HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 003I I Xntroduced •• a Bill by Councilman Mil•• BY AU'l'llORift ORDDJABCB BO. 3, SBRIBS OP 1962 p--\ ~ 1 '1~ v- ~J ~' M OJU>DAEB APPROVDIG All ~ WI'l'll '1'BB STA'l'B BIGlllfAY COMMISSIO& OP COLOMDO POR '1118 PURPOSB OP IMPROYDIG A POR'l'IOB OP S'l'A'l'S.8IGBWAY l10. 88 PARTLY U'l'llDI 'ftlB Cift OP DDLBllDQD, CX>LORADO, MD AU'l'B>RIZDG AllD DIRBC'l'IllG '1118 llAmR MID Cift cr,sax '1'0 BXBC1J'l'B AllD '1'BB Cift' A'l"l'O•ft '1'0 APPROYB SUCH Hiii-mi' o• BWIA'' OP 'l'BB Cift. BS IT ORMIDD BY '1118 Cift COUIK:IL OP '1'BB Cift OP DIGLBllOOD, COLORADO: Stction 1. 'lb• City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, hereby approve• th• hereinafter ••t forth agr-nt with the State Highway Oat *••ioa of Colorado •• to State Highway Ito. 88, which i• partly within aaid City, and authoriae• and direct• ;th• Mayor and City Clerk to execute and the City Attorney to approve ••id agr•-nt on behalf of the City: •us 0056 (1) Belleview Avenue-Broadway to Windermere A Ji .B .I .I !I .I .! .! 'IBIS MIPBWWft', llade thi• 3rd day of January, A. D. 1962, by and betw.en the mn BIGllMU CDlll!88I08 OP ex>~, a body corporate, acting for the uae an4 benefit of th• DBPAlt'JllDIT OP BIGllNAYS of the STA'l'B OP COLORADO, hereinafter referred to•• the •Department•, and the Cift·OP BRGLBllOOD, hereinafter referred to•• the •city•1 11IBB88ftB1 'l'bat ••MAS, Un4er the authority of the law• of the United State• and of the State of Colorado, by and with the concurrence and approval of the United State• Bareau of Public lloada, certain Pederal and State fund• have been allocated for the parpoae of improving a portion of State Highway Bo. 88, or wbat i• known •• .. lleviMt Avenue from s outh Broadway weaterly to Windermere Avenue, aaid illprov-nt being known•• us 0056 (1), the route and general plan of auch project being ahown •• Bxhibit •A• which i• attached hereto and by reference incorporated •• part hereof 1 and 181BRBA8, 'l'hi• portion of State Highway llo. 88 will, when completed, be a finiahed forty-eight foot atr .. t with raiaecl median •trip to provide for left turn• at illportant atreet interaectiona1 and •IPMS, '1'be partiea deaire to agree upon certain conatruction and .. intenance feature• and upon traffic regulation• to become effective after conatruction • .,.,, 'IBBRBl'ORB, In conaideration of the mutual covenants aet forth hereinafter and the faithful performance thereof, the partie• agree as followaa 1. 'l'be Department will make all plans and apecificationa for the project deaignated ••US 0056 (1), Belleview Avenue from South Broadway westerly to Windermere Avenue, and will let the contract for and auperviae the construc- tion of the project, all with funds allocated by the Pederal and State government• and without expenae to the City for auch construction except •• Ht forth hereinafter. 'l'he preliminary plan• •• prepared by the Depart- ment are hereby accepted and approved by the City aubject to the right of either the Department or the City to correct monor diacrepancie• and make llinor deviation• in details provided that both parties are advised of auch change• and agree thereto. (a) 'l'h• City agr .. a that when and to the extent requeated by the Department, it will aaaiat the Department in procuring the nec:eaaary rights of way and ace••• right• required foz· the project, the payment for •aid right• of way and acceaa rights to be aade from State and Pederal Puncla. 