HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Ordinance No. 031··~.U..4 .. Iii . -. "
lntrodaced aa a Bill by councilaan Slmkler
ft AUl&OllJft
oaoDIAllCS m. 31, -I• or 1962
.... CDT or ••FIOOD, co~. D IVBLJWW ro•, 'ft) .. IC801lll AS '!'JIB
•w1c:uar. CODS or .. ~ft or •nr.aor 1BJC8 SAID ftDL.\ltY CODS D '1VB ADOPTS
n ...mes A8 89CmDMr COW CBU'fm 4 HWOUCm 49 MID 51 'i'IUllOUGll 54 OP '1'BB murmma com or t1m cnr AllD ooum or ...,. u 1aSUD AllD PVBLimD n 'ftlB
Clft m COUllft OP DmVD, COLO&.UO, D 1953, AllD BS 'l'a•tCAL PL1118DG CODB
DW Alm l'DLJ...., D 1961 • t'llS COIOltADO ftA'l'll DDAR918ft OP PUBLIC llllAllllh am 19DVlDim ...u.na JOa ms noLAnm &n.mr.
-l'I' ommm -.. Clft COUllCIL or ms Cift OP DICILTIOOD, COLORAD01
~ 1. •r-1 _CDd9 ~ _.tlMt City .2f ml~. 'l'he pabliah.S code -·· ... ~ •..a! 1'ade0! '"ibe--c:I't:.y or sa9 iii? at 1wt t:hr-cop.i•• of
~Clla Jin!• II••• prapmcl.~ oeru~~_. -awe aopj,em ~ tbe -..or and CJ.erk o~ tbe
~lty ol ln1lewcJ aJ are now on Ille arJ ava!lal,le lor !napec!lon ln Mie olllce 1
or the Ci.ty CJ.erk. .i• hereby enacted and adopted by reference •• a pr.imary code
and i.Dcorporatecl here.in. "l'be -.id primary code ha• been promal.gated by th•
City of ... 1-.od u a codification and reviaion of all the ordinance• of th•
City of IDgl...S which are of •49Ml"•l and pen1nent nature for the purpo••
of provi4in9 an up-to-date code of ordinance•, properly organised and indexed,
in pabliab.S form for the a•• of th• citiaena and officer• of th• aaid City.
~f • ... na .cma.. Chapter• 4 through 49 and chapter• 51 through
54 of tinf:cif~ City and County of Denver, being ordinance Ro.
140 of tbe aeri .. of 1949, •• incorporated in ordinance llo. 132 of the ••ri•• .
of 1952, u i•ned and pabli•bed by the City and COUnty of Denver, City and
CDallty a&ildin9, O.uer 2, Colorlldo, in July of 1953, except aa a.ended by the
aai4 primary ea.S., at l••t thr .. copi•• of which have been certified •• true
mpi• by tb• .. yor and Clerk of the City of SntJlM:NMMI are now on f il• and
aftilabl• for lnapection in tbe office of tbe City Clerk, i• hereby enacted and
..sopte4 by reference u a HCOndary code and inoorporated herein. 'l'h• aaid
••DGGtary code i• a emplete code covering all baildiDCJ• her•fter conatructed,
erected, •larcJed, altered or moved into th• City of SncJ&ewood, and it• purpo••
i• to provide llini-•tandard• Afec)UArd life or lillb, h-lth, property,
aal pablic w.lfare by regulating and controlling the cleaign, conatruction,
quality of •teriala, UM and occupancy, location, and Mintenance of all build-
inp and atracturu within the City of SntJlewood and certain equipaent apecif i-
cally r91Qlated therein.
!ftiop 3. ltnifi•l.!Ullbi• Code· 9-lfechnical Plmbing Code, i••ued ... ..;bab.S byCo or&tate Department of Public Health, 4210 saat 11th
Avenae, D9nver 20, color-*>, •• lldopted on OCtol»er 28, 1953 and -.ided on .n.ne 14, 1954, April 9, 1956, OCtober 9, 1961, and llovellber 13, 1961, at 1-•t
three copi .. of which have been certified aa true copi .. by the llayor and Clerk
of tbe City of Snglewood and are now on f il• and available for inapection in th•
office of the City Clerk, i• hereby enacted and adopted by reference •• a ••condary
code and incorporated herein. 'l'he Aid code r99'1latea and con~ol• th• deai9n,
aonatraction, quality of -teriala, workllanahip and location of all water, •ewer
aal drainlM)e pipe• and all plmbing fixture• which are inatalled, altered, or
repaired foruM in connect ;on with any buildiftCJ in th• City of Snglewood, and
tbe purpo-of th• Aid cod• i• to protect the health, aafety, property, and
public w.lfare of the citizen• of the City of SDCJlewood.
!etto@oi· ''llty ftoviaion,. 'lb• penalty proviaiona contained in th•
•11anicp. ~. of • City of Bng Mf004• are hereinafter ••t forth in fulls
•8!c:tion 27.1 Mquired Obedience to COde. It ahall be a
violation of thi• C04• for any peraon eo do any act which i• for
bidden or declared to be unlawful, or to fail to 4o or perform any
act required, in thJa Gode.
JStion 27. 2 Pini• .!Ill bn!l ti••. Any peraon who •hall be
convi of a violation of thi• Cide •hall be fined in a awa of not
l••• than fl.GO nor .:>re than f300.00, or impriaoned for a term not
exceeclin9 90 daya, for -ch offen••· Where any violation i• a con-
tinuing offenM, •ch day that th• violation continue• ahall be con-
aidered and held to be a aeparate and diatinct offen••·
•ltction 27.3 C!aglatiu B•ecli••· llbenner any act or con-
dition conatitutea a nuiaance or provide• a cauM of action for
injunction or other ~ivil r•ecly, the •aid r••di•• •hall be conaidered
to be CU11Ulative, and in addition to the penalti•• hereinabove pro-
videcl, and an action for abat ... nt, injuncion, or other =ivil remedy
My be brought againat auch violator.
•8!c:tion f7.4 rail90 Ji2 .bY Pi• -'"SiaoP-i;. If any
defen&t•nt abal neglect or refu•• to aatiafy anYfft; improaed for a
violation of thi• Code, he •hall upon order of th• manicipal court,
be ca it..S to the city jail or other place of conf inwnt provided
for that purpo•• until auch j\lclgllent and coat• are fully aatiafiec!1
providecl that no auch illpriaonment •hall exceed 90 day• for any one
Paaaed on Pirat Reading by th• City council of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado,
tbi• 15tb day of October, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the
8ft918UOCMI Beral4 and Snterpri-.
PuMd on Piaal Readiag by the City Council of the City of Bnfl.wood,
Color.SO tbi• 5tb day of llovember, A. D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full
in the mRgl.wood &erald and BnterpriH.
. --' vTT ...... Mayor
I, B. o. -uaang.t""City Clerk-Tr••arer, City ofBngl.wood, Arapaho• County,
Color.SO, do hereby certify that tbe above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced
and re.t in full at a regular wtin9 of tb• City council held on th• 15th day
of October, 1962, re-read, paaaed and ordered publiahed a• a bill in th• Bnglewood
Berald and Snterpri•• at a regular wting of th• City council held on th• 15th
day of OCtober, 1962, and that at l•-7 day• after publication a• a bill th•
above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publi•bed in nid legal new•-
paper by the City Council at a regular wting held on th• 5th day of llovmber,
~.. 1962, -Ordinance llo. 31, Seri•• of 1962, of -id City.
~~ .. us . ''" ..