HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 016xntrodac:ed •• a Bill by councilman S.ukler -AU'l'llORift ORDillAllCS 90. 16, SDIU OP 1963 All ORDillAllCS APnovIBQ 918 EOL& C08'f OP 'ID DIPllOVBllBll'1'8 MADB IR AllD IOR PAVlm DI8TRIC'l' m. 12, I• ms cm OP ......ae>D, COLORADO: APIW>VIm AllD C09PIRllI8G .,... APIOR'fIO....-r or SAID COST, TO BACB LOT ·, OR 'f9ACf OP LAMD D SAID DISTRIC'l'r A8W8DG A &BARB OP SAID COST MPIM'f Mell LOI' OR TRACT or LAllD I• ms DI8'l'llIC'l's PRUCRIBillG TBB ---roa 918 COLLBC'l'IOll AllD PA.-i' OP SAID A88S8811D'1'81 AllD DBCLARIRG All .... llCY. w•1uu, there ha• been eo11pliance with all th• previaiona of law relating to the conatraction of paving improv••t• in Paving Diatrict llD. 12 in the City of Sngl-..ood, COlorlldo, created purauant to Ordinance llo. 10, 8eri.ea of 1962, fi.na11y 9dopted and -.pproved on the 16th day of •'1, itta1 ..a Mll•RJUUJ, th• time for ~i1ing with th• City C1erk of the City of SDg1..aad ca.si1aJ.nta or objection• to th• proceedhg• of the City counci.1 bu •l••ed, and WllBRBAS, four written proteata were received, three of which were revi.wed and denied. 'fta• fourth wa• favorably con•idered r••ultin9 in an ..Sjaatment of th• ••-•-nt on Lota 47 and 48, Block 16 of Wollenwel>er• 8rolMlway Beipta, 2nd Witiona fraa an original mount of $869.91 to an llllOaftt of f811.74r W•ltMS, th• reduction in th• a•H•-nt• to be ••••••ed against the r•l property in Aid Diatrict, waa by Council authorization added to the total th• City of DMJlewood will pay and theH figure• are adjuated herein: and ••PW, fraa th• atat-nt made and filed with th• City council, it appear• that the whole coat of aaid illprov ... nt• i• the aum of $371,553.00, of which a.ount th• City of BncJlewood will pay f94,972.96, leaving f276,580.CM to be ••H•aed againat the real property in aaid Diatrict, Aid allOllftt including coat• of inapection, collection and other incidental• and al80 including int•r••t •• allowed by law1 and ww•RMS, fro11 Aid atatwnt it al80 appear• that the City council baa apportioned a •bar• of the ••id whole coat to each lot or tract of land in Aid Diatrict, in accordance with the benefit• to be derived by aaid property and in th• proportion• and mnounta ••verally aet forth in a aeaolution adopted by the City Council on th• 19th day of Pebruary, 1962, and in a public llotice, publiahed in 'ftle Bnglewood Herald and SnterpriH on Pebruary 22, March 1 and 8, 1962, which Reaolution and llotic• are by reference made a part hereof: BB I'l' OWillBD BY TBB Cift COUllCIL OP '1'llB Cift OP mGLBMOOD, COLORAD01 section 1. 'l'hat th• whole coat and apportionment of th• same, aa Ht forth in Aid Reaolution and Notice i• hereby approved and conf ir...S, and .. id apportiorment i• hereby declared to be in accordance with the benefit• which the property in aaid Diatrict will receive by reason of th• conatruction of ••id improv ... nta, and a •bar• of aaid coat i• hereby ••H••ed to and upon each lot or tract of land within the Diatrict in .• th• proportion• and amount• Ht forth in ••id aeaolution and lfotice. section 2. 'l'hat aaid aaHa-.ata •hall be due and payable at the office of th• City 'fr•aurer, within thirty day• after th• final publication of thi• Ordinance, without d-..dr provided that all auch •••••-nt• may. at th• election of th• owner, b'e paid in in•tall-nta, with int•r••t aa hereinafter provided. Pailure to pay the whole •••••-nt within •aid period of thirty day• •hall be concluaively conaidered and held an elec- tion on th• part of all peraon• intereated, whether under di•ability or otherwiH, to pay in auch inatallmenta. In caH of auch election to pay in inatalU111enta, th• ••H•-nt• •hall be payable at th• office of the County 'freaaarer •f Arapahoe Ooanty, Colorado, in ten (10) equal annual inatallaent• of principal, ti. fir•t of ••in l••Mll•••• el ••iae,pal, th• firat of which inatall-nta of principal ahall be due and payable on or before the day of Auguat, 1963, and the r ... inder of •aid