HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 025:1. 1,, II .I ··. BY AUl'llOR!ft ORDillAllCB llO. 25, SDIBS OP 1963 A Ul.L POR Alf ORDillABCB TO OOll'IRAC'l' Alf IlllmM"..US OB BBBALP OF '1'BB Cift OP •m.DIOOD, OOLOR!UJO, AIR> Ul'OB '1'BB CRBDl'f ftllRBOP BY ISSVIBG BOlll>S OP SAID C!ft D BS PIWICJPAL SIM OP $2,250,000 POR 'ftll DIPllOVlllD'1' MD BXTBBSIOR OP Ift llNl'DIK>RIC8 SY.,_: PRBSCIUBI8G '1'llB POM OP MID BOllD81 MID PROVZDIRG IOll tll8 LIVY OP 'IAXIS to PAY '1'BB acmD8 MID '1'111 Ill'l'DBft 'l'llDBQB. •M.MS, th• City of Bngl.wood, Arapahoe county, COlorado, now owna, operate• and -intaina.:-:a •y•t-of waterwork• for th• purpo•• of supplying aaid City and it• inhabitant• with water for fire and do•••tic purpo•••: and WllUB, it i• neceaaary to extend and improve .. id waterworks system in order to aupply the aaid City and the inhabitant• thereof with a porper and .-il•mt:.e aapp.1y o~ ..,.t:.er, and . 111111111, lllfl lfl Alf 1Uf f 18!1Af fUAfl !A fRI fflllUIV 81 1118 01@V @8 provide for the neceaaary extenaiona and improv ... nta to •aid waterwerks system and th• C:ity COunc:i1 d-:it adv:iaab1• and n•ce•-ry to :i••u• negotiabl.e bond• of -id City in tbe ..ount of $2,250,000 for ~t purpo-, -id bond• to be de- livered at a later date in one or more ••ri•• after public notice of 1ale: BS IT ORMDIBD Br TBB (fift COUllCIL OP '1118 CHY 01' BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO: section 1. That for th• purpoM of providiDCJ fund• for th• extenaion and ~t of the BncJlewood waterwork• ayatem, the City •hall iaaue negotiable coapon bond• in the principal •um of $2,250,000, -ch to be deaignated "General Obliption Water Bxtenaion Bond, Seri•• 196_•, bearin9 intereat at a rate or rate• not exceeding 4-1/2" per annum, payable -i-annually each year, as evi- denced by int•r••t coupon• attached to aaid bond• and maturing •• follow•: A119ynt Mtyrity • 10,000 1972 to 1977, incl. 85,000 1978 100,000 1979 110,000 1980 245,000 1981 250,000 1982 260,000 1983 270,000 1984 280,000 1985 290,000 1986 300,000 1987 'ftl• intereat rate or rat•• ••id bond• •hall bear, the date thereof, number, d•nomination, .. ri•• deaignation, month of .. turity and proviaiona relating to callin9 .. id bond• prior to maturity ahall be deterained by a further ordinance or ordinance• to be ..Sopted by th• City council at or about th• time of public Al• of .. id bonda. laid bond• and the coupon• thereto attached •hall be payable in lawful money of the United State• of America at the office of the City Treaaurer, in Bnglewood, CIDlorado, aball be aigned with th• facaillil• aignatur• of the Mayor of •aid City, atteated and coanteraigned by the manual •i9ft&ture of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, ander a facaillil• of the official of aaid City, and •hall be recorded in a book to be kept by .. id City Clerk for that purpoM. All coupon• ahall bear the facaimile •iCJUtar• of the Tr-nr•r of aaid City. Should any officer who•• signature or facaiaile aignatur• appear• on aaid bond• or the coupon• thereto attached, ceaae to be auch officer before delivery of the bond• to the purchaaer, auch sipature or faeaillil• aignatur• ahall neverth•:J••• be valid and aufficient for all purpoaea. Section 2. That the aaid bond• and the coupon• attached thereto ahall .. in aubatantially th• following forms &an OP COLOR!UJO llo ·-------- (Porm of Bond) UllITSD STA'l'BS OP AllDICA CI'n OP mGLSllOOD GBllBRAL OBLIGATIOB WAftR BD'DSIOB .. D SBRIBS 196_ comrrr OP ARAPAHOS $ ___ _ n.. City of Bnglewood, in th• county-of Arapahoe and Stat• of Colorado, ac:Jmowledgea itMlf indebted and hereby prOlliM• to pay to th• bearer hereof the au. of ---'ftlOUSAllD DOTJAJt8 on the lat day of , 19 , with int•r••t