HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Ordinance No. 025I
latzoduced •• a Bill by COuncil-n Fullerton
ORDI~ m. 25, SDIBS OP 1964
All oamamcs PDJllG nB lfAX LBW :ur llilrLS UPOll BAal DOLLAR OP '1'BB ASSBSSBD auanm or ALL ..... P80Pmft WIBIIll .,.. Cift OP P"CRz"Q)D, COLORADO POR tllB
naa ltM.
1 •8A8, it i• tbe duty of th• City coancil of the City of Bnglewood,
CDlonMID, aeder tbe Charter of Aid City and Statute• of the Stat• of COlorado,
to s•Jr• t:he annual levy for City purpo-• for the yur 1964, due and payable in
1H5r and
1 -nl, it i• neceaAry for an additional apecial levy to maintain th•
Pir••n'• Pwion rand at a reamnabl• leveli and,
1 MMBU, it 1• neceaAry for an additional apecial levy to pay intereat on
"9ter bond• ia...S aa a veneral obliption of th• City of Bnglewood, co1orado1 ....
1 ""™• tbe City council baa duly conaidered th• ••ti.mated valuation of all
of tb9 taabl• property within the City and the need• of th• City for each of Aid
lfti•, aDll baa determined tbat th• levi•• •• hereinafter ••t lorth tr• proper
and viMa ' '
... t'llDaoas, .. n 08DUllSD Br '1'llB Cift COUllCIL OP tllB Cift OP mGLmfOOD,
~· ftat t:ll9n be ud t:ll9n i• bHeby levhd for th• yHr A.D. 1964,
daee u reqaired by Statute• in the year A.D. 1965, a tax of 9.606 aill•
on tbe dol for th• General hnd of the City of Bnglnood, COlorado.
a"P.~f • ftat there be and there i• hereby levied for th• year A.D. 1964,
dae s;i • u required by the Statute• in the year A.D. 1965, a tax of .500
of a 11111 on the dollar for th• rir-n'• Penaion Pund of th• City of Bnglnooct,
a"P.iop f. ftat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A.D. 1964, ctaeP.Y. • •• required by Statute• in the yur A.D. 1965, a tax of .195 of a
11111 on the dollar for th• Water Bond and Int•r••t hnd of th• City of Bnglewood,
~· ftat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A.D. 1964,
dae• aa required by Statute• in the year A.D. 1965, a tax of 2.000 of a
aill on tbe dollar for the Public Improv-nt Pund.
~ 5. 'lbat each and every lewy•hereinabove ••t forth ahall be levied
upon ~ilar of the ••-••ed valuation of all taxable property within the cor-
porate lillit• of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, and th• aaid levi•• ahall be cer-
tified u by law required.
I, aay CbaM, City Clerk of th• City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of
Clolorado, do hereby certify that th• above and fore90ing Ordinance waa introduced
read, paued and ordered publiahed •• a Bill in th• 'flnood Herald and Bnterpri••
at a regular wting of th• City council held on th• Ly of October, A.D., 1964,
and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill the above Ordinance waa
approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in Aid 199al newapaper by th• City Council
at a regalar wting held on the 19th day of October, A.D., 1964, •• Ordinance Ro.
25, Seri•• of 1964, of Aid City.
T City Clerk
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