HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 023---~·1.174. . .. . lnUOdaced •• a Bill by OOuncil .. n &aukler Br AUTllDRift ORDlDllCB BO. 23 80188 OP 1963 All OltDDIAllCS ZOBDG 'ftlB POLLOWDIG DBSCRlBBD PROPDft TO A C-3 (BUSIDSS Dlftll!Cl9) fOR ua AS A WlOllAL SllOPPIRG CU'i&R (1• ACCOJtDUCS 1fl'l'B 'DIB PROVISIORS OP OltDID-=s mo. 14, 8Dl88 OP 1962, MQDIDDG ORDD'UICS mo. 45, &DIBS OF 1955) ...._., Clft OP IBUL•JDOD ZOlllBG (ACCORDlBG TO ll'G"z"KM>D OJU>DAllCB a:>. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955) 18 R-1-A, "81Cll CLASSIPICATIOR IS RBSIDmTIAL, '1'118 SAJD PROPBRft '1'0 BB ..., C-3 (BUSIDSS DISftlCT) UDO LOCA'l'BD IR '1'118 Cift OP BRGLIMOOD, ARAPABOB CDUllft", COLmADO, AllD BBJBG MOU PARTICULAllLY DBSCRJBID AS IOLLOWSa A 'l'RAC'l' OF LUii) Lum D 88CTI08 35, TOIOISBlP 4 80Uft, RNIGB 68 .. .., , D ARAPABOB comm, meca181D AS l'OLLOW81 BBGIDJBG AT A PODIT --'1'118 BAST LDIB OP BLOCK 50, mll8'!C8 aaoaDllAY ADDITIOB m•DBD IOUN"~.LY D'IDSBC."18 '1'118 80Uft LID OF SBC'l'IOR 35, tamllllP 4 IOU'IB, RAllGB 68 mT, MID 80U'1'll LID BBillG '1'118 APPROXDIATB CBl1TBR LI• 0 ,. DST lllllPDBR AvmuBr '1'BB8CB BORtllBRLY ALOBG 'l'llB BAST LID OF SAID BLOCK 50 '° .. moam LID OP 8AlD BLOCK 50, tBacB MftDLY 'ft) 'l'BB MS'I LDB OF SOUTH LAPAY&llS nam, mmec• 80Rt11BRLY ALOllG SAID BAST LDB OP SOU'1'B LAPAYBT'l'B STRBBT '10 BS C91'D LID OP BAST PIDYD AvmuB, 'ftlD'CB MftDLY ALOllG SAID CBB'l'BR LID OP ..., PLOID Avaua 'ft) nm BAST LID OP '1'118 .. 1/4 a&C'llO• 35, 'IOWBSBlP 4 SOU'l'B, llAm8 68 M&ft, fi1 93 80U'l'll&RLY ALOllG 8AlD LID 'ft> 'l'llB moamMST CORRBR OF 'DIB .. 1/4 .. 1/4 OP ucno• 35, 'IOWllSBlP 4 aoun, ... 68 ....,, 'l'llBllCB BAS'IBRLY ALOBG ms mam LID OP .. SW 1/4 .. 1/4 sscno• 35, ftMll8BlP 4 80U'l'll, RAllGB 68 BIT, '1'0 .. moa&DST c:oana OP ms SW 1/4 .. 1/4 sacr1m 35, tOllllSBlP 4 SOU'lll, IWIGB 68 WSft, fti JCS 8CJ 1n,y ALOBG '1'118 M8'I LID OP 'l'llB SW 1/4 U 1/4 SSC'l'IOR H, TOllllSBlP 4 80UIB, llAmB 68 aft, 'IO A PODl'l' 11RBU SAID LID llft'DSBC'IS 'l'BB llORTB RIGBT-OP- 11AY Lim OP 8. B. mo. 70 (US'I lllllPDD AVDUS), MlD PODIT BBDIG APPROXIMA'l'BLY 90 PAI maiBMLY OP .. 80UTBMST co-OP ms SW 1/4 •• 1/4 sacno• 35, TOllllSBlP 4 80U'lli, .... 68 ....,, m'«• BftDLY ALOllG MlD mona UGll'l'-OP-WAY LIRB '1'0 A IOlft •m 8AlD LID lftDSSC'IS 'l'BB M8'I LID OP tBS SW 1/4 SBC'IIOR 35 ,· !IOIOISBIP 4 aou&, .... 68 ....,, MlD POill'f BBDG APPROXDIA'l'SLY 90 nn 80R'IB OP '1'BB SOUTB aaaam cmma OP 8AlD SBC'llOR, ftl'PCS ~y ALOBG 8AlD RlGBT-OP-WAY LID OP ..., ..... .,.. Avama QB 'l'llB ARC OP A cuava 'ft) ma L&rr, '1'111 RADIUS OP 111ICB .ica IUUB. .... LS 783 nn, IOR A DlftAllCB OP 301.4 PDT, tames 11&8'1'DLY ALONG '1'BB KORTH IOlft Ualf-OP-11AY LID OP Mft llMIPDm AVDUS PAR!"cl·'ll· 'ft> AllD 30 nB'1' llORTB OP 'l'BB 1 1 U tBS tlOG& Lm OP 88CUQB 35, '1'01111811IP 4 IOU'ftl, JtAmS 68 llSft, 'ft> A POIB'l' WBBRB 'l'BB ..., LDS OP .. 1. ucmr-or-WAT LID OP Mft lllllPD• AVDUS lll'l'D8SCl'8 'l'llB BUT LID OP SOU'1'll &OCUS lf11Jlff 111 &i'Diiii ~acrs ,,... 