thereon at the rate of per centum < )" per annum, payable lieml-annually ..... . ; "·. "~ ....... ~. on the lat day of and th• lat day of each year, both principal and intereat being payable in lawful •ney of th• United Stat•• of 1J11rica, at th• office of th• City Tr•••urer, in SncJl.uood, Colorado, upon premtation and aurrender of aaid coupon• and thi• Bond •• they aeverally be-ca•• da9. (call feature to be inHrted in aeparate par&9r•Ph after public aale.) fti• bond ia iaaued by th• City council of SncJl.uood, COlorado, for the parpoM of aupplying th• City and it• inhabitant• with water by extending and UezOVincJ it• waterwork• ayatem under th• authority of and in full conf irmity with the COnatitation of the State of COlorado, the proviaiona of Chapter 139, Article 32, Colorado Reviaed Statute• 1953, th• Charter of aaid City, and pur- auant to an Ordinance duly adopted, publiahed and mad• a law of aaid City prior to th• iaaaance of thi• Bond. It i• hereby certified and recited that all the requir ... nta of law have been duly c:o11plied with by the proper officer• of aaid City in the iaauance of thi• Bondi that th• total debt of th• City, including that of thia Bond, doea not excaact any liait of indebtedneaa preecribed by tile COnatitution or lawa of tb• State of color.SO or the Charter of Hid Cityr and that proviaion ha• been ...Se for th• levy and collection of an annual tax on all th• taxable property in aaid City aufficient to pay th• intereat on and principal of thia Bond when the -becoll• due. '1119 full faith and credit of the City of SncJl..aod, Colorado, are hereby pled9ed for th• punctual payment of the principal of and intereat on thi• Bond. D 'l'UTDIOlll wraBOP, the City Council of th• City of Bngl8WOOd, Colorado, baa caued thi• Bond to be aigned with th• facaillil• ai9natur• of the Mayor of Aid City, atteated and c:ounteraigned by th• unual aignatur• of the City Clerk and Tr-arer, -led with a facaimil• of the -1 of th• City, and the coupon• hereto attached to be aigned with th• facaillil• aignature of th• City Treaaurer, •• of the lat day of , 196 ___ • (PACSDIILS) ( 8 8 A L ) (Do not alp) City Clerk aiiil Treaaurer llo •:------- (Porm of coupon) (Facaimile Sicrnature) Mayor '---- On tb• lat day • 19 ___ •(unl••• th• bond to which thia coupon ia attached ha• been eall•• ••• f)rior redemption,) th• City of Bnglewood, in the county of Arapahoe and State of COlorado, will pay to bearer l)Ol.JAJtB ----------------- in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America, at th• office of the City Tz-aurer, in Sngl.ood, Colorado, being •ix wtha' intereat on ita General abliption Water Bxtenaion Bond, Seri•• 196 ___ , dated 1, 196_, bearing llo •. ______ _ (l'acaimil• Sicrnature) City Treaaurer • (fti• cla_._ to appear only in coupon• maturing -------- tber-fter) 1, 19_, and S.Ction 3. When .aaaid bonda have been duly executed, the City Treaaurer ia hereby directed to deliver aaid bond• to th• purchaaer thereof on receipt of the &C)reed purchaH price therefor. 'l'h• proceed• of aaid bond• ahall be uaed for the parpoM of atending and improving th• waterwork• •y•t-of aaid City and for the coat• and expen••• incidental to the iaauance of -id bonda, and for no other parpoM whatever, but neither the purchaaer of aaid bond• nor the aubae- ...-at bolder of any of th-ahall be reaponaible for th• application or diapoaal by the City, or any of it• officer•, of any of the fund• derived from the sale thereof. 