HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 023I · I Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Braun BY AU'l'llORift ORDillAllCB a>. 23, &DIBS OP 1962 All ORDDIAllCB VACATDG TllB POLLOWDJG DBSCRIBBD ALLft1 THAT PART OP 'DIB ALI.ft BBl'WBBR SOU'lll 11..\RIOll STRBBT AID> SOUTll LAPAYBTTB STRBBT Wllial ABUTS LOrS 15, 16 AID> ftl8 SOUTB 15 PDT OP WT 14 AIU> LOTS 35, 36 AID> 'l'BB SOU'l'B 15 rBBT OP LOT 37, BLOCK 15, BVAllS'l'OB Bm>AIMAY ADDITIOB, ALL D 'l'BB CI'IY OP mcn.BlfOOD. ARAPAllOB comm, COLORADO. BB IT ORMillBD BY '1'118 Cift COUllCIL OP '1'BB Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO: !!£!::' 1. 'l'bat the hereinafter deacribed property located in the City of Bng d, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby i• declared vacated parauant to the proviaiona of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado 11891..S Statut;ea 1953, •• aaencted, and that title thereto •hall veat in the owner• of abutting land, •• provided in aaid Chapter 1201 Hid yacated land beincJ particularly deacribed •• followa1 ' That part of th• alley between South Marion str-t and South Lafayette Str-t which abut• Lota 15, 16 and the aouth 15 feet of Lot 14 and Lota 35, 36 and th• aouth 15 f-t of Lot 37, Block 15, Bvanaton Broadway Addition. all in th• City of BnglewoOd, Arapahoe county, Color.So. Ststion 2. That the bereinabove deacribed land i• located entirely within the city of Bngl-..ood, Colorado and doe• not conatitute a boundary line between the City of Bnglewood and any county or other municipality. Stc:tion 3. ftuat the vacation of the hereinabov• deacribed alley will not i .... any adjoining land without an eatabliahed public road connecting aaid land with another ••tabliabed public road. &tction 4. 'ftlat th• City of Bnglewood doe• hereby expreaaly reaerve the righta-of-way or eaa ... nta for the continued uae of exiating •..an~:gaa, -ter. or •ilai.lar pipe line• and appurtenance•, and for ditch•• or canal• and appurtenane.a. and ~or e1actri.c. t.e1epbone. and aiai.1ar 1i.n•• and IPPKCIOll511 1 If any, nvw '~'"' in * b•l'•inuov• d••c:r1"d part of Bnqlewood. Paaaed on Pi.rat Readi.119 by th• Ci.ty Counci.1 of th• City of Bngl.ewood, Color.SO. thi• 6th day of Au911at, A.D., 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in th• lnallWOOd Herald and Bnterpri••· Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• 20th day of Auguat, A.D., 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in th• !pglfWOOd 1trald and Bnterpri••· ~;t1L~/ r-r ,, / v "'Mayor ,~ AftBST1 I, B. o. Beauaangt""City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bn9lt1WOod, County of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read in full, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in the BngltlWOOd Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the Ith day of Auguat, A.D., 1962, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in Hid legal newapaper by th• City Council at a re- gular -ting held on the 20th day of Auguat, A.D., 1962, aa Ordinance Ho. 23, Seri•• of 1962, of aaid City. A'.l'TBST1 (SML) , : ~ ~~ . •.. ..