HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 017':.'-t.5ti
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ft AU'l'llORJft
~IllMCB RO. 17, SBRIBS OP 1963
AID> 'fllB D'IBRBST '1'BBRB08.
maas, Paving Diatrict llo. 13, in the City of 8nglewood, COlorado,
baa been duly cr .. ted by Ordinance llo. 13, Seri•• 1963, of ••id City,
finally adopted aDd approved on the 18th day of March, 1963: and
•DDS, llotice to contractor• to aubllit bid• for th• conatruction
of th• illprov .. ent• in aaid Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and the con-
tract for auch conatruction ha• been duly awarded to Aaphalt Paving Company,
of Lakewood, COlorado: and
•D.MS, llotic• of the Sal• of approximately $385,000 of th• bond•
of Hid Diatrict baa been duly publiahed and $330,000 of auch bond• have
been awarded to Banifen, Imhoff and Samford, et al of Denver: and
MIRMS, it ia now neceaaary to provide for the iaauance of aaid bonds
and th• fora and payment thereof:
BB IT 08DUllBD ft '1'118 Cift COUllCIL OP '1'118 Cift OP B&GLBWOOD, COLORAIXh
a.ction 1. By virtue ef and in purauance of the law• of the State
of COlorado, the Charter and Ordinance llo. 8, Seri•• 1959, of aaid City,
bonda of Paving Diatrict llo. 13 in Hid City •hall be iaaued for th•
purpoM of paying for local iaprov-nta conatructed in aaid Paving
Diatrict. Said bond• ahall be dated •• of June 1, 1963, and •hall conaist
of 330 bonda in the denoaination of $1,000 each, n1111bered l to 330, in ..
c:luive. &aid bond• ahall be payable to bearer and ahall be abaolutely
dae and payable on June 1, 1974, aubjec:t to call and prior payment in
direct nimerical order at par and accrued inter••t at any time after the
date thereof upon thirty day•' notice publiahed in th• Bnglewood Herald
and SnterpriM.
Said bond• ahall be aigned with the facaimil• aignature of the Mayor,
atteated and counteraigned by the .. nual •iCJllature of the City Clerk and
'l'reaRrer, and -led with a facaimil• of th• aeal of aaid City, and ahall
be payable out of 110ni•• collected from ••••-nt• to be levi.. for the
illprov .. anta conatructed in aaid Diatrict and from fund• hereinafter men-
tioned. Should any officer who•• •iCJllatur• or facaimile aignature appears
on Hid bond• or the coupon• thereto attached cea•• to be auch officer
before delivery of the bonda to the purchaaer, auch aignature or facaimile
•i4)ftature ahall neverth•l••• be valid and aufficient for all purpoaea.
&aid bond• •hall bear intereat payable aemi-annually on the lat day
of Jun• and the lat day of December each year •• evidenced by two ••t•
of coupon• to be attached to Hid bonda, auch coupon• to be aigned with
tbe facaillil• aignatur• of th• City Clerk and 'l'reaaurer. Said interest
coupon• •hall be de•iCJll•ted •A• and •a•, reapectively. coupon• ahall be
attached to bond• numbered in the following achedul• •bowing intereat
rate• and the nwmber of •a• coupon• to be attached to each of aaid bond•,
lo• lo•·
•A• coupon• ••• coupon•
Prom Date Prom Date To
To Maturity i-1-64
2.0°" .85"
2.25" .85"
2.5°" .85"
2.6°" .as"
2.7°" .85"
2.8°" .85"
2.875" .85"
section 2. Said bond• and the coupon• to be attached thereto •hall be
in aubatantially the following form, to-wits
llo •. _____ _
'lh• City of Bnglewood, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado,
for value received, acknowledge• itaelf indebted and hereby promises to
pay to the bearer hereof the principal sum of
in lawful money of th• United Stat•• of America, on the lat day of June,
1974, aubject to call and payment, however, at any time prior thereto,
with intereat thereon •• evidenced by intereat coupon• designated "A"
at the rate of per centum ( ") per annum
frail date until payment, and additional intereat aa evidenced by interest
coupon• deaignated •a• at the ra~e of per centum ( ")
per annum for the period from date to , inclusive, all
inter••t payable ... i-annually on the lat day of June ·ad *~• l•* day ef
~· and th• lat day of Decellber each year, principal and interest being
payable at th• office of th• City Treaaurer, in Bnglewood, Colorado, on
preaentation and aurrender of the attached coupon• and this Bond as they
...-rally becolla due or are called for payment.
