HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 014.'I I ' I Introduced •• a Bill by Councilalan Rice BY AU'l'BORITY ORDillAIJCB llO. 14, SBRIBS OP 1964 All ORDlllAllCB RBZOllillG '1'RB POLLOWIE DBSCRIBBD PROPBRTY PROM R-1-C (SINGLE PAKILY mIDBn'IAL) 'ft> 1-1 (LIGHT IllDUS'l'RIAL) SAID PROPBRft BBillG LOCA'l'BD IN 'l'BB Clft or BmLmtOOD, COUll'IY OP ARAPABOB, COLORADO, Alm BBIRG.MORB PARTICULARLY DS8Clll81m AS IOLL<MS1 BBGimillG AT '1'118 SB CC>-OP ms -OP '1'BB 88'1 OP SBC'l'ION 9, Teltf•IBIP 5 80UIB, RAllGB 68 WBST OP 'ftlB 6'111 P.11.r 'BIDICB BORTH ALO&G '1'BB BA8'1' LD8 or SAID .... OP '1118 SBll A DISTAllCB OP 856 PBft MORB OR LBSS 'ft) A PODt'l' WllBRB m cwtU Lm DTDIDBD or A TRIBUTARY DI'ICll OP TllB aom DITCH Ill'l'BRSBCTS SAID ... LDm or ...... OP TllB • .,., 'ftl""C'B SOUlllWBftBRLY ALOlfG 'ftlB CBl1'1'BR LID OP lllD BIBUBRY DITal DTDIDBD 'fO A POift WHIRS SAID CB11'1'BRLDB Bn'BllDBD D1'1'BR- SllCl8 mB socns LID OP TllB SAID -OP 'ftlB s-., 'l'llB&CB BAST ALOllG '1'HB SOUTH LID or 8AID -or '1118 ... A DISTAllCB OP 153.5 PDT MORB OR LBSS '1'0 TBB PODt'l' OP Wll l«J. maas, purauant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning comiaaion of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, baa duly held public hearing on a certain pro- poaed -•ndaent to Ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, •• amended, of the ordinances of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, known •• th• •zoning Ordinance of th• City of SnglMJaOd," and baa .. d• rec:a endation of th• adoption of an ordinance embodying Aid aaandment:r and, MllBRBAS, th• City Council haa complied with the rule• preacribed by it• charter and ordinance• in taking th• preliminary action in amending aaid Ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, •• -ended: and ~. the public neceaaity, convenience, 9eneral welfare and good zoaing practice• juatify th• propoaed ... nct.ent to th• zoning ordinance, •• hereinafter Ht fortbz _,.. 'l'BBRBl'ORB, BB IT ORDAillBD BY TH& CITY CC>UllCIL OP '1'BB Cift OP BNGLBWOOD, COLOR.-'D01 !::f1on 1. 'lh• hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Sngl• d, county of Arapahoe, Stat• of COlorado, i• hereby rezoned from R-1-c (Single raaily Reaidential) to I-1 (Light Induatrial) amending Ordinance No. 26, Seri•• of 1963 of the ordinance• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, aaid pro- perty located in th• City of Bngl....ood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado and being more particularly deacribed •• followa1 Bevinning at th• SB corner of th• BW1t of the s-. of Section 9, !VWnahip 5 south, Rang• 68 weat of th• 6th P.11.r thence North along th• eaat line of aaid ..... of th• SSli a diatance of 856 f .. t more or l••• to a point where the center line ex- tended of a tributary ditch of th• Brown Ditch interaecta Aid eaat line of th• •·'.~of the SB1i1 thence SOuthweaterly along the center line of aaid tributary ditch extended to a point where aaid centerline extended interaecta th• aouth line of aaid l1MI& of th• SSli: thence Baat along the aouth line of aaid 1111\: of th• s-. a diatance of 153.5 feet more or leaa to the point of beqinning. !eion 2. 1'be City Council hereby finda, determine• and declare• that the ber•i v• c:han9• in rezoning i• juatified by th• public neceaaity, convenience, 9eneral welfare and 9QOd zoning practic••· Introduced •• a Bill for an Ordinance at th• regular meeting of the City council of th• City of Bnglewood, COlorado, on June 15, 1964, read a firat time in full and ••t for public hearing before aaid City Council at the regular meet- ing of th• City Council on July 20, 1964 at 8100 P.11. in the council Chamber• at tbe City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Str .. t, Bnglei.iood, Colorado. Botice of aaid bearing 9111bodying thia Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City council to be publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and !nt•rpriae, at leaat fifteen day• before aaid heari09. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of th• City of Bngl9WOOd, COloracto, thia 20th day of July, 1964, and ordered publiahed in full in the lppl9UOOd 'scald and Bnterpri••· Paaaed on Pinal Readin9 by th• City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, tbi• 3rd day of Auguat, A.D. 1964, and ordered publiahed in full in tbe eplewood Herald and Bnterpri••· Mayor ~1188'1'1 :,:i\~S!73 . . 1nC I. by CbaM. City Clerk. City of Bn9lewood, county of Arapahoe, State of COlorado. do hereby certify that the above and for990in9 ordinance waa introduced, r..t. paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in th• Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular ... tin9 of th• city council held on the 20th day of July, 1964, and tbat at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill th• above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid 199al newapaper by the City council at a recJUlar .. eting held on the 3rd day of Auvuat, 1964, aa Ordinance llo. 14, S.ri•• of 196', of •aid City. A'1"1'BST1 -UCity Clerk