HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 012{.r~t.42 . . . BY AUTllOaift ORDillAllCB llO. 12, SDI88 OP 1963 All OllDIDllCB AU'l'llORIZIBG TBB ISSUAllCS OP Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO, scaIC VI• SAllITARY S-DISTRICT __,. AllD PaC>VIDim POR TBB PAYMBIJT °' SAID 80llDS AllD TBB Ilft'BRBST 'l'llBRBOll. WH*M.SAS• Sc:enic View Sanitary Sanitary &ewer Di•trict. in the City o~ -1...aall. CD1orello. baa Ileen clul.y cr-ted by OrclJ.nance llo. 24. &eri•• lllJ. Of 111G Clty, r1n111y ldOptll 1111 IPPIVYIG 811 'hi 4'11 GIY Vf llp- tember. 1962: and ....... llOtice to contractor• to aumit bid• ~or th• con•truction of the illprov••ta in ••id Diatrict ha• been duly publi•llld and th• con- tract for auch conatruction baa been duly awarded to Janeen Conatruction oa.pan~of Golden, COlorado: and WBCPW, llC'tice of t.h• &ale of approximately f275,000 of the bond• of .. id Diatrict baa been duly publi•hed and f275,000 of auch bond• have been awarded to Stern Brother• • Oollpany, of Denverr and tlllCRMS, it i• now nec•••ary to provide for th• iaauance of •aid bond• and the form and payment thereof: .. IT oaDAIDD BY TBB Cift COUllCIL OP '1'118 Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO: section 1. By virtue of and in purauance of th• law• of the State of COlorado, the Charter and Ordinance Bo. 8, &eri•• 1959, of aaid City, bond• of scenic Vi.w sanitary sewer Diatrict in aaid City ahall be i••ued for the purpo.. of payin9 for iaprov ... nta conatructed and inatalled in •aid sw Diatrict. &aid bond• •hall be dated •• of April 1, 1963, and •hall con•i•t of 275 bond• in t.h• denomination of fl,000 each, numbered 1 to 275, incluaive. &aid bond• ahall be payable to bearer and •hall be abaolutely due and payable on April 1, 1975, aubject to call and prior payment in direct n1111erical order at par and accrued intereat at any time after th• date thereof upon thirty day•' notice publiahed in th• Bnglewood Herald and 8nterpriM. said bond• aball be aubacribed by th• Mayor, atteated and counteraigned by the City Clerk and 'freaaurer, under th• Mal of th• City, and ahall be payable out of moniea collected froa •••••-nt• to be levied for the im- prov .. enta conatructed in aaid Diatrict and from fund• hereinafter mentioned. Should any officer who .. aignatur• or facaiail• aignatur• appears on aaid bond• or th• coupon• thereto attached cea•• to be auch officer before de- livery of the bond• to th• purchaaer, auch aignatur• or facaimile aignature •ball nevertbel••• be valid and aufficient for all purpoMa. &aid bond• •hall bear inter••t payable •-i-annually on the lat day of April and th• lat day of October each year •• evidenced by two set• of coupon• to be att.acbed to aaid bonda, auch coupon• to be aigned with the facaiail• aignatur• of the City Clerk and Treaaurer. Said int•r••t coupon•. ahall be deaignated •A• and •a•, reapectively. coupon• ahall be attached to bond• nmabered in th• following achedul• •bowing int•r••t rat•• and the •a• coupon• to be attached to each of •aid bonda, to-wit: Bond lfoa •• AllDUlft' •A• coupon• •a• c::rt 1'roll Date Prom 1, 1963 To Maturity to october 1, 1963 1-50 50 2 $10.30 each 51-88 38 21a bond on all 89-121 33 21J bond• •~. 122-149 28 2a, iaaue •• 150-176 27 2 3/4 177-203 27 2 3/4 204-225 22 3 226-245 20 3 246-261 16 3 262-275 14 3 section 2. said bond• and th• coupon• to be attached thereto •hall be in aubatantially th• following forms , UllITBD ftAT88 OP AllDICA ftATB OP COLORADO COUll'l'r OF ARAPAHOE llo ··---------$1,000 'l'b• City of Bnglewood, in th• county of Arapahoe and State of colo- r.SO, for value received, acknowled99• itaelf indebted and hereby promi••• to pay to the bearer hereof th• principal aum of Oll8 TllOUSAllD DOl·'ARS I:.