof.
fti• Bond i• payable out of the proceed• of apecial aaaeaamenta to be levied
upon real ••tat• aituate in the City of Englewood, Colorado, in Paving Diatrict
llo. 14, apecially benefited by aaid improvementa,,,which ••••••manta so to be levied,
with accrued intereat, will be lien• on aaid real eatate in the respective amounts
to be apportioned thereto and aaaeaaed by an ordinance of said City, and, if
neceaaary, from the Surplu• and Deficiency Pund heretofore created purauant to
th• Chart•••., aid Ci ty.
!'be Charter of aaid city provides: •Whenever a public improvement district
haa paid and cancelled four-fifth• of it• bond• outatanding, and for any reaaon
the r ... ining ••••• ... nt• are not paid in time to take up the final bond• of the
diatrict and inter••t due thereon, and there i• not aufficient money in said apecial
aurplu• and deficiency fund, then the City ahall pay aaid bond• when due and in-
terHt due thereon and reimburae itaelf by collecting the unpaid aaaeasmenta due
aaid diatrict. •
It i• hereby certified and recited that the total i••ue of bonds of aaid
City for aaid Di•trict, including thi• Bond, doe• not exceed the amount authorized
by law: that every requirement of law relating to the creation of said Paving
Diatrict Ro. 14, the ~ing of aaid local improvement• and the issuance of this
Bond ha• been fully complied with by the proper officer• of aaid city, and that
all condition• required to exiat, and thing• required to be done precedent to and
in th• iaauance of thia Bond to render the aame lawful and valid, have happened,
been properly done and performed, and did exiat in reqular and due time, form
and manner, •• required by law.
Por the payment of thi• Bond and the intereat thereon, the City pledges all
of ita lawful corporate power•.
Df TBSTIMOllY WBBRBOP, the City of Englewood ha• caused this Bond to be signed
with the facaimile aignature of it• Mayor, atteated and counteraigned by the manual
aignature of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, aealed with a facsimile of the corporate
aeal of aaid City, and the intereat coupon• hereto attached to be signed with the
facaimil• aignature of the City Clark and Treaaurer, aa of the lat day of June, 1964.
( 8 B A L )
(Do not •-1cmJ
City Cler1f an(! Treaaurer
Ro. A __ _
llo. ·---
(Pacaimile Sign•tur•)
(Porm of Coupon)
$ ___ _
$ ___ _
On the lat day of o.~=.r• 19 , the city of Englewood, in the County of
Arapahoe and State of ColoraCJo, wilTPay to the bearer
in lawful ..,ney of the United State• of America, at the Pirat Rational Bank of
Bnglewood, in 8ngl.wood, Colorado, being intereat then due on its local improve-
.. nt bond iaaued for th• conatruction of local improvement• in Paving District
llo. 14, Bnglewood, COlorado, provided the Bond to which this coupon i• attached
ahall not have been theretofore called for payment or paid. Attached to Bond
dated June 1, 1964, bearing
llo ·----------(Facaimila Signature)
City Clerk and Treasurer
section J. The proceeds of said bonds shall be applied only to pay the costs
and expell8ea of constructing the improvement• in said District and all other
coats and expenses incident thereto. In the event that all of the proceeds of
.. 1d bonds are not required to pay such coats and expenses, any remaining amount
aball be paid into the special aaaeaament fund for the purpose of calling in and
paying the principal of and interest on said bonds.
section 4. Said bond"6nd the interest thereon shall be paid from special
••••• .. enta to be levied on the real property in said District from the Surplus
and Deficiency Pund of said City and from any other available funds of the City •.
When there ia on band a sufficient amount to pay six months' interest on out-··
atanding bonds of said District, the City shall call for payment of outstanding
bond• in numerical order with funds available therefor.
section 5. After the expiration of the period for cash payments or assess-
lleftta in full, the City shall pay each year not l••• than 107' of the total amount
of bonds of said District outstanding after the payment of bonds with the proceeds
of auch cash payments of aaaeaamenta in full.
Section 6. '!'hat in accordance with Section 108 of the Charter of said City,
~ever there ia a deficiency in the fund of said Improvement District to meet
payllellt of outatanding bonds and intereat thereon, auch deficiency shall be paid
out of the special Surplus and Deficiency Fund of said City. Whenever said District
baa paid and cancelled four-fifth• of the bonds issued therefor and for any reason
the r ... ining aaaeaamenta are not paid in time to take up the final bonds of the
Diatrict and intereat due thereon, and there ia not sufficient money in said Sur-
plua and Deficiency Pund, then the City shall pay ••id bonds when due and interest
due thereon and r•illbur•• itself by collecting the unpaid aasesaments due said
section 7. If it shall be neceaaary to advance money to maintain current
payment• of interest and equal annual payments of the principal amount of the bonds
laaued for said Diatrict, the City council shall levy annual taxes on the taxable
property within th• City not exceeding two mill• in any one year and shall apply
the proceed• of aucb tax•• for said purpose. In lieu of such tax levies, the
council .. y annually transfer to such special fund any available money of the
City, but in no event shall th• amount transferred in any one year exceed the
-.ount which would reault from a tax levied in such year aa herein limited. Such
tax levies or transfer• of funds may be made in accordance with and pursuant to
Section 109 of th• Charter of aaid City.
section e. Should any part or provision of the Charter of the City of
Bngl...ood, COlorado, or this Ordinance, or any part or provision of an ordinance
or th• charter of any other City in the State of COlorado having substantially
aimilar terms and provisions aa those contained in the Bngl8'110od Charter or this
Ordinance, ever be judicially determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such
deteraination shall not affect the remaining parts and proviaions of the Englewood
Charter or this Or dinance, the intention being that each part and provision of I
the Charter and this Or dinance ia aeverable.
All ordinances or part• thereof in conflict with thi• Ordinance are hereby
Section 9. 'l'hia Ordinance, after it• fainal paaaa9•, shall be recorded in
a book kept for that purpoae: shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor
and City Clerkr ahall be published as provided in the Charter of the City: and
after becoming effective, shall be irrepealable until the bonds· of said District
shall be paid in full.
Section 10. A public Hearing on thia Ordinance will be held in the Council
ltOOl8 of the City Ball on Monday, the 18th day of May, 1964, at the hour of 8:00
P.M., and Rotice of auch Hearing i• hereby authorized to be given by publication
once in the Bnglewood Herald and Enterprise in its iaaue of May 8, 1964.
section 11. Thi• Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after publication
followin9 final passage.
DiRODUCBD ARD RBAD Thi• 4th day of May, 1964
PIQJ.t.y ADOPrBD AllD APPROVBD Thi• 18th day of May, 1964.
I, B. o. Beauaang, C~Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, 11
State of COlorado, do he~y certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa ~
introduced, read, passed and ordered published aa a bill in the Bngl8'1100d Herald and \
Snterpri•• at a regular meeting of the City council, held on the 4th day of May, A.D. :_
1964. at th• same meeting a public hearing on the above ordinance was set to be held
prior to the final consideration of the same and notice published of said hearing,
... that at least 7 days after above publication aa a bill the hearing was held and
the above ordinance waa approved, adopted, and ordered published in said legal news-
paper by the City council at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of May, A.D. 1964,
•• Ordinance llo. 8, Seri•• of 1964, of said City.