Thi• Bond i• iaaued for the purpo•• of paying the coat• of atreet and
avenue illprov~ta in Paving Diatrict Bo. 13, in th• City of Bnglewood,
color.SO, by virtue of and in full conformity with the laws of the State
of Colorado, the Charter of aaid City and an ordinance of aaid City duly
..SOpted, approved, publiahed and made a law of •aid City prior to the
iaauance hereof.
'!hi• Bond i• payable out of the proceed• of apecial ••••••ments to be
levied upon real ••tat• aituat• in the City of Bng~, Colorado, in
PaviDCJ Diatrict Bo. 13, apecially benefited by ••i~!~-.ita, which
aaHa-.at• ao to be levied, with accrued intereat, will be lien• on
Aid real ••tat• in the reapectiv• amount• to be apportioned thereto and
a•H•aed by an ordinance of Aid City, and, if neceaaary, from the
Surplua and Deficiency Pund heretofore created purauant to th• Charter
Of Aid City.
'1'he Charter of aaid City provid••• "Whenever a public improvement
diatrict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth• of it• bond• outatanding, and
for any reaaon the re .. ining a••••ament• are not paid in time to take
up the final bond• of the diatrict and the intereat due thereon, and there
i• not auf ficient money in aaid apecial aurplua and deficiency fund, then
the City ahall pay aaid bonda when due and intereat due thereon and re-
illbur .. itHlf by collecting the unpaid •••••ament• due aaid district."
It i• hereby certified and recited that the total i••u• of bond• of
Aid City for Aid Diatrict, including thi• Bond, doe• not exceed the
mMN!lt authorised by lawi that every requir-nt of law relating to the
creation of Aid Paving Diatrict Bo. 13, the making of aaid local improve-
-nt• and the iaauance of thi• Bond ha• been fully complied with by th•
proper·.officera of aaid City, and that all condition• required to exiat,
and thing• required to be done precedent to and in th• iaauance of thi•
Bond to render the •-lawful and valid, have happened, been properly
done and ·perfor••d, and did exiat. in regular and due time, form and
manner, a• required by law.
Por the payment of thi• Bond and the intereat thereon, th• City
pledge• all of it• lawful corporate DOWera.
D BSTDIOllY 1111BRmP, th• City of Bngl.wood ha• cauaed thi• Bond to
be aigned with th• facaimil• aignatur• of it• Mayor, atteated and counter-
aigned by the -nual aignatur• of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, •••led with
a facaiail• of th• corporate ••al of aaid City, and th• intereat coupon•
hereto attached to be aigned with th• facaimile aignature of th• City
Clerk and Treaaurer, •• of th• lat day of June,1963.
( 8 B A L )
(Do not aicm)
(Pacaimile Signature)
CitY Clerlf aD4 Treaaurer
(Porm of coupon)
llo. A ___ _ $. __ _
llo. ·----
$ __ _
on the lat day of ~~r 19 , th• City of Bnglewood in the County
of Arapahoe and State of co1orado, will pay to the bearer
in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America, at the office of the City
!'reaaurer, in Bngl.wood, COlorado, being inter .. t then due on it• local
illprovwnta in Paving Diatrict llo. 13, Bngl.wood, Colorado, provided the
Bond to which thi• coupon i• attached ahall not have been theretofore
called for paymnt or paid. Attached to Bond dated June 1, 1963, bearing
llo. -. =---{Pac•imil• Sianature)
City clerk and Treaaurer
•• 1.60 •• •
&ectiOll 3. 'l'h• proceed• of Hid bond• •hall be applied only to pay the
coata and •xpen•• of conatructing the iaprovwnt• in aaid Diatrict and
all other coat• and expen••• incident thereto. In the event that all of
the proceed• of •aid bond• are not required to pay auch coat• and expen•••·
any r-inin9 a.ount •hall be paid into th• apecial •••••-•nt fund for
tbe parpoH of calling in and paying the principal of and int•r••t on
Aid bolMla.
section 4. &aid bond• and th• int•r•t thereon •hall be paid from
apecial aaHa ... nt• to be levied on th• real property in aaid Diatrict
fraa the Surplua and Deficiency Pund of aaid City and from any other
available fund• of the City. When th•r• i• on hand a aufficient amount
to pay •ix llOfttba' intereat on outatanding bolMla of ••id Diatrict, the
City ahall call for payment of outatanding bond• in n\lllberical order with
funda available therefor.
