HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 015.I I I Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Fullerton BY AUTHORift ORDillAllCB a>. 15, SBRIBS OP 1964 All OllDDIAllCB RBZORillG TllB POLLOWDG DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft FRCJM R-1-A (SIHGLB l'M'ILY WIDmTIAL) to R-1-C (SillGLB PAllILY USIDBll'l'IAL) SAID PROPBR'l'r BBIRG LOCATD D ma CDT OP lllGLBMDOD, ARAPAHOS comm, COLORADO ca '1'llB WBS'l' SIDB OP '1118 2900 AllD 3000 BLOCKS OP sovm DOWRIRG, MID BBim llOU PAR'l'ICULARLY DBSCRIBBD A8 l'OLI0'81 A PARCBL OP LAID> IR '1'BB •• sscno• 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 soum, RAllGB 68 B8T OP '1118 6'1'B P.11. DBSCRIBBD AS POLLOW81 BBGIDDIG AT A POill'l' BBIRG 'l'BE DIWSCTI08 OP ma CBllTBRLIRB OP '1'BB DOWllIRG-COROllA ALLBY WI'l'B '1'BB CBR'l'BRLID OP MST MTBS 4VBllUB, SAID POill'l' BBIRG ALSO A POill'l' Oii '1'118 ROW BXISTilfG R-1-C mIDaTIAL ZOl1B DISTRICT: TllBllCB BAS'!' ALOllG SAID CBll'l'BRLID OP BAST BA'l'BS AVDU& to ITS IllftRSBCTIOll WI'l'B TllB CDl'l'BRLIRB OP 80U'1'B DOWllIRG S'l'RBB'l': 'l'BBRCB 80Ui'B ALOllG SAID CBll'J'BRLID OP SOU'l'll DOWllillG 8ft8ft t'O ITS 111'.l'BRSBC'l'IOR WI'l'H ma CaTBRLID OP BAST DAR'IMOU'ftf AVBllUB: 'l'BBRCB WBST ALOllG SAID CBR'l'BRLIRB OP MST DUftllOU'l'll AV.DB, SAID CBll'l'BRLIRB BBIRG ALSO 'ftlB 80Ul1MRY OP '1'HB ROW BXISTDQ R-1-C RBSIDBllTIAL ZOl1B DISTRICT to ITS Ilft'BRSBC'l'IOR WI'l'B '1'HB APORB- llml'IOllSD CBll'l'BRLID OP 'ftlB DOWllIRG-COROllA ALLBY: 'l'BBllCB 90R'ftl ALOllG SAID CBll'l'BR- LID OP 'BIB DOMlllm-COROllA ALLBY, SAID CBllTBRLID UI9G ALSO '1'118 BOUllDARY OF !BB .. DISTDIG R-1-C RBSIDaTIAL F.OD DISTRIC'1', to tllB POill'l' OP BBGIDIBG ALL D tllB Cift OP 89GLDIOOD, COURTY OP ARAPABOB, STATS OP COLORADO. WIBRBAS, purauant to ordinance, the City Plannin9 and Zoning Coaniaaion of the City of Bn9lewood, COlorado, haa duly held public hearing on a certain propoaed aendllent to Ordinance Ito. 26, Seri•• of 1963, •• amended, of the ordinance• of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, known •• the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bnglewood," and ha• made reccmmendation of the adoption of an ordinance etlbodving aaid wndll9ntr and, WBBRBAS, the City council haa complied with th• rul•• preacribed by it• charter and ordinance• in taking the preliminary action in amending aaid Ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963. •• amended: and WRWP.BA8, the public neceaaity, convenience, general welfare and good zon- ing practice• juatify th• propoaed -ndaent to th• sonin9 ordinance, •• here- inafter ••t forth1 .. TBBRBPOU, BB IT ORDAIHBD BY 'ftlB CITY COUllCIL OP ms CI'l'r OP EBGLBWOOD, COLCa!UJ01 !;iion 1. 'lb• hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Sngl~, county of Arapahoe, State of COlorlldo, ia hereby resoned from R-1-A (SinCJl• Paaily Reaidential) to R-1-C (Single Family Reaidential) amending ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963 of th• ordinance• of th• City of Englewood, COlorado, aaid property located on th• Weat aid• of th• 2900 and 3000 block• of South Downin9, City of Bngl.wood, Arapahoe county, COlorado, more particu- larly deacribed •• followa1 A parcel of land in th• lftlla, Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat of the 6tb P.11. deacribed •• followa1 lleginning at a point being th• interaection of th• centerline of the Downing-Corona alley with th• centerline of Baat Bat•• Avenue, Aid point being alao a poi.at on the now aiating R-1-C a.aidential zone Diatrict1 thence •••t aloftCJ aaid centerline of Baat Bat•• Avenue to it• interaection with th• centerline of SOuth Downing str .. tr thence aouth aloft9 aaid centerline of South Downing Str .. t to it• interaection with th• centerline of Baat Dartmouth Avenue: thence weat alon9 aaid centerline of Baat Dartmouth Avenue, aaid centerline bein9 alao th• boundary of the now exiating R-1-C Reaidential Zone Diatrict to ita inter- aec:tion with th• afor ... ntioned centerline of th• Downing-corona alley: thence north alon9 aaid centerline of th• Downin9-corona alley, Aid centerline being alao th• boundary of th• now aiating R-1-C a.aidential Zone Diatrict, to th• point of beginning all in th• City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, Stat• of COlorado. Stc:tion 2. '!be City Council hereby finda, deterain•• and declare• that th• bereinabov• change in resonin9 i• juatified by th• public neceaaity, con- venience, CJ9neral welfare and good zoning practic••· Introduced •• a Bill for an Ordinance at th• retJUl•r meeting of the City council of th• City of Bnglewood, COlorado, on June 15, 1964, read a firat time in full and Mt for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular meeting of tb• City Council on July 20, 1964 at 8100 P.11. in th• council Chamber• at the City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Str .. t, Bnglewood, COlorado. llotice of aaid hearing wbodying thi• Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by th• City council to be pabliabed in full in th• lngl8'R)Od B!r•ld •ncl lnt•rprif!, at leaat fifteen day• before Aid bearing. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by th• City council of th• City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, thi• 20th day of July, 1964, and ordered publiahed in full in the .,.l....ood Herald and Bntereri••• . -~~~ 2*. Pa••ed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• .a day of &ut\19t l ~·1164 A.D. and ordered publiahed in full in tbe lnplewood l!rald and snt•rpri••· Mayor a11aT1 I, .. Y Cba .. , City Clerk, City of Bft9lewood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that th• above and for990in9 ordinance waa introduced, r...S, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the 1f!lewood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular ... ting of th• City council held on the 6th day of July, 1964, and tbat at leaat 7 day• aft.r·abov• publication aa a bill th• above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid 199al wapaper by the City Council at a regular ... tin9 held on th• 3rd day of AQgUat, 1964, •• Ordinance Ho. 15, Seri•• of 1964, of aaid City. Aft88'1'1