HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 018I I I 1ntro4aced •• a Bill by Council.Mn Sllukler 8Y AUiiiiOUft OllDDIAllCS mo. 18, IDla 01' 1962 IOR All om>J"AllCS VACA'l'DICI '1118 IOualDa D9ICllJ8D CUL D• SAC LOCA'l'SD D '1118 CDT 0. wmlCSDOD, WPAS>• coua11, COl.mlD01 aw••Im A'l' A .-0%11'1' Gm '1118 Dft IJDS 01' D .. D Sftm, WBJCll IODl'f JI 10 l'Sft .. iB AllD 71 PD'l' mr OJ' .. tlOUIBDft COMD OP LO'f 12, mom 24, amlm'I 9IOAIMAY llUGB'flr N C• Oii A CUllft to BS La"l', .... llADJVS JI 25 Pmft, lBCll• C.nAL ARCILS JS 149• 02• 56• Am ..,.. ems-a ma1 rn1a 25 ...., nma ms IODl'l' or -Ja!m, All w DJl'D9Cll OJ' 65.03 .... '°A IODll'a IA re• sis• 28', 32• •• 48.19 rm to .. IODl'l' OP WDlllJm • .. , "'DPOU, .. J'l' OWDID ft 'lllS Clft COU•CJL OP '1'1111 CJft OP ltc!ft;~· ftat the hereinafter deaaribe4 property located in the City of .n;: -Od, Arapahoe county, COlor..SO, be and hereby ia cleclared vacate&! parauant to the proviaiona of lection 13, Article l, Chapter 120. COlorlMlo a..i..S Statutea 19S3, aa •anded, and tbat title thereto ahall ,,..t in the owner• of a1Nttin9 land a• provide4 in Aid Chapter 120: ••id wacated land being particularly deacribe4 aa followaa -inning at a point on the ••t aide of deeded •tr•t, wbicb point i• 10 feet north and 71 f•t wat of the aouti.aat corner of Lot 12, Block 24, Jackaon'• 9ra•ltay Beivht•r thence on a CU"ft to tb• left, wboM r .. iu i• 25 f•t, wboae central angle i• 149• 02' S6• and whoa• center J:teara 80atb 2S f•t from the point of be9inning, an arc diatance of 65.03 f•t to a point: thence s is• 28' 32• w, 48.19 f .. t to the pout of be9inning. 'l!'ft 2. ftat the bereinabove cleacr!W laDll ia located entirely within Cty of 8ft9l.wood, color.SO, and doe• not conatitute a boundary line beW..n the City of Bn9l.wood and any aoanty or other aunicipality. 11sfion 3. ftat the vacation of the bereinebn• deacribed cul de -c will not••• any .. joining land withCMat an eataltliabed public road con- nectin9 Aid land with another ••tabliahed public road. =i~ 4. ftat the City of -1-•• doe• hereby apreaaly r•••rv• the rtiti-0-"9y or ••••t• for the continued w of aiatin9 ,._r, gaa, "9ter, or aiailar pipe line• and appar~a ..... for ditch•• or e11nal• and appurtenance•, and for electric, tel-.lao•, and aiailar line• and appartancea. if any, now located in tbe b••lna1:1ow deactibed part of SnglftOGd. Paa..S on •ir•t reading by the City CDanoil of the City of Bn9lwoad, COlor.SO, thi• 18th day of June, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiabecl J.in full in tbe 8'91Mf004 &Hald and lfttHKiH. Paa..S on Pinal RelMling by the City COmcil of the City of Bn9lewood, COlondo, thi• 2n4 day of July, A.D. 1962, and or .. red publi•hed in full in the aplwupq« Berald en4 •Wprite. U,"2 '7~~ ...,..-Pro.,.. AtlD'l'a J, a. o. -~. City Clerk, City of 9n9l-..ood, COmlty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that tbe .-Ve and foregoing ordinance "9a introduced, rMd, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the 1ngtfu'°"' llif'w-' lntRpriM at a replar wtift9 of the City council held on • of Jw, A.D •• 1962, and that at 1-t 7 daya after above publication u a bill the above ordinance '998 approved, 9iopted and ordered publiahed in Aid legal nwapaper 1by the City COmcil at a ncJUlar -•tin9 held on the 2nd day of July. A.D. 1962, •• OEdinanoe llo. 11, leri•• of 1962, of -id City. AllB8'1'1 c:::