HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 026-·!\ ...... .. .. "" Introdueced as a Bill by Councilman Love BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 26. SBRIES OP 1962 Alf ORDillAHCB 7.c>NING 'l'HB FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBRTY RBCBN'l'LY ANNBXED TO tllB Cift OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, AS C-2 (BUSDJBSS DISTRIC'l') CLASSIFICATION T0- 1fI'f1 LO'fS 7 !BROUGH 13. BLOCK 18. CBNTBllNIAL ACRBS, 2ND PILING, ALL IN 'l'HB CITY OP BllGLBMOOD, COUNTY OP ARAPAHOS, STATB OP COLORADO. WBBP.BAS, purauant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning Commission of the City of Bnglewood. Colorado, baa duly held public hearing on a certain pro- poaed -ndment to Ordinance No. 45. Series of 1955, •• amended, of the ordi- nance• of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado, known •• the "ZOning Ordinance of the City of Bngl9WOOd," and has made recommendation of the adoption of an ordinance -1>odying aaid amendment: and. lllllBRBAS, th• City Council has complied with the rules prescribed by its charter and ordinance• in taking the preliminary action in amending said Ordinance Ro. 45, Serie• of 1955. as amended1 and WBBRBAS, th• public neceasity. convenience, general welfare and good zon- ing practice• juatify the propoaed amendment to the zoning ordinance, as here- inafter ••t forth1 • _., TBBRUORB, BB IT ORJaINBD BY THB CITY COUllCIL OP TBB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD, COLOllAD01 !O:tion 1. 'l'h• hereinafter described property located withia the City of Bngl.d, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, recently annexed to said City of Bnglewood i• hereby zoned c-2 (Buaineaa Diatrict) Claaaification to-wits Lota 7 through 13. Block 18. Centennial Acrea, 2nd Piling. all in the City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. S!ction 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the hereinabove zoning i• juatified by the public necesaity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices. Introduced aa a Bill for an Ordinance at the regular meeting of the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, on Auguat 6, 1962, read a first time in full and ••t for public hearing before said City Council at the regular meet- ing of the City Council on September 4, 1962, at 8100 P.M. in the Council Cba•ber• at th• City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado. Notice of aaid hearing 8111bodyin9 this bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City council to be publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterprise. at i ... t fifteen daya before said hearing. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado,.thia 4th day of Sept.mer. A.D., 1962. and ordered publiahed in full in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thia 17th day of September. A.D., 1962. and ordered published in full in the Bngl8WOOCI Herald and Bnterpri••· ~J~~llh~ .--,--Mayor ---·-- AT'rBSTa I, 8. o. -u•~ City Clerk -Treaaurer, City ofBnglewood, Arapahoe county, Colorado, ~~•by certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced and read in full at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of Auguat, 1962. re-read, paaaed and ordered publiahed as a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on th• 4th day of September, 1962, and that at leaat 7 day• after publica- tion aa a bill the above ordinance was approved, adopted and ordered published in aaid legal n.wapaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of September, 1962, as Ordinance No. 26, Seri•• of 1962 of said City. ATTBS'1'1 (SBAL)