80Uft LID OP amcno• 35, 'IOllllSBlP 4 SOU'l'll, &fta&'f um& 68 WSft, BSTDLY AL<mG 8AlD 8UU'l'li LI• OP MID 88C'llmt TO '1'llB POUT ,. wmma, ~ APPROXDIA'l'SLY 57 .202 Ac:au. •HDUB, parauant to ordinance, the City Planning and F.oning Coaniaaion of the City of Snglewood, COlorado, ha• duly held public hearing on a certain pro- po..ct •endm•nt to Ordinance Ito. 45, Seri•• of 1955, •• -nded, of the ordinance• of tb• City of &01glwood, COlorado, known •• the •F.oning Ordinance of th• City of &nglewood,• and ha• made reco endation of th• adoption of an ordinance embody- ing Aid -ndllentr and, •a•MSAS, th• City council ha• complied with th• rul•• preacribed by it• charter and ordinance• in taking th• preliminary action in ... ncting aaid Ordinance llo. 45, Seri•• of 1955, •• -ndedr and wa•ms, the public neceaaity, convenience, CJen•ral welfare and good zoning practice• juatify tb• propoaed -ndllent to th• soning ordinance, •• hereinafter Mt fortha .. , ...... POU, BB IT ORDUDD Br 'l'llB Cift COU.CIL OP lllB Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, COLOllADOa l!stiop 1. the hereinafter deacribed property located within th• City of &nglMtOod, county of Arapahoe, Stat• of COlor..SO, i• hereby aoned to a c-3 (Bu•i• -• Diatrict) for •• •• a regional ahoppin9 c.nter (in accordance with th• pro- viaiona of Ordinance Ito. 14, Seri•• of 1962, -ndift9 Ordinance Ito. 45, Seri•• of 1955) preMnt City of Sn9lewood zoning (accordiftCJ to Sn9lM:1aod Ordinance Ro. 45, 8eri•• of 1955) bein9 R-1-A, which claaaification i• reaidentialr the aaid property to be aoned C-3 (Buain••• Diatrict), beift9 110re particularly deacribed •• followaa , A tract of land lying in Section 35, Townahip 4 south, Range 68 Weat, in Arapahoe County, deacribed •• followaa Beginning at a point where the •••t line of Block 50, Bvanaton Broadway Addition extend .. aoutherly interHct• the aouth line of Section 35, Townahip 4 loath, Range 68 Weat, aaid aouthline being th• approximate center line of Baat Hampden Avenuer 'lbence llortherly along the •••t line of aaid Block 50 to the north line of Aid Block 50, -n.nce Saaterly to th• -•t line of South Lafayette Street, 'lbence llortherly along aaid •••t line of &outh Lafayette •tr••t to the center line of ... t Floyd Avenue, tbence &aaterly along Aid center line of Baat Ployd Avenue to th• &aat line of the at 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 south, Rang• 68 Weat, I I I • 'Jbence southerly along Hid line to the nortbeaat corner of the SB 1/4 • 1/4 of Section 35. 'l'Vwnahip 4 South. Ran99 68 Weat. ftence .. aterly along th• Borth line of th• • 1/4 IS 1/4 section 35. Townahip 4 South. Range 68 Weat. to the north .. at corner of the SW 1/4 a 1/4 Sec:tion 35. Townahip 4 south. Ranv• 68 Weat. 'Jbence 8oatberly along the -•t line of the • 1/4 U 1/4 section 35, Townabip 4 South. Range 68 Weat. to a point where aaid line interaecta the north right-of-way line of a. B. Bo. 70 ( .. at a.llpden Avenue), Aid point being approximately 90 f-t northerly of the 80utheaat corner of the • 1/4 u 1/4 section 35. Townahip 4 South. Range 68 ... t. 