installment• •ball be due and payable aucceaaively on or before the lat day of March, 1964, and the lat day of March in each year thereafter, until paid in full, with intereat in all ca••• on the unpaid principal at th• rate of •ix per centma <•> per annma, payable AucJu•t 1, 1963, and annually thereafter on March 1 •ch yar at the ti-or paying inatall-nta of principal. Pailar• to pay any inatallaent, whether of principal or interest, when due, 8ball cauH th• whole of the unpaid principal to bec:oae due and payable I eLliately, and the whole a110ant of the unpaid principal and accrued inter-t •hall thereafter draw intereat at the rate of one per centum (IS) per 110nth, or fraction of a llOftth, until th• date of tax aale, •• by law provided, but at any time prior to the date of th• •ale, any ~r -Y pay the ..ount of all unpaid inatallaenta with int•r••t at one •• I I ,, per cent• per month, or fraction of a 110nth, upon all delinquent inatall- menta, and all penalti•• accrued, and •hall thereupon be r••tored to the ri9ht thereafter to pay in inatall-nt• in th• •-manner •• if default b..s not been •uffered. 'l'h• owner of any property not in d••atalt •• to any in•tallaent or payment -y, at any time, pay th• whole of the unpaid principal with accrued inter••t to th• date of th• next •••••am•nt inatall- -nt payment date. Payment• -Y be made to th• City 'l'reaaurer at any time within thirty day• after th• final publication of thi• Ordinance, and an allowance of f iv• per centma <•> will be .ad• on all payment• made during auch period, but not thereafter. I...Siately after th• expiration of •aid thirty day period, ••id ••M•-nU.·•hall be certified to th• County Treaaurer of Arapahoe county, COlorlldo, for collection, •• provided by law. Section 3. That if any one or more aection• or part• of thi• Ordinance ahall be lldjud9ed unenforceable or invalid, auch judgment •hall not affect, illpair or invalidate th• r ... ining proviaion• of thi• Ordinance, it being th• intention that th• variou• proviaion• hereof are aeverable. Section 4. 8y r .. aon of th• fact that bond• of ••id Paving Diatrict llo. 12 are now outatanding and intereat thereon will ahortly become due and payable, that fund• auat be made available at th• earli••t poaaibl• date for payment of auch int•r••t i• n•c•••ary to the immediate preaerva- tion of the public property, health, peace and aafety, it i• hereby declared that an ~gency exi•t• and that thi• Ordinance •hall take effect upon ita final paaaage. Section 5. Thi• Ordinance, after it• final paaaage, •hall be recorded in th• City Ordinance Book kept for that purpoae, •hall be authenticated by the aignatur• of th• Mayor and City Clerk, and •hall be publiahed in '11'9 8 ngl9WOOd Herald and Bnterpriae, a newapaper of .. neral circulation publi•hed in aaid City, within aeven day• after it• final pasaap, and ahall be and r ... in irrepealabl• until the ••M• ... nt• hereby made shall be paid in full. section 6. A public Bearing on th• Ordinance will be held at the City Ball in BncJl.wood, COlorado, on Monday, the lat day of Ap*il, 1963, at the hoar of 8100 o'clock P.11., and llotice of auch Bearing i• hereby authorized to be given by publication once in 'l'h• Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpriae, in ita i••u• of March 21, 1963. Ilft'RODUCD AllD RBAD Thi• 18th day of March, 1963. PJDLLY ADOrrBD AllD APPROVBD 'l'hi• lat day of April, 1963. _;<~ ( 8 8 A L ) AllaT1 , City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, Stat• of Oolorlldo, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in the 8ngl.wood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular meeting of the City Council held on th• 18th day of March, A.D. 1963, and that at 1-•t 7 day• after above publication •• a bill th• above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in ••id legal newapaper by the City Council at a regular ... ting held on th• lat day of April, A.D. 1963, •• Ordinance Ho. 16, &eri•• of 1963, of ••id City. ATTBST1