HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 018xntrodaced •• a Bill by councilman Wooda ft AU'l'llORI'IY OltDDIAllCB 80. 18, &BUBS OP 1963 All oaDDIAllCS CDlll'Jmllm ms mm!U'IJQB OP A QUIT CLADI DUD ... m Clft OP lmLIMOCD, COLOR..\DO, A llUllICDAL CORP08Aft09, 'IO m. mmA 11Aft8, Am CD91'Jm1JllQ BIS ACCBPl'AllCS OP A 1fAIUWll'r mm PDI m. ml'llA 11Aft8 to .. Clft OP mcn.DOOD, CDLORM>O, A llUUCJPAL COUCJaA'l'Jaa, JOa CDt'AJll PllOPDTIU LOCABD JR t'llB 80U'lllWS8t' QUAlft'D OP BS .. .,....., QUAll'l'D , ........ , OP DC'l'JOll '· t'OllllSBJP 5 8001'&, auGB 68 an OP m HR ftl9ClPAL -IDIAll, ADPAm>• CDUlft'I, COLOMDO, 'l'O COIUl8Ct' mutOll JR PJmVJOUS DUCUP- ftC.8 "" AmOllllm PROPDTJS8 010i8D n ms PAftlU AS 8ft JOll'ftl JR A llSICJUJ'l'J09 ADOPrlD n nm Clft COUllCJL OP nm Clft OP mGLBllOOD, COLOIADO, . 09 APUL 15, 1963. w•RMS, paraaant to re80lution of th• City council of th• City of Sngl....aocl, COlorado, it waa reaolved and deterained that there waa error in tb• deac:ription of certain landa owned by th• City of SncJlMtOOd adjoinin9 land• ewned by llra. Bertha watt•, and that a fence owned by th• City of Snglwood waa located on land• owned by llra. Bertha Watta, all of aaid land• of botb of the parti•• being located in the llorthweat Quarter of Section 9, 'l'OWnahip 5 &oath, Range 68 We•t of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Arapahoe coanty, color.SO, and that the parti•• were deairoa• of correcting th• erroneoaa deacriptiona and having the land• on which the fence of th• City of Snglwood i• located deeded to the aaid City, and aaid reaolation pro- vided for the meation by th• City of Sngl....aocl to Mr•. Bertha Watt• of a correction quit claia deed for th• property hereinafter deacribed, and th• acceptance by th• City of BncJl.wood of a correction warranty deed from llra. Bertha Watt• for th• property hereinafter deacribed, HOW, 'l'HBRBPORB, BB It' OltDUllBD BY '1'llB Clft CCXJllCIL OP '1118 Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO 1tction 1. the City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, hereby confli'U th• authorisation by reaolation dated April 15, 1963, of a correction quit claim deed froaa aaid City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, a municipal corporation, to llra. Bertha Watt• of th• following deacribed real property located in Arapahoe county, COlorato, to-wits 'l'bat part of th• &8'tl of th• lllfJJa of section 9, Townahip 5 &oath, aange 68 Weat 6th P.M., deacribed •• follow•• Starting at a point 254.0 f-t south and 485.62 f-t Baat of the llorthweat corner of the Sllli of th• • of section 9, Townahip 5 &oath, Range 68 weat 6th P.M., and on th• center line of the Peteraburg Ditch1 thence loath 41• 25' Weat along th• Peteraburg Ditch for 76.9 feeti thence &oath 14• 15' 1feat along the Peterabur9 Ditch for 60.6 f .. t, thence &oath 25• 30' Weat along the Peterabarg Ditch for 197.3 f-t to th• true point of beginning, thence &oath 4• 50' ... t along the Peteraburg Ditch for 309.5 f .. t, thence &oath 21• 45' Baat through the h•adgate and along the Peterabarg Ditch for 190.l f .. t, thence llort:Ja 57• 42' Baat for 33.2 f-t to the poia~ on the ~th line of county Road llo. 1 (W.at Union Avenue): thence llorth 89 3' ... t along th• Borth line of county Road llo. 1 for 350.00 f_t, thence llorth 24• 49' Weat for 503.03 f .. t: thence &oath 83• 03' W.at for 262.31 feet to th• true point of beginning. 8tc:tion 2. n. City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, par•uant to reaolation adopted April 15, 1963, hereby confirma th• acceptance by ita proper officen of a correction warranty deed from llr•. Bertha Watt• to th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, a municipal corporation, for the follow- ing deac:ribed real property located in Arapahoe county, COlorado, to-wits That part of th• .,,. of the ...,. of Sectbn 9, Townahip S &oath, llan9• 68 Weat 6th P.M., deacribed •• followaa Starting at a point 257.0 fMt &oath and 485.62 f .. t Baat of th• llorthweat corner of the 8'lli of th• .... of section 9, 'l'ownahip 5 &oath, Range 68 weat 6th P.M., and on Center Line of the Peteraburg Ditch1 tbence eaat 505.9 f-t1 thence &oath 9• 5' Weat 728.18 f-t, -r• or leaa, to the llorth line of county aoad llo. 1 IW.•t Union Avenae)1 thence &oath 93• 3' Weat along the llorth line of coanty ltoad llo. 1, a diatanc• of 76.35 f .. t to th• true point of beginning, thence continuing south 83• 3' 1f••t along th• llorth line of -id county aoad llo. 1, a diatance of 354.5 f .. t, thence &oath 57• 42' 1f••t 33.2 f_t, thence llorth 21• 45' W.at tmough th• Beadgate and along the •iddl• of th• Petera- barg Ditch 190.1 fMt1 thence llorth 4• 50' 1feat along the middle of -id Ditch 309.5 fMt1 thence llorth 93• 03' Baat 268.31 feet: thence &oath 24• 37' Baat 503.03 f-t, more or leaa, to point of be4)inning. Paaaed on Pi.rat a.acting by th• City council of th• City of Bnglewood, color.SO, thi• 6th day of May, A.D. 1963 and ordered pabliahed in fall in the lpgl!W90d BHald and BnterpriH. I , I Paaaed on Pinal aeading by th• City Council of th• City of Bnglewood, Color.SO, thi• 20th day of llay A.D. 1963 and ordered publiahed in full in the lnalwood &1rald and Snt!rpri••· ,---~~ Mayor Aft881'1 I, B. o. -u~City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, Stat• of Colorado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in th• Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular wting of the City Council held on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1963, and that at 1-•t 7 day• after above publication a• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal n.wapaper by th• City council at a regular -ti1a9 held on th• 20th day of May, A.D. 1963, aa Ordinance Bo. 18, Beriea of 1963, Of aaid City. ATTB8T1