HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 014•rit.l50
Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Love
OaDlllAllCS ao. 14, SDIBS OP 1963
llQLSK>OD. COLC&..\00• AllD JlSPllALlllG ORDlllAllCB ao. 12, SDIBS OP 1959, AlfD
U IT mDUllD BY TllB Clft COUllCIL OP '1'BB Clft OP BmLD«>OD,
Section 1. t'ber• are hereby ••tabli•hed within the City of Bnglewood
four council Diatricta, the boundari•• of which are hereby ••tabliahed a• fOllowaa
(a) COUncil Diatrict llo. 1 •hall include and be compri•ed
of all that northweaterly portion of the City bounded
on th• ••t by th• center line of South Downing Street
fro11 ••t Yale Avenue to th• center line of Ba•t Dartmouth
Avenue thence weaterly from th• center line of South
Downing str-t to th• center line of South Broadway,
thence 80utherly alon9 the center line of south Broadway
fro11 th• center line of saat Dartmouth Avenue to th• center
line of Weat Lehi9h Avenue1 thence weaterly along •••t
Lehigh Avenue fraa South Broadway to South Banta Pe Lane
th• weaterly City liait• of Bngl.wood.
(b) COUncil Diatrict llo. 2 •hall include and be compri•ed
of all that northeaaterly portion of th• City eaat of th•
center line of South Downing Str-t froa Baat Allher•t Avenue
to tbe center line of Ba•t Dartmouth Avenu•1 thence weaterly
along th• center line of Baat Dartmouth Avenue from th•
center line of South Downin9 Str-t to th• center line of
south Broadway, thence aoutherly along the center line of
south Broadway from th• center line of Baat Dartmouth Avenue
to th• center line of Baat Kenyon Avenue1 thence eaaterly
along th• center line of Baat Kenyon Avenue extended from
south Broadway to south Clarkaon, th• eaatern City limit•
of BIMJlewood.
(c) council Di•trict llo. 3 •hall include and be compriaed of all
that area bounded on th• north by the center line of Baat
Lehi9h Avenue from South Banta Pe Lane, th• weaterly City
liait line of Bnglewood, to th• center line of South Broadway:
thence northerly along th• center line of South Broadway to
th• center line of Ba•t Kenyon Avenue extended1 thence eaaterly
along th• center line of Ba•t Kenyon Avenue extended from the
center line of South Broadway to center line of South Clarkaon
str-t1 thence 80utherly along th• center line of south
Clarkaon Str-t from the center line extended of Baat Kenyon
Avenue to th• center line of Baat Union Avenue1 thence weaterly
along the center line of Baat Union Avenue from th• center
line of South Clarkaon Avenue to th• center line of South
Broadway1 thence northerly along the center line of South
Broadway from the center line of Baat Union Avenue to the
center line of W.at Stanford Avenue1 thence weaterly along
th• center line of •••t Stanford Avenue from the center line
of south Broadway to th• center line of South Lipan Street:
thence aoutherly along th• center line of south Lipan Street
fraa th• center line of Weat Stanford Avenue to th• center line
of •••t Tuft• Avenue1 thence weaterly along th• center line of
•••t Tuf ta Avenue froa th• center line of South Lipan Street
to the weaterly city limit• in th• vicinity of south Garden
Str-t extended: thence northerly along the weaterly City limit•
approximately 700 f .. t to approximately the center line ex-
tended of •••t Stanford Avenu•1 thence weaterly to the -t line
of sou~~ P• Driv•1 thence north ... terly along the eaat
line of/lllltll P• Drive and the weat liae of south Santa
Pe Lane to th• center line of Baat Lehigh Avenue extended
weaterly to th• point of beginning.
(d) council Diatrict Ito. 4 •hall include and be compri•ed of all
that portion of th• City lying aoutherly and aouthweaterly of
the following lines fro11 a point of interHction of th• weaterly
City liait line and the center line of •e•t Tuft• Ave~,
thence ••t•rly along the center line of •••t Tuft• Avenue to the
center line of South Lipan str-tJ thence northerly along th•
center line of South Lipan str-t froa th• center line of •••t
Tufta Avenue to th• center line of •••t &antford Avenue: thence
eaaterly alon9 the center line of Weat Stanford Avenue from the
center line of South Lipan Str-t to th• center line of South
Broadway1 thence 80utherly along the center line of South
Broadway from the center line of •••t Stanford Avenue to th•
center line of Ba•t Union Avenue1 thence eaaterly along the center
line of saat Union Avenue froa the center line of 8outh Broadway
to th• center line of south Clark80n 8tr•t, th• 81MJlewood
City liait line.
Stc;\ion 2. !'he city council hereby find•, cleterainea and declare•
that the COUnc11 Diatricta .. t forth in Section 1 above have approximately
the -nmaber of r99iatered votera, aa detemined by th• number regiatered
to vote at th• precedin9 General Municipal Slection, and that th• variance
in nmlber of recJi•tered voter• ia not greater than 15" between th• Diatrict
with th• hiCJh••t number of re9iatered voter• and th• Diatrict with th•
loweat nUllber of r9CJi•t•red voter•.
l!ct'r.; 3. ft• ••tabliabaent of four new council Diatricta aa
.. t forth~ thi• ordinance •hall not affect the terma and tenure• of th•
preaent •mber• of th• City council, which •hall continue until th• elec-
tion artd/or appointment and qualification of their aucceaaora in office.
":!l°" 4. Ordinance llo. 12, &eri•• of 1959, and all other ordi-
nance• part• of ordinance• in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Paaaed on Pirat Reading by th• City council of th• City of Bn9lewood,
color.SO, thi• 18th day of March, A.D. 1963, and ordered publiahed in full
in th• 1m1ewooct B1rald and lntspri••·
Paaaed on Pinal Readin9 by th• City council of th• City of Bn9l.wood,
C»lorado, thi• lat day of April, A.D. 1963, and ordered publiahed in full
in th• ._lwood Herald and Bnterpri••·
J, a. o. -~· City Clerk-Tr-•urer, City of Bn9lewood, county of
Arapahoe, State of color.SO, do hereby certify that the above and for990in9
ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in
the '"l"'°°f l'l!d and Bnterpri•• at a r9CJQlar •••1ft9 of th• City council
held on thel y of March, A.D. 1963, and that at leaat 7 day• after
above publication •• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and
ordered publiahed in aaid 199al newapaper by th• City council at a r99Ql•r
-t1ft9 held on the lat day of April, A.D. 1963, aa Ordinance Bo. 14,
&eri•• of 1963, of aaid City.
{1#1· . . .