HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 001--~~ ~~t.6 #···-· Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Love BY AU'ftlOAift ORDIDllCB RO. 1, SBRIBS OP 1962 All ORDIDllCB RDOIJDIG '1'BB POLLOWDG DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft PROI P (PARI<DIG) m C-2 (CDlllBRCIAL) DISTRICT CLUSIPICATIOR 20-WITs '1'BB WBST 100 PBB'l' OP VAii lln'Bll'S AIJDI'l'IOR Al1D '1'BB 1fB8'1' <llB-llALP OP BLOCK 8, llARL91 2111> ADDI'l'IOR, AllD BBGDRDG AT A PODl'l' OR 'IBB llOR'l'll LID OP 1fB8'1' CllBllAmO AVBIUB 196 PBBT 1lm OP '1'llB 1fB8'1' LID OP 8011'111 BROADllAYr 'l'llBRCB ROR'l'B PARALLBL '1'0 '1'BB SAID 1IB8T LIJIB OP SOutB BROAIMAY '1'0 'l'llB SOU'l'll LDB OP 1fB8'1' LAY'lOR AVDUBr 'l'llBRCB 1IBft ALOm SAID SOU'l'B LID OP 1fB8'1' LAY'lOll AVBllUB A DIS'l'AllCB OP 70 PBB'l'J & ICB 80U'i'll PAMLLBL '1'0 SAID 1fB8T LID OP SOUiii BROADlfAY '1'0 '1'BB llOR'l'll LID OP 1f88i' CB~ AVWBr i'BDCB BA8'1' AIDRG SAID ROR'l'll LID OP WBST CRDWIGO AVDUB A DiftAllCB OP 1 • • • • , ; ~ · 70 PBft 'IO WWW l'OP BBGIDDIG, ALL IR '1'llB crrr OP BmLmmoD, AMPAllDB COU9'1'i, COLORADO. 11Rll.BAS, application ha• been made for the rezoning of certain property hereinafter deacribed from P (Parking) to C-2 (Camnercial) diatrict cl•••i- fication •• hereinafter ••t forth, and the City Planning and zoning Coami- ••ion ha• recc: ended approval of auch change in zoningr and IBBRMS, pablic notice ha• been given of auch propoaed rezoning by one publication in the BnglMIOOd Herald and Bnterpri .. , a nwapaper of general circulation within th• City and th• official nwapaper of the City, at l .. at fifteen (15) day• before the public hearing on auch rezoning, and notice of auch propoaed rezoning ha• been poated on the property for fifteen (15) conaecutive day• prior to auch bearing, •• required by ordinancer and 1111BRBAS, public hearing waa held purauant to the aforeaaid notice by the City Council of the City of BnglMIOOd in the Council Chamber• of the City Ball, 3345 south Bannock Street, Bngl9WOC>d, Colorado on the 5th day of Pebruary, A. D. 1962, at the hour of 8100 P.11., at which hearing no peraona appeared to proteat or oppo•• the propoaed change in zoningr and "8BRBAS, the public neceaaity, convenience, general w.lfare and good zoning practice• juatify the change in zoning of the hereinafter deacribed property from P (Parking) to c-2 (Coamarcial) diatrict claaaification •• hereinafter Mt forthr 9CJlf TBBRBIORB, BB IT ORJaDIBD BY '1'BB Cift COUllCIL OP '1'118 CI'l'i' OP ... EJOQD, CX>~s &ection 1. 'lb• zoning of the hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, i• hereby changed from P (Parking) to C-2 (Coiwwrcial) diatrict claaaification •• hereinafter ••t forth, to-wits 'lbe Weat 100 f .. t of Van Meter'• Addition and the Weat one-half of Block 8, Harl-2nd Addition, and Beginning at a point on the Borth line of Weat Chenango Avenue 196 f .. t •••t of the Weat line of South Broadway: thence Borth parallel to the aaid Weat line of South Broadway to the South line of Weat Layton Avenue: thence Weat along aaid South line of Weat Layton Avenue a diatance of 70 f .. t, thence south parallel to aaid Weat line of south Broadway to the Rorth line of Weat Chenango Avenuer thence -•t along aaid Borth line of Weat Chenango Avenue a diatance of 70 f .. t to point of beginning, all in the City of Bnglwood, Arapahoe county, COlorado. Section 2. !'he City council hereby f inda, determine• and declare• that the hereinabove change in zoning i• juatified by the public neceaaity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice•. P•••ed on Pirat Reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• 5th day of Pebruary, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the Snal9WDOCI Herald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, thi• 19th day of Pebruary, A.D. 1962, and ordered published in full in the lftalMIOOd Herald and Bnt!rpri••· / ~~?'f---·-·- I, B. o. Beaudng, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publ"iahed aa a bill in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City council held on the 5th day of Pebruary, 1962, and at leaat 7 day• after above pub- lication •• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal newapaper by the City council at a regular -•ting held on the 19th day of Pebruary, A.D., 1962, ••Ordinance Ro. 1, Serie• of 1962, of -id City. A'l"l'BSTs