&ection 5. After th• expiration of the period for caah payment• of
a•••-..t• in full, th• City •hall pay each year not l••• than l°" of
the total llllOUftt of bond• of ••id Diatrict outatanding after the payment
of bond• with the proceed• of auch caah payment• of ••H•-nt• in full.
&ection 6. ftaat in accordance with section 108 of the Charter of
Aid City, whenever there i• a deficiency in the fund of Hid Improvement
Di•trict to ... t payment of outatanding bond• and intereat thereon, auch
deficiency ahall be paid out of the apecial Surplus and Deficiency Pund
of Aid City. Whenever ••id Diatrict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth•
of tbe bonda iaaued therefor and for any reason th• r-ining •••••amenta
are not paid in time to take up th• final bond• of the Diatrict and in-
ter.at due thereon, and there i• not aufficient money in aaid Surplu• and
Deficiency Pand, then the City •hall pay ••id bond• when due and intereat
dae thereon and reillbur•• itaelf by collecting th• unpaid ••••••ment•
dae Aid Diatrict.
Section 7. If it •hall be neceaaary to advance money to maintain
current payment• of intereat and equal annual payment• of th• principal
..ount of th• bond• iaaued for •aid Diatrict, the City council •hall levy
annual taxe• on th• taxable property within the City not exceeding two
mill• in any one year and ahall apply the proceed• of auch tax•• for aaid
purpoH. Zn lieu of auch tax leviea, the council .. Y annually tranafer
to aacb apecial fund any available money of the City, but in ino event
ahall the llllOUftt tranaferred in any one year exceed the amount which would
r .. ult froa a tax levied in auch year •• herein limited. Such tax levied
or tranafer• of fund• .. Y be mad• in accordance with and purauant to
&ection 109 of the Charter Of aaid City.
section 8. Should any part or proviaion of th• Charter of the City
of SnglMl'GOd, COlorado, or thi• Ordinance, or any part or proviaion of
an ordinance or the charter of any other City in th• Stat• of Colorado
having aubatantially •imilar tU'IU and proviaion• •• tho•• contained in
tbe SncJl..aod Charter or thi• Ordinance, ever be judicially determined
to be invalid or unenforceable, auch determination •hall not affect the
r ... ining part• and P»OVi•ion• of the Bnglewood Charter or thi• Ordinance,
the intention bein9 that each part and proviaion of the Charter and thi•
Ordinance i• aeverable.
All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with thi• Ordinance are
hereby r•••led.
section 9. 'l'hi• Ordinance, after it• final paaaage, •hall be recorded
in a book kept for that purpoHs •hall be authenticatell by the aignatur••
of the Mayor and City Clerks •h•J.l be publiabed a• provided in th• Charter
of the Cityr and after becolling effective, •hall be irrepealable until
the bolMla of Hid Di•trict •hall be paid in full.
section 10. A public hearing on thi• Ordinance will be held in the
COUncil Room of the City Ball on Monday, th• 20th day of May, 1963, at the
boar of 8100 o'clock P.11., and llotice of auch hearing i• hereby authorized
to be 9iven by publication once in the BnglMl'GOd Herald and Bnterpriae and Pr•••· in it• i••• of llay 9, J.963.
&ection 11. !'hi• Ordinance •hall take effect thirty daya after pub-
lication followin9 final pa•••9•·
DIMCUCSD AllD RDD 'l'hia 6th day of llay, 1963.
na11.y ADOPrD AllD APPROVBD 'l'hi• 20th day of May, 1963.
( 8 • A L )
~ Mayor wAt
I. a. o. -u•ang. City Clerk-Tr•••ur•r. City of Bnglewood. county of
Arapmboe. State of COlorado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing
orclinance waa introctucect. react. paaaect and ordered publiahed •• a bill in
the Sngl8W004 Herald and BnterpriM at a regular wting of th• City council
held on the 6th day of May. A.D. 1963. and that at leaat 7 day• after
above publication •• a bill th• above ordinance waa approved. adopted and
ordered publiahed in aaid legal n.wapaper by the City council at a regular
-ti.ng he14 on th• 20th day o~ May. A.D. 1963. •• Ordhance &o. 17.
aer1.ea o~ 1963. o~ aai.d C~ty.