•· .. ' . ,,_,. ·l ~ • ' >. II'. .j I ! I I in lawful llOftey of th• United Stat•• of America. on the lat day of April, 1975. aubject to call and payment, however. at any time prior thereto, with intereat thereon •• evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated •A• at the rate of &:! centwa ( ") per annum froa date until payment, and ..s.tltlonaltereat •• evldencect by intereat coupon• deaignated "B" at the rate of per centua ( ") per annum for the period fro11 date to 1, 19 , inclualve, all intereat payable aemi- annual.ly on the lat day of April and the lat day of October each year, prin- cipal and intereat being payable at the office of the City Treaaurer, in 8n9l..ood, COlorado, on preaentation and aurrender of th• attached coupon• and thia Bond•• they aeverally become due or are called for payment •• 'lbia Bond ia iaaued for th• purpoae of paying th• coat• of conatruct- incJ and inatallinCJ aanitary a.wer iaprov-nta in Scenic Vi.w Sanitary aw Diatrict. in the City of Bnglewood, COlor.So. by virtue of and in full conforaity with th• law• of th• Stat• of COlorado, th• Charter of aaid City and an Ordinance of aaid City duly adopted, approved, publiahed and •lld• a law of Hid City prior to th• iaauance hereof. '!bi• Bond ia payable out of th• proceed• of apecial aaaeaaaenta to be levied upon real ••tat• aituate in the City of Bngl8WOOCI. COlorado, in Scenic Vi.w sanitary S.W.r Diatrict, apecially benefited by aaid iaprove- menta, wlaich ••M•-nta ao to be levied, with accrued intereat, will be liena on Hid real eatate in th• reapectiv• a110unta to be apportioned thereto and ••M•aed by an ordinance of Hid City, and if neceaaary, froa the 8urplua and Deficiency Pund heretofore created purauant to the Charter of Hid City. 'lb• Charter of Hid City provideaa •1fbenever a public iaprov ... nt diatrict baa paid and cancelled four-fifth• of it• bond• outatanding, and for any rea80n th• r•ainin9 ••M•-nta are not paid in ti-to take up the final bonda of th• diatrict and intereat due thereon, and there i• not aafficient money in aaid apecial aurplua and deficiency fund, th•n the City aball pay Aid bonda when due and intereat due thereon and r•illbur•• itaelf by collecting th• unpaid aaMa ... nta due aaid diatrict." It ia hereby certified and recited that the total iaaue of bond• of Hid City for Hid Diatrict, including thia Bond, doea not exceed th• amount autboriaed by law1 that every requir-.it of law relating to the creation of Hid Scenic Vi.w sanitary S.wer Diatrict, the making of aaid local ia- provwnta and the iaauance of thia Bond baa been fully complied with by the proper officer• of aaid City, and that all condition• required to exist, and thing• required to be done precedent to and in the iaauance of this Bond to render the •-lawful and valid, have happened, been properly done and perforaed, and did exiat in regular and due ti-, fora and manner, as required by law. Por th• payment of thia Bond and th• intereat thereon, the City pledge• all of it• lawful corporate powera. D TB8TDIOlnr 11BBRBOP, the City of Bngl9WOOd ha• cauaed thia Bond to be aubacribed by it• Mayor, atteated and counteraigned by it• City Clerk and Tr-aurer under th• Hal of th• City, and th• intereat coupon• hereto attached to be aigned with th• facaiail• aignatur• of the City Clerk and ~aurer, •• of the lat day of April, 1963. (8 SAL) X4,r/:L_,~ Lyor llo. A _____ _ llo. ·------ '~----$. ____ _ On th• lat day of April, October, 19 , the City of Bnglewood, in the County of Arapahoe and Stat• of OOloradO, will pay to the bearer 001.1.gs -----------------_________________ DO LLMlS in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America, at th• office of the City Trwurer, in Bn9l9WOOd, Colorado, being intereat then due on its local im- prov••nt bond iaaued for th• conatruction and inatallation of sanitary ~ illprov-nta in Bcenic Vi.w 8anitary 89WU' Diatrict, ~glewood, Colo- rado. provided th• Bond to which thia coupon ia attached ahall not have been theretofore called for payment or paid. Attached to Bond dated April 1, 1963, bearincJ llo. ___ (_Pa_c_a_ill_il• Signature) City Clerk and Treaaurer Section 3. Th• proceed• of aaid bond• ahall be applied only to pay ~l'lJ.43 ... ·1~. the coat• and expenaea of conatructin9 and in•talling the improvements in aaid Diatrict and all other coat• and expen••• incident thereto. In the event that all of th• proceed• of ••id bond• are not required to pay auch coat• and expenaea, any r-ining amount •hall be paid into the apecial aa .. a...nt fund for th• purpo•• of calling in and paying the principal of and inter••t on ••id bonda •• section 4. &aid bond• and th• int•r••t thereon •hall be paid from apecial aa .. a811eftt• to be levied on real property in aaid Diatrict~ from the Surplu• and Deficiency Pund of aaid City and from any other available funda of the City. When there ia on hand a aufficiant amount to pay aix montba' interaat on outatandin9 bonda of aaid Diatrict, th• City ahall call for pa)fll9ftt of outatancling bond• in numerical order with fund• available therefor •• Section 5. After the expiration of the period for caah payment• of .... •-nt• in full, the City •hall pay each year not l••• than l°" of the total ..oant of bonda of •aid Diatrict outatanding after th• payment of bonda with the proceed• of auch caah payment~ of ••••• ... nta in full. section 6. 