HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 016I ·I I Introduced •• a Bill by council .. n Braun BY AU'l'llORift ORDillAllCB 80. 16, SDIU or 1964 All oammcs RDOllillG PIOI R-1-C (SlmLB PAlllLY USIDaTIAL) '1'0 B-1 (8U8IDSS) CDTAI• PROPBRft LOCATBD I• 'IRB Cift or ..U.BMOOD, ARAPAHOE COUB'ft, COl.OllADO CXIR>llLY lC80llll AS 'IRB mar.BMOOD Cift PUK LUii>, tBB BRGLBWOOD Cift BALL LAID> AllD CBRTJUll PROPBRft ADJOinm 8UCB LAllD8 'ft) tBB WSST, MORE PAR'l'ICU- LAaLY maauBBD mm111. • • • WQ•'l.BA8, puraalant to ordinance, the City Plannin9 and Zoning Commi••ion of ti. City of BncJl-..ood, Colorado, ha• duly held public hearing on a certain propo...S •••ndmant to Ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, •• amended, of the ordinance• of th• City of BncJlewood, Colorado, known •• th• •?.oning Ordinance of tbe Ci~ of Bngl..ooct,• and ha• made reco andation of the adoption of an ordinance -.bodying Aid ••ndment: and, · WBsasAS, the City council ha• complied with th• rule• preacribed by it• charter and ordinance• in taking th• preliminary action in amending aaid ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, •• wndech and, &1Qt.U8, the public neceaaity, convenience, 9eneral welfare and good zon- inv practice• juatify the propoaed -ndment to th• sonin9 ordinance, aa here- inafter Ht forth: _,., tBDUOU, BB IT ORDAI•BD BY TBS Cift COUllCIL OP mB Cift OP DJGLDfOOD, <DLC>ltADO I !:OJion 1. 'lb• hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of JID9l• , county of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, i• hereby rezoned from R-1-C (Single l'allily Reaidential) to B-1 (Buain•••) ••endin9 ordinance Ito. 26, seriea,of 1H3 of th• ordinance• of th• City of BftCJlewood, Colorado, •aid property being cc ~nly known •• th• Bnglewood City Park land, th• BnfJl.wood City Ball land and certain property adjoinift9 auch land• to the weat, and being more particularly deac:ribed •• follow•• A tract of land lying in Section• 33 and 34, T.4s., R.68W., 6th P.11., Arapahoe county, Colorado, deacribed •• followa1 Beginning at the point at which th• center line of south Bannock Street inter•ecta with th• north line of the s...-. of Aid Section 34: thence we•t•rly along •aid north line of .._..,. to th• northweat . corner of Aid .._..,., thence weaterly aloft9 the north line of the &sr. 88'& of aaid Section 33 to the eaaterly line of the Santa Pe Railway right-of-way: thence aouthweaterly along the eaaterly line of aaid right-of-way a diatallae of 1128.33 f .. t: thence on an angle to th• left of 1()6•54•23• a di•tance of 66.69 feet: thence on an an9le to the ri9ht of 90•39•42• a diatanc• of 44.0 f•t to the center line, •• extended, of tbe alley lying •11th of and parallel to th• center line, a• atended, of W.Bampden Avenue, th• center line of •aid alley beinv 201.0 f .. t, more or l•••· north of the aouth line of aaid Section 33: thence eaaterly along -id center line, •• extended, of aaid alley a diatance of 970.0 f•t, more or l•••· to a point 50.0 f•t •••t of the weat line of Hid section 34: thence northerly and parallel to the weat line ofAid section 34 a di•tance of 54.86 f .. t: thence on an an9le to th• ri9ht of 45•13•10• a diatance of 127.43 feet: thence on an angle to th• ri9ht of 11•40•3r a diatance of 65.12 feet: thence eoutherly and 1parallel to th• weat line of aaid Section 34 a diatance of 362.50 f .. t, 110re or l•••· to a point on the center line of w. Ba•pden Avenue: thence eaaterly along •aid cen- ter line a diatance of 780.65 feet, more or leaa, to a point on th• center line of Blati str .. t aa extended from the north: thence northerly alon9 •aid center line, and cmter line •• extended, of •aid Blati Str .. t • di•tance of 642.99 f .. t, more or le••· to a