HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 011:1 II Introctaced aa a Bill by councilman Brown.well BY AU'l'll)Rift OllDDINICB RO. 11, SBRIBS OP 1962 All OllDillNICB '° MWD OIU>DIUICB ao. 32, SBRIBS OP 1961, m'l'ITLBD ·u Om>DIUICB to LBW A Cift llftAIL SA'•& AllD USB TAX WI'l'llD '1'llB Cift OP mtGLBWOOD, ~ . .. IT oamu• n 'l'llB CDT ODUllCIL OP 'lllB Cift OP BmLmfOOD, a>LORADO, '!ST 'l'llB IOLLOllillG M..-Pl'S BB llADB D ORDDIAllCB BO. 32, SBRIBS OP 19611 ~t· A••nd Section 2-21 by •triking and deletiDCJ that entire aection from nance. ltction 2. Amend Section 8, the laa .. ntence thereof, by striking there- from t:he followings •aule 106 A (4) of the COlorado .Rule• of Civil Prodedure•, and inaerting therefor th• word• •R1JLB 106 (a) (4) OP '1'llB COLORADO RULBS OP CIVIL PIOCmJUltB" • !rl!on 3. In .. ction 11-1--CAVM'l', atrik• the 11«>rd• •Pour-County Metropolitan capita Improv-mt Diatrict•, and inaert therefor th• 11«>rd• •c1n OP JDlGLBWOOD•. mion 4. In Section 11-10 atrike the 11«>rd •Diatrict• and inaert therefor, the WO .,..,....., ~ 1. In lec:\ion ll-ll, •Ui1'• Che fil'at w.d •Diatric:t• and inHl't there Trfth1 wrd1 •cin or •LllOOD" and 1trik1 the word •District• on each •ab8equent time i. t appear• therein and i.n•ert the vord "CXTr" • =-t. Xn 8ection 21-1 entitled llOl'Ga vmDCLSS AllD 'l'RAXLBRS, •trike tbe vo •roar-coanty lletropolitan lllPl'OY .. t Di1trict•, and in•ert therefor the word• •c1n op mcnell'O'V>" • ~on 7. Xn Section 21-2 •trike the word• •rour-county Metropolitan c.pitiil4*rov••nt Diatrict• and inaert therefor, the word• •c1n OF B&GLBllOOD• at •ch ti.lie it appear• therein. ~n 8. In Section 21-3 atrik• the word• •Pour-County Metropolitan c.pi ~ov••t Diatrict• and inaert therefor, the 11«>rda •c1n OP BlfGLBWOOD". !:fffon 9. In Section 60 •trike th• following 11«>rda1 •'lb• Pour-County .. tropo t:an capital lllprov-nt Diatric:t,•. Puaed on rirat aeladin9 by the City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, COlor..SO, thi• 7th day of llay, A.D., 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the -lfUOOd llKald and Snt!rpriH. •-..s on Pinal ae..Sing by the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, c.londo, thi• 2lat day of llay, A.D., 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the IM!IUOOd rsrv amt BnterwiH. J«fi~u~L / AllDTa ~ I llayo~~ 1, a. o. -aaaJl{J/" City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, City of Bn9l.wood, county of Arapmboe, State of dlSlorado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in the SDglMIGOd Herald and BnterpriH at a regular -•ting of the City Council held on the 7~ day of 11ay. A.D., 1962, and that at l .. at 7 day• after above publication -a bill tbe above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in Aid legal D9Wapaper by t:be City council at a regular wting held on th• 2l•t day of llay, A.D., 1962, aa Ordinance 80. 11, Seri•• of 1962, of aaid City. At tea ta .... . . .-.:.~~· ... ···~·