8ection 4. If neceaaary, the intereat to beCOlle due on aaid bond• in the year 1964 •hall be advanced from th• water or other available fund of aaid City. ~r the purpoM of reillburaing -id fund and of -ting th• intereat accraing on Aid bond• promptly and aa the •-thereafter become• due, and for the pur- po• of providing for th• ultimate payment and redemption of aaid bonda, there aball be and there are hereby levied on all th• taxable property in said City, in .tdition to all other taxea, direct annual taxe• in .. ch of .. th• yeara 1964 to 1986, incluaive, aufficient to .. k• auch reillbura .. ent and pay the intereat on and principal of -id bond• •• the aame becan• due and payable, reapectively. I I Said tax•• when collected ahall be deopoaited in a apecial fund to be known •• •city of Bngl9WOOd Water Bxtenaion Bond Pund, 1964•, and auch Fund shall be applied aoleJ,y to the purpoae of the payment of the intereat on and principal of .. id bond• and for no other purpoH whatever until th• indebtedness ao contracted under tbi• Ordinance, both principal and intereat, ahall have been fully paid, .. tiafied and diachar9ed, but nothin9 herein contained ahall be ao construed aa to prevent the City from applying any other funda or revenue• that may be in the City Treaaury and available for that purpoae to the payment of aaid interest or principal •• the •-reapectively -ture, and upon any auch payments, the levy or levi•• herein provided may thereupon to that extent be diminiahed. The sums herein provided to ... t the intereat on aaid bond• and to discharge the principal thereof when due. including th• coat• and expen••• incidental to the issuance of .. id bonda, are hereby appropriated for that purpoae, and aaid principal and intereat a.ounta for each year ahall alao be included in the annual budget and the appropriation bill• to be adopted and paaaed by th• City council of aaid City in each year, reapectively. section 5. It ahall be th• duty of the City council of aaid City, annually, at the time and in th• -nner provided by law for levyin9 other City taxes, if such action ahall be neceaaary to effectuate the proviaiona of thia Ordinance, to ra•ify and carry vut th• proviaiona hereof with reference to the levying and collection of taxea: and aaid City ahall lny. certify and collect auch tax•• in the manner provided by law for the purpoae of creating a fund for th• payment of the principal of .. id bond• and intereat thereon, and auch taxea, when collected, shall be kept for and applied only to the payment of th• intereat on and principal of said bonda, •• hereinabov• apecified. 8ection 6. If any one or more Hctiona or part• of thi• Ordinance shall be adjudged unenforceable or invalid, auch jud999nt •hall not affect, impair or invalidate th• r-ining proviaiona of thi• Ordinance, it being the intention that the variou• proviaion• hereof are aeverable. ' section 7. All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed • . Section 8. After aaid bond• are iaaued thi• Ordinance ahall be and ranain irrepealabl• until aaid bond• and th• intereat thereon ahall have been fully paid, aatiafied and diacharged. section 9. Thia Ordinance, 1-ediately on it• paaaage, ahall ·be recorded in the Book of Ordinance• kept for that purpoH, authenticated by the signatures of th• Mayor and Clerk, and ahall be publiahed •• required by law. section 10. A public Bearing on thia Ordinance will be held in the Council Cbnber• at tbe City Ball in lln9l-..ood, Colorado, on Monday, the 16th day of .. ptnber, 1963, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.11., and llotice of auch Bearing i• authorised to be given by publication once in the Sngl-..ood Herald and Bnterpriae in ita iaaue of Septallber 5, 1963. section 11. '!bi• Ordinance ahall take effect thirty day• after publication following final paa .. ge. Dl'lllOIJUCSD Aa a Bill thia 3rd day of Sept .. ber, 1963 nar.r.y ADOrnD AllD APPROVBD 'l'hi• 16th day of Sept.mer I 1963 ~};:~~1~/L Mayor ~ AllUT1