2. Conatruction Detail•: (a) 'ftle Department will conatruct the entire project at ita aole 8JIP9DH except that the City at it• own expense ahall install all neceaaary traffic aignala and aanitary aewara serving City uaage. (b) Ito aign• inatalled under the conatruction contract between the Department and it• contractor ahall be changed by the City, and no new conatruction aign• or aignala are to be ereeted by the City without th• prior written approval of the Department. 3. Traffic Regulation•• 'l'he plan• for aaid project will provide channelisation for left-turn mov .. enta •• indicated on Bxhibit •A• at the following interaection•1 -~-Jfas •. . ~ . • : :• (a) south Broadway Avenue Windermere Avenue (b) 'l'h• City will, by ordinance, preacribe a •peed limit of not leas than 35 mile• per hour along Belleview Avenue between South Broadway and Windermere. 'l'hi• apeed regulation may be changed by the City provided that prior written approval ia first obtained from the Depara.Dt. ( . Maintenance of the roadway proper and the atructurea shall be the reaponaibility of the Depara.nt. Maintenance of the traffic aignala and aanitary •ewer• ahall be the reaponsibility of the City. All neceaaary •tr-t lighting and policing of the area shall be the reaponaiblity of the City. 5. 'l'h• City ahall furniah to the Department certified copiea of all orcH.nanc:ea enacted by the City for the purpoae of carrying out the pro- viaiona of thia Agr-ent. 6. 'lbia Agr-nt may be modified at any time by the mutual con._t of the parti•• hereto aa may be neceaaary in order to complete the •U-•t and highway illprov ... nt. 7. 'l'hi• Agre-nt ahall not be deaned valid until it ahall have been approved by the Controller of the State of Colorado, or by auch aaaiatant •• he .. Y deaignate. 8. 'l'bia Agr-nt ia executed under the authority of the lawa in auch caH• ll&de and provided, and with reference to th• aignatori•• on behalf of the City by virtue of an ordinance duly paaaed on ---~-~-~----­ A. D., 19_. aad aball be binding upon UMS inure to the benefit of the aucceaaora and aaaigna of the parti•• hereto. D WI'l'llBSS EBRBOP, '1'he parti•• hereto have cauaed thia Agrewnt to be executed on the day and year firat above written. ~iian'a Qi1f-Gl1r~ (8DL) unovau AB to rcata w w. auma, A'ft'Olllft omRAL BY-----------~----~~~--~-Deputy Attorney General APPMOVBDa State Clmtrolier '1'llB STA'l'B HIGHWAY CQMMXSSIOB OP COLORADO, a body corporate, for the uae and benefit of the DBP~ OP BIGIDIAYS BY.~~~~~'"""=-=-~=---=-:--=--=--:-~~~~ MARK U. WATROUS, Chief Bngi.neer Department o~ Bi.ghwaya, and Chi.ef Adlliniatrativ• Officer, State Highway Coallliaaion MAYOR OP BllGLBWOOD APPROVBD AS '1'0 PORlb Bnglewood City Attorney APPROVBDa State Purchiaaing Agent APPROVBDa GOVBRllOR of the State of Colorado• Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Bavlewood, Color~, thia 5th day of Pebruary, A. D. 1962 and ordered publiahed in full in the Mglewood Herald Y4 Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood.. Colorado, thia 19th day of February, A. D., 1962, and ordered published in fall in th• lpglfWOOd Herald and Bnterpri••· Aiima !I I . I I. B. o. Beaaaan9, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bn9l9WOOd, County of Arapahoe. State of Colorado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing ozdinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in the Bn9l9WOOd Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City council held on the 5th day of Pebruary, A. D., 1962, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal n-paper by the City Council at a regular -ting held on t.he 19th day of Pebruary, A. D., 1962, •• Ordinance llo. 3, Seri•• of 1962, of aaid City. (8DL) . - A'l"l'B&Ta - ·{···