'l'bat in accordance with Section 108 of th• Charter of aaid City, whenever there i• a deficiency in the fund of aaid !mprov-•nt Diatrict to -t payment of outatancling bond• and inter••t thereon, auch deficiency ahall be paid out of th• apecial Surplu• and Deficiency Pund of Aid City. Wbenever Aid Diatrict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth• of the bond• i••ued therefor and for any reaaon the r ... ining aaaeaamenta are not paid in time to take up th• final bond• of th• Diatrict and intereat due thereon, and there i• not •uf f icient money in aaid Surplua and De- ficiency rand, then the City •hall pay aaid bond• when due and intereat due ..-.eon and reillbur.. it••lf by collecting th• unpaid •••••811lenta due aaid Diatrict. Sac:tion 7. If it •hall be naceaaary to advance money to maintain current paymenta of int•r••t and equal annual payment• of th• principal _,..t of th• bond• i••ued for Aid Di•trict, the City council •hall levy ann• l tm• on the taxable property within th• City not exceeding two llilla in any one year and ahall apply the proceed• of auch tax•• for aaid parpoM. In lieu of auch tax leviea, th• Council -Y annually tranafer to auch apecial fund any available money of th• City, but in no event •hall the ...ount tranaferred in any one year aceed th• a.ount which would reault froa a tax levied in auch year •• herein limited. Such tax levi•• or tranafer• of fund• -Y be .ad• in accordance with and purauant to Section 109 of th• Charter of aaid City. &ection 8. Should any part or prov iaion of the Charter of the City of Sngl.wood, Colorado, or thi• Ordinance, or any part or proviaion of an ordinance or the charter of any other City in the State of COlorado hav- ing aabetantially •illilar tenaa and proviaion• •• tho•• contained in th• Sngl.wood Charter or thi• Ordinance, ever be judicially determined to be ilwal.J.d or ~orcellble, -•uch det:erainat1-llhall not affect ~ r ... •ining part• and proviaiona of th• Bngl9VOOCI Charter or thi• Ordi ce, the intention being that each part and proviaion of th• Charter and hi• Ordinance i• aeverable. All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with thia Ordinance are hereby repealed. section 9. 'ftli• Ordinance, after it• final paaaa9e, •hall be recorded in a book kept for that purpo .. , •hall be authenticated by the signature• of the Mayor and City Clerkr •hall be publiahed •• provided in the Charter of the Cityr and after becoaing effective, ahall be irrepealable until th• bonda of aaid Diatrict ahall be paid in full. section 10. A public Bearing on thi• Ordinance will be held in the Coancil lloOa of th• City Ball on Monday, th• 18th day of March, 1963, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M., and llotice of auch hearing i• hereby author- ised to be given by publication once in the Snglewood Berald and Bnterpri•• and Pr•••· in it• i••u• of March 7, 1963. section 11. Thi• Ordinance •hall take effect thirty daya after pub- lication following final paaaage. DIRODUCllD AllD RBAD Thi• 4th day of March, 1963. Paaaed on final reading by the City Council of th• City of Bnglewood, COlorado, thi• 18th day of March A.D. 1963, and ordered published in full in the Bngl9VOOCI Herald and Bnt•rpri-.. )r:{_~~ · Mayor 11 .. · I , ~ I I~· ,I I I I I, a. o. -uAng, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed a• a bill in the 8ngl9':JIOOd Herald and Bnterpri .. at a regular .. •ting of the City coun- cil held on the 4th day of March, A.D. 1963, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication a• a bill th• above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in •aid legal n.wapaper by th• City council at a rec)Qlar -ting held on th• 18th day of March, A.D •• 1963, aa Ordinance llo. 12, Seri•• of 1963 of •aid City. ( 8 S A L ) Aft88T1 ·•