point on th• north line of th• Sala swri. •'ii of aaid Section 34: thence -•terly alon9 thenorth line, and th• north line extended, of Aid ......... ..,. to a point on th• weat line of llcXinley'• Sub- diviaion, Second Piling: thence northerly alon9 aaid weat line of Hid llc:Kinley'• Subdiviaion, second Piling, to the northwest corner of Hid llcKinley'• Subdiviaion, Second Piling: thence •••t•rly along th• northerly line of aaid llcXinley'• Subdivision, Second Pilin9, a diatance of 311.15 f .. t, .ore or leaa, to the northeaat corner of aaid McKinley'• 8ubdiviaion, Second Piling: thence aoutheaaterly alon9 th• northerly line, •• extended, of llc:JU.nley'• Subdiviaion to a point on th• center line of the alley lying between aaid McKinley'• Subdiviaion and Flood'• Addition, aaid center line beinq 8 f .. t weat of th• weat line of lot• 3 throu9h 8, incluaive, of aaid Flood'• Addition: thence northerly along Aid center line of aaid alley to the aouth line, a• extended, of lot -2 of aaid Plood'• Addition: thence eaaterly along the aouth line, •• extended, of ••id Lot 2 to a point on th• center line of South Bannock Str .. t: thence northerly along •aid center line to the point of beginning. -9~~ • . ·~~ ~ section 2. 'ftl• City council hereby find•, detemine• and declare• that the hereina&Ove Chift9e in rezoning l• juatified by th• public neceaaity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practic••· Introduced •• a Bill for an Ordinance at th• r•CJUlar .... ting of the City council of th• City of Bn9lewood, COlorado, on June 15, 1964, read a first time in full and ••t for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular meet- i.DCJ of the City council on July 20, 1964, at 8100 P.M. in the council Chamber• at the City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Bnglewood, COlorado. llotice of aaid hearing cnbodying thia Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by th• City council to be publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Berald_And Bpterprite, at leaat fifteen daya before Aid hearing. Paated on Pirtt Reading by the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, thit 20th day of July, 1964, and ordered publithed in full in the !pgl.-wood Herald and Bnterpriae. Paated on Second and final reading by th• City council of the City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, thi• 3rd day of Auguat, 1964, and ordered published in full in th• Inglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. --Mayor AftSST1 ~~~r~------ I, Ray Chate, City Clerk, City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above i• a true and correct copy of a bill for an ordi- nance introduced •• a regular meeting of the City council held on the 15th day of June, 1964 and ••t for public hearing before th• City council on the 20th day of July, 1964, at 8100 P.M. in the council Chamber• in th• City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock St., Bnvlewood, COlorado, notice of auch hearing having &Men publiahed in full in th• Jpgl.wood Herald and Bnterprite not l••• than 15 day• prior to the aaid hearing: paa.-ea-on firtt reading and orctered publiahed in the Inglewood Herald and Enterprise at the regular ... ting of the City council held on July 20th, 1964. A'ft'Bft1 ~&-£.£, City Clerk I, Ray Cbaae, City Clerk-Treaturer, City of Bn9lewood, Arapahoe County, colorado, do hereby certify that at leatt 7 day• after publication of the above and foregoing ordinance aa a bill for an ordinance, th• aaid ordinance was approved, .topted and ordered publiahed in th• 1DalMIOOd Herald and Enterprise by the City council at a regular ... ting held on Auguat 3, l964, aa Ordinance Ho. 16, S.ri•• of 1964 of aaid city. AftSSTa ~~~=---· -~city Clerk I I