HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Ordinance No. 029I I I btrOdaoed u a aill by coancii..n Lew• Br AUIBOllift mmmcs m. 29. ana or 1963 -~ ~ C--1• ucnom or CllAPI• 16.l or BB llUBICIPAL aam OJ' .. Clft °' ••rraoo. CX>LCaYO. ---.iazm -llAft8 AS to VAllIOUS .__,... 14.._,I' •8LM'IR to tllS 8U8111m 8D OCC:UPAftOllAL LIC.88 'IAX IOR .. •mOD Wiim!• JAmAD 1, 1964. AllD lm>lm A'r Jllmlmll' .JUD 30, 1964, -... Lim ....... 16.l I ..... 16.1-17 or tllB Jmll!CIPAL CX>Dll OP 'l'llB Clft 0. · I-· ••ID•• CDLmADO. snet'IR NI MIDMICBI JUllS 30, 1964 • .. n oam1•• -tllB Clft CDU9CIL or tllB Clft or W•IOOD. COLORADCh 111!18!!; 'Ille rate• bereinaf ter Mt forth in thia ordinance are hereby ..tab tbe ba•in••• and occupational licen•• tax rat•• under Chapter 16 of tbe Kanicipal CDde of tbe City of BntJlMIOOd. Colorado, for tb• period .... i•iD9 ~ 1. 1914, and ending at •idni9ht Jan• 30, 1964. ~· ftbl• I of Cbltpter 16.1-2 f~!fear4 91!•• of the llunicipal ODLte oq. of a.gl..aall. COlorado, reat ;. to licenae tax on cer- tain cat•••i•• of baain .. • i• hereby •E•Dded to r..S aa followaa •ftbl• la fl0.00 fOr tbe fira~owner. partner • ......,_. or 911ploy•, plu• f3.40 for •9Cb ..S.Sitional owner. partner. Mnaf• or mploy• up to a ••'-n•._ of tmbl• mploy•• of 36. llo tax on 911Ploy•• on... tbe n•eeber of 36. • IPiP f. ftbJ.• II of Cbltpter 16 .1-2 ••tm''n' lf'f' of the Municipal ODie oC ty of SDglMIOOd. Colorado. relat~,,. toicen .. tax on cer- tain categori•• of baain••• i• hereby •enlled to r..S aa followaa •ftble Ila fS.00 for tbe firat owner, partner, •na9er or 911ploy•, plua $1.70 for •ch IMlditioaal owner. partner, •never or mployee. up to a ·axl-n•...,_. of taxable mploy•• of 36. llo tax oa 911ploy•• o.r:r tbe •• ..._. of 36.• J!f.~ 4. Groap D. contractor Lic:en .. aa of Cbapter 16.1-3 Ween•• .... ~o the Manicipal COde of the City of Snglwood. colorado, relative to tb9 lia. .. tax on certain categori•• of ba•ine•• i• mreby -•nded to remd u follawaa ••ow p. CDntractor Liceueaa All peraou or f irlu perfonU.ng any and all type• of contractor ..,,ice• within the city, An any a110uat. ahall be •abject to tax on the following ba•i•a -~) t=nt lif baaed e city lillit•) A-m (if ba•ed ~. city lillit•) Gmeral Contractor- Vllliaited $20.00 $25.00 General contractor Lillited 16.70 21.60 Jol'abing Contractor 6.70 10.00 8ab-Contractor 6.70 10.00 Slectrical contractor• (Clua A) 6.70 11.70 Pl_.ing Contractor• 11.70 20.00 Drainlaying CDntractor• 11.70 20.00 !be foregelDCJ tax rate• are in IMldition to any other lien••• or f•• d1ae tbe city ander other DrOVi•lm• of thi• co.le.• ~ion 5. 11"51· ca ercial • •••••nt Liem•••• of Cbapter 16.1-3 wmr '"ie'· o= -llmlaipal Cllde of t:be Ciq of a.gl.MfOOd. Clolorado, re t " to lie.•• tax • certain catetori• of buin••• i• hereby ••'led to r..S u follawaa M 1Jow la -id-t -••••at -terpri••• peraon• operatin9 the followincJ v••al -••••nt -te&'priM• within tb• city ahall be taxed acoordin 9 to ftble I above. :HRiB · .... A•11••••nt -cbine firma (acluaiv• of 'juebox' and mechanical -•••nt devicea \1poD whicb a f .. of fl2.50 per -cbin• i• paid)1 ailliu'da and llDWlincJ1 Golf CDar•. •tandard or lliniatur•r lbaoting Galleri••r Baeatr•• and lloving Picture BoGae•r ftteatrical and aactio and 'l'eleviaion AcJeftci•• and &ervic••· 8*4gogp 21 ltl•rant -.-nt enterpri•••1 peraona operating the following naa•--t •terpriHa ahall pay the tax for the ~iod indicated within th• city. cana1vai. fl00.00 for the firat day, f50.00 for each additional day: payable in ldvance' Circa•• fl00.00 for th• firat dayr $50.00 for eacb additional day. plWabl• in ...... , lti.Derant &bow (other than carnival or circua). $50.00 for the firat day, f25.00 for eacb ldditional day, payable in ldvance.• p~·~· 'NbDleAl• and lbnafac:t:aring LicenM•• of a.apter 16.1-, of the Municipal COd• of tbe City of Bnglewood, CDJ.or ~ re:t,;::rthe licmH tax on certain categori•• of buaina•• i• ...._iaaft9r re9Dacted to r..S aa followaa A •n•factarer within thia aection 8hall be conatrued to be a per80D wbo bold• or parchaH• peraonal property for tbe pmpoae of ldding to tbe val• tbereof by any proc••• of manufacturing, refining, or -aallbination of different -teriala or wbo --11 purchaae and -11 articlH aach u he manafactar••. A wboleaaler within thi• wtion aball be coutraed to ••an a peraon wbo purcha••• -teriala for re•l• to retail or jobber oatl•t• only. If any part of a primarily wbol..al• or manafacturing buineaa 8ball involve the MllincJ of •id -teriala to the ultimate cona..ar at the current ~il ra.. • ......... ••••• shall be canaidered a oambination wbol-le-retail operation and •abject to the tax under 'fable I abowe. Bae tax for parely wboleaal• and manufacturing fin• ahall be acoordincJ to !'able II above. flr••n-... operati•• aball be conatraed to be included in thi• 9E0ap.• . ._tu lee •u.ot -11"'9 •1•ta of booka. periodical• tth•r ta.a•• lllf••), '•••ll•W .area, bra8be•• inaurance, ao-tica, ~ile, .-•••• •iWU. r..,.ir and rn•o&lelin9, and any CJOOd• • •••Aw -11111ilioall~ -tioned berein. and not covered .., ... etllll' 1~118'1-er t:lai• wti•• aball be $6.60 for each ••••• ._ tlal'• _..... • •10.00 IDr each peraon for one-half , .•.. :111111.a u•&e ... .eaUla Mll ad deliver fooda, good• or lw •&nn • neld-=-• in thi• city, and m.:"f'mtl1~-•. 1-,_-,-.-,-,M,~~~·:..!I;!~:=• a e:.:':r .~O:t;:r 0:!~d:.~f v= 't•lr• :,.11&11 .0 1tFr3&: el •Ila ia operation are dairiea, · ~••• ~lll•cr deliveri••·>· I I ·---•