'Jbence -•terly along Hid north ri9ht-of-way line to a point where Aid line interHCta th• -•t line of th• • 1/4 section 35, Townahip 4 loath. Jlange 68 Weat. Hid point being approximately 90 feet north of the aouth quarter corner of aaid section, 'Jbence Soutbweaterly along aaid right-of-way line of saat Hampden Avenue on the arc of a curve to the left. the ractiua of which equal• 783'. for a diatance of 301.4 f .. t, thence Weaterly along the north right-of-way line of -t a.apden Avenue parallel to and 30 f .. t north of the aouth line of section 35. Townahip 4 South. Range 68 Weat, to a point where the north right-of-way line of ... t Hampden Avenue interaecta th• east line of loath Lafayette str .. t. 'Jbence loatherly to a point where the •••t line of South Lafayette Street iateraec:ta the aouth line of section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, 'Jbence Weaterly along aaid aouth line of Section to the point of beginning, oon~ining approxillately 57.202 acrea. 1tction 2. 'l'h• City council hereby find•. determine• and declare• that the bereinabove change in aoning ia juatified by the public neceaaity, convenience, ...-..-ral welfare and good aonin9 practicea. Introduced •• a Bill for an Ordinance at the regular ... ting of the City Cloanc:il of th• City of Bnglewood, coloracto, on October 15. 19.62, read a first tille in full and ••t for public hearing before aaid City council at the regular ... ting of th• City council on llovember s. 1962, at 8100 P.M. in the council CIM-ber• at the City Ball. 3345 s. Bannock str-t, 8191....ood, COlorado. Notice of Aid bearing embodying thia Bill for an Ordinance in full. ordered by the City council to be publiahed in full in th• lftglewood B.!£ald and Snterpriae, at leaat fifteen daya before aaid hearing. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood. Colorado. thi• 19th day of llovember. A.D. 1962. and ordered publiahed in full in the 'M!IWOod BHald and lnterpri••· Paaaed on Second and final Reading by th• City council of th• City of Bnglewood. CDlor..to, thia 3rd day of Sept.mer. 1963. and ordered publiahed in full in the Pwl.....S BHald •nd lnterpri••· X'~ Zl~~q;~yff Mayor AllDTa I, B. o. -uaanf';"' City Clerk-Tr•aurer. City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe county, CDlor..to, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced and r..S in full at a regular meeting of the City council held on the 15th day of October. 1962. re-react and at a regular meeting of th• City council held on the 19th day of llov_..r, 1962. paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in ~· 9Pa1!l!lp04 llr•ld and lpterpri•• at a regular meeting of th• City council held on the 19th day of Auguat, 1963, and that at leaat 7 daya after publication aa a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal newapaper by the City council at a regular ... ting held on the 3rd day of .. pt...t»er. 1963. •• Ordinance Ro. 23, Seri•• of 1963. of aaid City. At teat a ( S S A L ) ..• ~\'-t?S