HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 022J) ~ -~ / ,;vi (;V'~f ))1 Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Braun B!' AU'ftlORift ORDDIAllCB RD. 22, SDIBS OP 1961 Alf ORDDIAllCB AllDIDDIG ORDDIAllCB lfO .. 2, sma or 1953, OP TBB ORDIJIAllCBS or '1118 Cift OP •GLBllOOD, COLORADO IQfOIOf AS '1'118 ·BLBC'IRICAL CODI,. MD RB- PMLDG ALL ORDDIAllCBS OR PARTS OP ORDIDllCBS IR CQ9PLIC'l' llBRBlfI'IB. BB I'l' OltMIBBD BY '1'BB CITY OOUBCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP IDIGLBWOOD, COLORAJJO: llstion 1. All of the 5th paragraph of Section 3 of Ordinance Bo. 2, Seri•• of 1953 i• hereby deleted. 13~ 2. Section 7 of Ordinance Ito •. 2, Seri•• of 1953 ia hereby repeal th• following Section 7 aubatituted therefor: •sBC'l'IOR 7. BXAMIM'l'IOR POR LIC•SB. Ito electrical contractor, COntractor'• for-.a, or electrician •hall be iaaued a licenae, or work at hi• trade, until he ha• qualified by taking and paaaing a written m•ination fro• the State Blectrical Board of Bx•inera. •saah peraon ahall, after paaaing the atat• examination, and deairing to obtain an Bnglewood ~icenae, make application and pay to th• electrical inapec:tor or hi• clerk a fee of 'l'en Dollar• ($10.00) for aaid licenae. •'ftle grade made by each peraon taking the examination ahall be certified within 48 hour• by the examining board. •sach mmbar of the board of examiner•, except the electrical inapec- tor and the councilman repreaentative, •hall be paid the aum of Ten Dollar• (flO.OO) for each called .. •ting. •At leaat 2 ••ber• of the board of exaainera •hall have the power to call a ... ting of th• board at leaat once every 6 calendar month•, but no aore than 3 ... ting• in 6 calendar month• -Y be called•. !J9tion 3. Section 8 of Ordinance Ro. 2, Seri•• of 1953 i• hereby ••nd aa followas a. All of th• Mcond and fourth paragraph• of aub-aection (c) of aaid aection 8 are hereby repealed. b. The 6th, 7th and 8th paragraph• of aub-aection (c) of aection 8 of Ordinance Ro. 2, Seri•• of 1953, are hereby repealed and the following paragraph• aubatituted therefor: •aach contractor or electrician who ha• aatiafactorily paaaed th• re- quired ex.ination conducted by th• State of o:»lorado, and each apprentice electrician ahall have in hi• po•••••ion at all time• when working at hi• trade, an identif !cation card aigned by the electrical inapector. 'l'h• electrical inapector •hall have the ript to ... thi• identification card at .my ti••when th• electrician, operator, or apprentice i• working at hi• trade. All annual f .. • are due and payable on or before the lat day of January. •&o licen•• or permit ahall be iaaued by th• city clerk until he ahall obtain written approval fro• th• electrical inapector, auch approval to certify th• applicant ha• paaaed the required exa•ination for electrical contractor or electrician. •A t.-porary perait, upon approval of the electrical inapector, may be iaaued to a journeyman electrician to work with a licenaed electrician by the State of o:»lorado. 'l'elllpOrary perld.ta will be void after th• next quarterly exDination date. P•• for te1111pOrary permit• ahall be Piv• Dollar• (fS.00) for each perait.• S.cSif on 4. 'l'be lat par•fJZ'•ph of Section 11 of Ordinance Ito. 2, Seri•• of 1953, • hereby ~ed by deleting therefrom th• word• "City Clerk• and aub•ti tuting therefor the word• •Building Department• • Section 5. Section 13 of Ordinance IJo. 2, Seri•• of 1953, i• hereby amended aa followas a. 'l'h• word• •and in•pec:tion•• are hereby deleted from the caption of ••id Section 13. • b. 'l'b• word• •city Clerk• are hereby deleted from th• lat para- graph of aaid .. ction 13 and the word• "Building Department• aubatituted therefor. c. 'nle 8th para«Jraph of Section 13 of Ordinance Ito. 2, Seri•• of 1953 i• -..cted by •triking therefrom the word• •each fixture ••••••••• so• and aubatituting therefor th• word• •1•t fixture......... .so:• by adding i•rediately thereafter a nw line which •hall read •each additional fixture ... 4---:1.. .. . t ·1 l. ( .101• by adding in the next line after the word •Pixturea1• the word• •saw inatallationat• by deleting therefrom the wor .. •each additional aocket ••••• • 10• and aubatituting therefor th• word• •each additional aocket ••••• os•r by deleting therefrom the word• •each tranafoEaer •••••• 2.00 and •ub•tituting therefor the word• •1at tranafonaer •••••• 2.00•1 by adding an additional line i ediately thereafter which ahall read •• follow• •each additional tranaformer ••••••• so.• 89ction 6 a. 'l'h• 4th paragraph of Section 14 of Ordinance Ro •. 2, Seri•• of 1953 i• hereby wnded by adding the word •1ateat• betw.en the first word of Aid paragraph and th• aecond word of aaid paragraph. b. Sub-aection • f• of the ••ction entitled • SBRvzas• of sec:~d.on 14 of Ordinance llo. 2, Seri•• of 1953, i• hereby deleted and a naw aub- aection aub8tituted therefor which •hall nad •• follow•• •(f) A aervice awitch •hall have a rating not l••• than the load to be carried: and ahall have a rating of not l••• than 100 a.per• if a awitch i• uaed, and not l .. • than 100 • ..,._. •• if a circuit breaker i• uaed.• c. Sub-aection (g) of the title •sDVICBS• of Section 14 of Ordinance llo. 2, Seri•• of 1953, i• hereby repealed and the following aub-aection aubatituted therefor: •(g) Service entrance conductor• •hall not be -11er than Ro. 2, except by apecial perai••ion.• &tction 7. Sub-aection (b) of Section 16 of Ordinance Ito. 2, Serie• of 1953, i• hereby a.ended by deleting the laat .. ntence therefrom. Section 8. All ordinance• and part• of ordinance• in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. P•••ed on r.irat Reading by th• City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, thi• 20th day of June, A.D., 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnqlnood Herald and lnterpri••· P•••ed on Final Reading by the City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, thi• 3rd day of July, A.D. 1961, and ordered publi•hed in full in th• 8lalM!OOCI Herald and Bnterpri••· t AftBST1 I, B. o. Bea""6ng, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglnood, county of Arapmboe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed •• a bill in the Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular wting of the City council held on the 20th day of June, A.D., 1961 and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in Aid legal nawapaper by the City council at a revular ••t- ing held on the 3rd day of July A.D., 1961 aa Ordinance Ro. 22, Seri•• of 1961, of aaid City. A'l"l'BST1